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"I watched this film today and I recommend/don't recommend it."

There was one I watched that was a lot worse than that. It was some dumb ass thing about a loyal soldier who kill the king because he has a vision of him being king, and thinks he is invincible until a forest comes up to his castle and attacks. Shit was weird I can not even remember the name it was 2 years ago i watched it. Plus it was black and white


I just saw Jennifer's body, this has to be the worst/most confusing movie I've ever seen.

Bottom line, don't watch it.


MFM Survivor
Movies I recently watched: (SPOiLERS)

White Out (in theatres): I would honestly have to say, one of the worst movies I've ever, ever seen. I would have walked out half way through and asked for my money back if I had payed to watch it (I used to work at said theatre), which really says something about a movie. It was very under-developed and the acting was horrible/predictable.
Really, the most boring thing I can honestly think of watching would be a girl trying to survive in a snow storm whilst she is getting chased by a man who wants to kill her for NO reason what soever. After she finds out that the doctor is really behind all of this, he calmly admits it and just walks out into the storm without any protection and just disappears (he offs himself).
It seemed like every time something had POTENTIAL to be SLIGHTLY interesting, they would fade to black and cut to the next scene as if to say "Yepp, it'd be sweet if we knew how to make this interesting, but we don't.... so here's the next scene."
The acting was really shitty too.
Bad, just fucking BAD.

Last night I went to see The Final Destination, which is the LAST movie in the series, thank God:
I actually payed to see it, since I'm 8 hours from home.
Once again, this movie was horrible, but I expected it to be, so I wasn't so pissed off.
My friend dragged me to see it, and I was expecting cheese the entire time.... I was right.
It's just so boring and unnecessarily gross. I'm all for gore, but some of the shit here was senseless, disgusting shit. The special effects.... I could have done a better job, TBH. And I have NO idea how to do that shit. It was just so flakey and it seemed like they had a $2 budget. It's the same as all the other movies and they just end it by spontaneously killing off the last three survivors. I was glad, at least it was over.
The acting was HORRRRRRRIBLE. Just badddddd. There was even a spot where a guy was talking and stuttered (obviously an acting mistake and not a character trait in the movie). They kept the take and just kept going. It was bad. And after he fucked up, you could tell that the other person kind of hesitated with their line because they probably expected the director to yell "cut."

Halloween II (Rob Zombie movie, in theatres):
This movie was actually not too bad. I think Rob Zombie does a good job at "revisiting" old movies. His renditions of the series have been quality so far. There were a few spots where the gore was just too much (the beginning, you see a guy get in a car accident with a cow and you see him sit there for 2-3 minutes bleeding from his mouth saying "fuck" over and over again. You could hear his teeth moving around in his mouth. I have never been so close to puking in a movie). And again, I'm not usually bothered by gore. But the acting in the movie was great and I enjoyed the movie.

The Orphan (in theatres):
I went in not expecting it to be good.
To my surprise, I really enjoyed it. The actress that played the little girl was very, very good. Although the plot of the story was a little "ehhhh," it was, overall, enjoyable. Once you found out that the little girl was, in fact, not a little girl, her acting changed. This is how strong of an actress she is. You seriously believed that she was 30-40 (can't remember the age she was supposed to be). The way she carried herself after we found out she was older was ridiculous. I really can't wait to see this girl when she's older.

The Uninvited (DVD):
I had seen A Tale of Two Sisters (the movie this film is based on) years ago when I was much younger. We watched it again a couple years ago in high school (film appreciation). I think, compared to the original Korean movie, The Uninvited wasn't exactly the best. But it was completely different and is still probably the best remake I've seen of an asian film in a long time. It was basically the same plot, but it made a little more sense. They closed all the doors that were left open in the original, and by that, took away our imagination. One of the problems I have with American film is that they don't let us use our imagination. Regardless, I thought the acting was strong, and the plot was well-established. The step mother did a great job at pissing me off, which I always love about movies; feeling emotions. I think, though, that they should have kept the original ages of the sisters. The main character is supposed to be older than her sister, which gives us a feeling that she is watching out for her and taking care of her. In this version, the main character is younger, which helps add to the "helpless" feeling, but doesn't really let us connect to her because we don't care if her sister it alive or dead.

Finally, this brings me to Good Dick, which I finished watching not half an hour ago.
Good Dick (DVD):
This is an Indie film with recent main-stream success (?).
Overall, this movie was fucked up, but still good. We never learn the two main characters' names, which was a little frustrating, but it adds to the awkwardness of the movie. It's about this guy that basically stalks this girl at first. He's in love with her, homeless, and figures out a way to make her let him live with her. It's very strange and we don't find out much about the characters' background, which is hard to determine what kind of people the used to be, all we know is what they are NOW. Thinking about it, it makes it almost realistic. At the end, she winds up falling in love with him (I think). It's hard to take anything from this movie, and maybe as time goes by, I'll be able to figure it out a little more.

Holy shit that was a long post.


That Guy I Am
Just finished watching the 3 blade movies, first is pretty good, second sucks, third is awesome.


New Member


is Over 9000
I recently went to see District 9 in the cinema with a friend, he wanted to see it because it'd been out a while and he thought it might stop showing soonish. I wasn't really too keen on going, but too be honest, it's the best movie I have seen in months; and I go to the cinema pretty much once a week. I'd go into more detail, but I'm tired, I wanna go to bed. Suffice to say that it was easily 10/10, and I'd recommend it to pretty much anyone. :tup:


New Member
Watched Oldboy... Honestly, I don't know what the make of it. On the one hand, I thought the premise was kind rediculous for 99% of the movie... On the other hand, the final twist pretty much made up for it.

It's hard to say that I really liked a movie where I said "What, really?" about a hundred times, but I yeah, it was a good movie. Definitely recommend it. Would absolutely understand if somebody didn't like it though.


Just some dood
I just came back from watching "The Soloist". Awesome movie... Best 5.20€ I've ever wasted. Period.


Watched Oldboy... Honestly, I don't know what the make of it. On the one hand, I thought the premise was kind rediculous for 99% of the movie... On the other hand, the final twist pretty much made up for it.

It's hard to say that I really liked a movie where I said "What, really?" about a hundred times, but I yeah, it was a good movie. Definitely recommend it. Would absolutely understand if somebody didn't like it though.

I second that recommendation.

Did it give any good tips?

Oh hell yeah it did, it helped me out in a few games.


New Member
Watched the first 45 minutes of Downfall. German film documenting the last few days of Nazi Germany. From what I've seen so far, if you can watch films with subtitles, its awesome, and according to my History teacher, really accurate.


Watched the first 45 minutes of Downfall. German film documenting the last few days of Nazi Germany. From what I've seen so far, if you can watch films with subtitles, its awesome, and according to my History teacher, really accurate.

Our teacher says it's a good film too; that and Platoon.


Quality Haxing Since 1991

Crazy-ass movie. I liked it though. It's incredibly over-the-top and totally outrageous, but it also makes you think and throws in some humor.


Just some dood
I did... Plot sucked, but it was an amazing visual experience.