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Donot use fake memory cards for OE installs


If you recieve an sha-1 error while trying to run the oeupdatemaker STOP>

Some memory cards are considerd "fake" These cards stand a decent chance of bricking your psp!!!

To determine if your card is fake follow these simple steps

1. In xmb goto Video / memory stick
2. Press triangle
3. Press x over "Information"

If its real it displays :
magicgate Supported

Other wise its fake and don't use it.
thanks, just updated the OE guide with this info too.
I thought the daxar check was soposed to counter this from happening. I wasn't aware it was possbile to happen since the change was made. :(
WELL I JUST FOUND OUT MY MEM STICK IS SUPOSEBLY A FAKE AFTER I ALREADY INSTALL 3.10oe A but i had no problems with installin 3.10oe A so whats that mean?
Yeah results like yours brandon, made alot of us think we were safe guarded from the freak incidince of corrupt info on fake cards.... But a guy sacrificed his psp to prove it can happen. (hence the warning)

I would just hold off and get a real one for future updates.
bugger....i checked my 1 gig memory card....its a sony one...and it says "Magicgate : Unknown".....weird... :S
I would just like to add a side note to this, be very careful when buying Memory Sticks on Ebay. They have massive problems with counterfeits for all types of memory cards.
I would just like to add a side note to this, be very careful when buying Memory Sticks on Ebay. They have massive problems with counterfeits for all types of memory cards.

Jeese, this would've been extremely helpful a while ago. I bought a 2GB Sandisk memory stick from Ebay. It has the MAGICGATE logo on it just like my 32MB PSP memory stick. However, in the XMB, it says MAGICGATE: Unknown (for my 2GB stick). Then I just noticed, the 2GB memory stick I have is a PRO Duo, and the PSP memory stick is just a DUO. Is it possible that it's a genuine memory stick but my PSP doesn't recognize the MAGICGATE because it's a PRO Duo? It even has official SanDisk serial numbers on the back and the country it was made in.

I may wind up needing to buy a 64 or 128 MB PSP memory stick from EBGames in order to install the custom Firmware.
Jeese, this would've been extremely helpful a while ago. I bought a 2GB Sandisk memory stick from Ebay. It has the MAGICGATE logo on it just like my 32MB PSP memory stick. However, in the XMB, it says MAGICGATE: Unknown (for my 2GB stick). Then I just noticed, the 2GB memory stick I have is a PRO Duo, and the PSP memory stick is just a DUO. Is it possible that it's a genuine memory stick but my PSP doesn't recognize the MAGICGATE because it's a PRO Duo? It even has official SanDisk serial numbers on the back and the country it was made in.

I may wind up needing to buy a 64 or 128 MB PSP memory stick from EBGames in order to install the custom Firmware.

my sony memory card was the same.a 1gig card that i got WITH the psp.it said magicgate on it and yet when i checked it in the menu it said "Magicgate : Unknown"

i still used it for downgrading and upgrading to v3.10 OE a' and everything went ok but even still i'd recommend following the advice at the top and get one that is Magicgate,just to be safe.

also,that advice about ebay.....it applys for everything you buy from it....even a piece of cheese.... ;)
Hey guys. I just found this piece of software. Do you think it will work. It's designed to put your memory stick under read/write tests to determine whether your new memory stick is genuine or fake. It's called PSX Reality Memory Stick Tester. However, I'm not quite sure on how it works. You will need FW 1.00, 1.5 or any custom firmware as it is homebrew.

@ JKing: "Scandisk...Easy enought." I'm not quite sure on what you mean by that. :S
i don't think unknown really means its a fake....

i checked my 1 gig MS that i got with my psp....it came up as unknown but then i carefully pried it open to check the memory instead it after seeing it in a guide on ebay and it was a samsung one......so i don't know what was going on with mine.... :S
If i open my XMB and the to video's --> information --> At my psp i can only see the user vapacity and Free space.. I don't see magicgate supported ?
If i open my XMB and the to video's --> information --> At my psp i can only see the user vapacity and Free space.. I don't see magicgate supported ?

which firmware are you running? if its an older one like 1.5 I don't think it shows the MagicGate information.
Okay. Well, I made OE 3.30 DATA.DXAR file with my 2GB "MagicGate: Unknown" Sandsisk memory stick, but I didn't get any SHA-1 error. What does this mean?

By the way, I have absolutely no inclination to upgrade to 3.30 OE or anything else for that matter with a "MagicGate: Unknown" memstick.
so how do I determine if I'm BUYING a fake then :confused1: ?
Are all the big memory cards ( 1-4 gig ones ) all fake!?
Thinking of buying a sandisk memory stick pro duo and I want to be able to downgrade with it...thats the whole point of me buying a mem stick, being able to downgrade :laugh: