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PSN Dw gundam 2 online achievements


New Member
I still am trying to get all achievements for dw gundam 2 and i have no luck in finding someone that will help me, i also have the same situation on soul caliber 2 HD online, whats preventing me from getting the platinum trophy is the online. Please someone help me my username is xVxGreenNinja and I will be on at random times so I have no time or date because of school and all of that.
honestly, you should specify that you are on the Playstation platform because saying achievements may confuse some people and think that you are on Xbox. And I would help but i no longer have the physical disc with me..
honestly, you should specify that you are on the Playstation platform because saying achievements may confuse some people and think that you are on Xbox. And I would help but i no longer have the physical disc with me..
Ok i will mention the platform the next time i ask some help thx. Also i just realised i can reply. Still new to the forum making stuff here.