This is a list of working plugins and homebrew. I run a ta-082 3.10oea,usbhost fixed ( also psp. This is an answer to The ever reoccuring question I see all around "My psp is uber 3.10 oea ,,, but it still looks the same , what can I do with it now."
This assumes you have read the OE Usage manual found below
Homebrew that roxxorz
1. Away from Keyboard Instant Messenger - AIM ICQ MSN Gtalk and Yahoo updated No instructions,, read the readme it's all inclusive.
2. PSP-FTPD -Access your PSP via wifii (lost usb cable) Very simple install (use1.5 fw files )
3. PSPhost v2.0 - Pc client to enable Pimpstreamer & usbiso automatically when windows starts, & change iso dir too. Again every thing is in the readme. This is ultra simple.
4. PimpStreamer -Watch videos & listin to music from your pc. Dont forget to edit the config file (check the readme)
5. Rythm -Beat machine , Kinda like "Reason" if you've used it.
6. Wifi Sniffer -Find and log near by Acces points ip & protection type.
7. PSP PDF -Open and view pdf files on your psp.
8. IRSHELL 3.1 - omg it has every thing,,turn your psp into a tv remote!! but wifi toggle doesnt work over 2.71
Install the irshell file to ms:root
Install the 150 files (2) from psp/game to your GAME150 folder
Down load pronto codes from and put them into x:/irshell/ircodes on your ms
9. SOON Psp weather - This bad ass little app gives you "weather bug" functionality. Waiting on an update , involving a few improvments b4 links go up.
1. USB ISO plugin for 3.02oe -Load ISO on your pc ,via usb on the psp.
I will probably type up a nice instruction page on this. All the info is in the readme. It can just be a bit confusing unless you read the whole readme before you try it. And I'm hoping to find a less buggy version.
2. Vshanalog - Use the analog stick to controll xmb.
3. Screen shot/ Video capture Module for 2.71 se -Takes screen shots and Video captures.
I just found the prx copied it to <pspdrive leter>:/seplugins , then edited the files acording to the readme.txt using the 2.71se instructions. Theres tons of options in the readme. Be sure to capatolize on them by reading it.
(not working on 3.40 oe yet)4. Battery level prx -Displays the actual percent of battery left in the battery icon. And hours left in a bar cool shit!
There are a litteral ton of cheat engines , unfortunatly I dont use them, so I couldnt guess which one to post.
A bunch more to add in. Just making a post to edit info into. PS if you have tested a better usb/iso prx please send me some info this ones kinda weird, and locks up if it doesnt connect. But it works. I'm always interusted to hear about new prx or old ones I dont know about. Please pm.
Any info I post I test on the firmware and psp I have, I wouldnt post it if I didnt think it was safe, But as always Use This Info At Your Own Risk
This assumes you have read the OE Usage manual found below
Homebrew that roxxorz
1. Away from Keyboard Instant Messenger - AIM ICQ MSN Gtalk and Yahoo updated No instructions,, read the readme it's all inclusive.
2. PSP-FTPD -Access your PSP via wifii (lost usb cable) Very simple install (use1.5 fw files )
3. PSPhost v2.0 - Pc client to enable Pimpstreamer & usbiso automatically when windows starts, & change iso dir too. Again every thing is in the readme. This is ultra simple.
4. PimpStreamer -Watch videos & listin to music from your pc. Dont forget to edit the config file (check the readme)
5. Rythm -Beat machine , Kinda like "Reason" if you've used it.
6. Wifi Sniffer -Find and log near by Acces points ip & protection type.
7. PSP PDF -Open and view pdf files on your psp.
8. IRSHELL 3.1 - omg it has every thing,,turn your psp into a tv remote!! but wifi toggle doesnt work over 2.71
Install the irshell file to ms:root
Install the 150 files (2) from psp/game to your GAME150 folder
Down load pronto codes from and put them into x:/irshell/ircodes on your ms
9. SOON Psp weather - This bad ass little app gives you "weather bug" functionality. Waiting on an update , involving a few improvments b4 links go up.
1. USB ISO plugin for 3.02oe -Load ISO on your pc ,via usb on the psp.
I will probably type up a nice instruction page on this. All the info is in the readme. It can just be a bit confusing unless you read the whole readme before you try it. And I'm hoping to find a less buggy version.
2. Vshanalog - Use the analog stick to controll xmb.
3. Screen shot/ Video capture Module for 2.71 se -Takes screen shots and Video captures.
I just found the prx copied it to <pspdrive leter>:/seplugins , then edited the files acording to the readme.txt using the 2.71se instructions. Theres tons of options in the readme. Be sure to capatolize on them by reading it.
(not working on 3.40 oe yet)4. Battery level prx -Displays the actual percent of battery left in the battery icon. And hours left in a bar cool shit!
There are a litteral ton of cheat engines , unfortunatly I dont use them, so I couldnt guess which one to post.
A bunch more to add in. Just making a post to edit info into. PS if you have tested a better usb/iso prx please send me some info this ones kinda weird, and locks up if it doesnt connect. But it works. I'm always interusted to hear about new prx or old ones I dont know about. Please pm.
Any info I post I test on the firmware and psp I have, I wouldnt post it if I didnt think it was safe, But as always Use This Info At Your Own Risk