• Steam recently changed the default privacy settings for all users. This may impact tracking. Ensure your profile has the correct settings by following the guide on our forums.


  1. TheGreaterNine7

    Suggestion: Cards in profile.

    Hello!! I've been thinking about an idea and I think it would be cool: A site's own collection service, which depends on completing a game on some platform. It's like collectible cards that you can display on your profile to show that you've mastered a title or achieved a certain achievement...
  2. IntensoFOX

    Steam Profile Awards - Question

    I have seen this section on my Steam profile, I received some awards, see ( https://steamcommunity.com/id/IntensoFOX/awards/ ), but it does not appear on my profile. How to insert this section to complete the profile view? See the example at...
  3. Ciceron14

    [Bug] There seem to be issues with "Days Hours Minutes" playtime format

    Hello there! Was trying out this format because counting in days makes me rethink my life choices more, and I noticed a couple of things: -> Higher play times are not showing the correct day count Examples of this in my profile are Destiny 2 (Steam & PS4), Rocket League (Steam & PS4) and...
  4. G

    Exophase not reading my Public Steam profile

    Hi admins I have an issue linking my Steam account to this site. I have a profile that seems to have all of the correct privacy settings turned to Public and playtime also made public. Any help with this would be great, thanks.
  5. kerchez

    Profile link change request

    Hey! Since I didn't find an option on the site to change the profile link, it would be possible to change my profile link from https://www.exophase.com/user/Kerch/ to https://www.exophase.com/user/kerchez/ ? I checked and there's no one using this link now. This is the nick I use on all...
  6. 74R45

    Links not allowed in "About you" section?

    I wanted to attach a link to the "About" section of my profile, but I guess it's not allowed? Here's the link I wanted to add: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1oSDUhAgBKBigPMcp-pG-n4MFsu5rCTHWUy0H0pdjTqc/edit?usp=sharing This spreadsheet includes all sorts of stuff about my achievement...
  7. KGBc00L

    Ideas for stats

    I have an idea for the stats page. Maybe it won't be too much work. Instead of just the area graph of overall progression, I was thinking it could also display the platform on which the progression took place. Interesting things you could learn from that, is when you started/stopped gaming on a...
  8. KGBc00L

    Feature suggestions

    Hi. Thanks for an awesome site! :) Even so, I have some suggestions. 1. Option to display aggragates (sum(time spent), max(last played) etc.) on games cross platform (i.e. Minecraft stats on Win, PS4, Xbox combined, and not separately. ) 2. A way to alter the sort order for more that just...
  9. Dynamite Javvy

    Can't change my PSN ID

    Hello! I changed my PSN ID today but in my exophase's profile can't change it. I tried several times but I still see the old ID. Thank you!

    Exophase card

    So can i put my exophase card on my steam profile....and if so will it automatically update itself?