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Site Direction. Needs improvement.


I call for an MDPR: MfM Edition.

But seriously, I kind of agree with eighty4. We need some space, but we also need some better moderation. Again, the problem's stemming from an overload of idiots, but I don't think stricter rules will solve anything.

---------- Post added at 01:59 AM EST ---------- Previous post was at 01:58 AM EST ----------

I'm quite open to jokes it's the trolling and abuse that has gone on that's the problem. That's what we need to get rid of. I'm not naming anyone in particular here as it's not just one single person.

I'm naming one of the biggest: yo! blacksheep.


I'm not dead
I noticed. I also noticed from QJ that a ban won't solve problems sometimes.
Well that sort of thing isn't up for public discussion. If/when we come to that situation then it will be dealt with. So far though he hasn't made a dupe account so it would appear that the temp ban has got through to him.


Well-Known Member
lol @ eighty4 saying IRC's strict, it's pretty mad, but you can still have serious talk when it's needed.


Active Member
There's a clear divide not only with the forums and irc, but also to the nature of people that are JUST out for themselves and the people trying to improve this place. The fun at all cost mentality doesn't go back to just new users that don't get the nature of mformature, it goes back to a lot to these old users that think they should have fun at the cost of others.

You singled me out on IRC as one of the people who does nothing but for myself...

<Lampworker> why do I even bother to have this conversation? you are going to do EXACTLY as you see fit to entertain yourself. you don't give a flying shit about anything productive to this site as a whole, as long as your entertained.

So with one article, the front page comment filter and the forum prefix filter under my belt I'd like to ask what you've done. #mfm.help? It's badly organized, barely advertised and severely underused.
So instead of calling everyone else out, try and improve your game first because right now this is a classic example of the pot calling the kettle black.

I will watch it destroy the place I hoped to call home.
And please cut down on the drama, no one's life is at stake here -.-


Active Member
You make it sound like enjoying myself shouldn't be my no. 1 concern. My services were voluntary, why would I continue to do voluntary work that wasn't appreciated, that I hated, for people who didn't care if I was even here?

Also I did not get bored. It was just so extremely difficult to work on this site. I was not given even limited access to a test environment on the server. I have to try and duplicate server conditions on my local machine. You know how hard that is to do on a site as heavily modified as this? Almost impossible. I would have to have invested hours of my time for an issue that came down to the staff not trusting me. You think I'd invest myself that deeply for people who didn't really trust me?

And I know for a fact you could have became staff but you don't like labels or some bullshit like that. You just want this place to be your own little land of serious but the problem is nearly no one agrees with you and it's driving you mad.

Abe Froeman

Gamer Dad
Enforcer Team
You two can continue your conversation via PM.

On topic, we are still listening to your opinions on the site direction and will publicly announce what we have come up with when we are ready.


Quality Haxing Since 1991
I'm sorry but you could really use a little lightening up.

You come into this forum, have 106 posts, and think that it's your duty to the integrity of the site to "improve" it as you see fit. That's self-righteous bullshit. Your "rep" doesn't mean that you're suddenly the moral leader of the forums, yet you act like you're the head moderator cracking down on out-of-control forum trolls (you're not), or more appropriately, like you're some father trying to control unruly children (and failing). I didn't really have an opinion of you before this thread, but let me tell you that your attitude is really pissing me off, especially the last two pages where you try to pretend like you're better than another member because you're not Mr. JokeyMcJokesterPants or some bullshit.

You don't get to put down other members who have been here longer and quite frankly probably have gained more respect than you just because you see yourself as some superior forum asset is the definition of a dick. It's ok, though. Just keep touting your reputation and perceived irreplaceable value to the forums that you "call home."

My favorite part though, is how you end your posts with smug little retorts that make it obvious how big your ego is that you think you're quipping "zingers" at Chathurga, when really you sound like a retarded spawn of Horatio Cane.


EDIT: Woops, started this post before Abe's post. Oh well... :-/


Ham Eater
So with one article, the front page comment filter and the forum prefix filter under my belt I'd like to ask what you've done.

lolcake?... Lampworker has helped literally hundereds (probably closer to 1000) people hack their psp single handedly on our network. Step by step. One at a time. Think that's an exaggeration? It's not. He's been there for longer than the couple years I've been there helping multiple people every day. And about a year and a half ago when it was uber busy, he'd help close to 40 people a day. Not to mention the many many people he's had mail batteries to him to convert to pandora when they had no other option.

He's also the type that's humble about what he does, who doesn't accept titles or privileges for helping, and who doesn't even try to make himself sound good by telling the simple truth about the vast amount of help and effort he's dumped into the network. (He's still there helping people hack every single day.) Not only that, but he was the most laid back staff member on the psp hacks scene back when he chose to be a part of staff. In fact, if I remember right, he left staff because of how retardedly strict their rules are and got fed up with waiting for changes that were never gonna happen. So I have a feeling, given the amount of faith I have in his opinion and based off his history, if he's saying that we need to make some changes, he's probably right.

And to be honest, I'd trade most all the network for another Lampworker. I think we'd be better off in a lot of ways =P And yeah... he's that cool.


Quality Haxing Since 1991
Very true. What are some ideas/suggestions on actually improving the site? I see a lot of complaints but not many solutions.

One thing I would really like to see more of are community events, things like the treasure chest, or nights when we would play Killzone, or the TF2 tournaments you guys have. Those kinds of things are really good for the community because they're fun and bring everyone together outside of just typing text into a box on a website.


Active Member
I agree. I honestly liked the forums back when ABe would run community events on XBL, and others on PS3, and then everyone just well enough knew each other to fool around and know that it wasn't doing anything harmful.

Also, I think the definition of trolling has been altered as far as I've seen on IRC. Everyone thinks when you use sarcasm, joke around, or insult someone, in a way that's a joke, since all of us on IRC are buds, is labeled as trolling. Trolling is when you give false information and let someone carry it out in a malicious way. I'd really like to see this forum go back to it's original glory, and I think it's needed that we get someone to make a thread with ALL the information needed on how to use the PSP with HEN GEN-A and whatever else there is. It would honestly eliminate have the thread copies and would then make those threads disappear quicker if people begin linking to them.


I agree. I honestly liked the forums back when ABe would run community events on XBL, and others on PS3, and then everyone just well enough knew each other to fool around and know that it wasn't doing anything harmful.

Also, I think the definition of trolling has been altered as far as I've seen on IRC. Everyone thinks when you use sarcasm, joke around, or insult someone, in a way that's a joke, since all of us on IRC are buds, is labeled as trolling. Trolling is when you give false information and let someone carry it out in a malicious way. I'd really like to see this forum go back to it's original glory, and I think it's needed that we get someone to make a thread with ALL the information needed on how to use the PSP with HEN GEN-A and whatever else there is. It would honestly eliminate have the thread copies and would then make those threads disappear quicker if people begin linking to them.

Certain moderators don't support this. They prefer to hand feed members information every single time. It's not a very wise approach at dealing with something but whatever :/