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Game Icon Submissions


Rock Band 2 (Xbox 360)​


Rock Band 3 (Xbox 360)​

Rock Band 3 (Retro - DS)​


Rock Band Blitz (Xbox 360)​


The Beatles: Rock Band (Xbox 360)​


Green Day: Rock Band (Xbox 360)​

Soul Blade.png

Soul Blade (Retro - PS1)​

Gotta love it when a title screen makes a perfect icon.
I would add the manual listing but it's only listed as Soul Edge on Giant Bomb, I assume we still can't rename manual games or add new ones yet. Really wish we could.

Oh, also, is there some way I can access the original icons for games that now have custom ones?

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FIFA 21 (All Platforms) <- rename the EA SPORTS FIFA 21 ones to just FIFA 21
FIFA 21 (Manual - Switch)

^ I've noticed some PS4 icons aren't the full 364 x 200 (this one is 320 x 176) not sure why that is.
Also this icon has been copied to several platforms already but the large size (288 x 158) was copied not the original size. Don't know if that matters much or if you want to fix it but I thought I'd point it out.


FIFA 20 (All Platform) <- rename the EA SPORTS FIFA 20 ones to just FIFA 20
FIFA 20 (Manual - Switch)


Madden NFL 21 (All Platforms)


Madden NFL 20 (Xbox One)

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View attachment 11328

FlatOut: Ultimate Carnage (Xbox 360)​

FlatOut: Ultimate Carnage (GFWL)​

FlatOut: Ultimate Carnage (Steam)​

Hey so I just found out Games for Windows Live achievements can still be earned (I assumed GFWL was dead but you can still login) and there are a bunch of Steam games that still use it.

I noticed if you have one of these games it gets separate game listings on our profiles for Steam and GFWL. Steam tracks playtime but doesn't have achievements, GFLW has achievements but doesn't track playtime.

Would it be possible to combine the two to create a single game listing with all the info? This doesn't apply to many games but I think that would be pretty cool. Here's a mock-up to show you what I mean. Separate listings above, combined listing below:

View attachment 11329

And it's also cool to see which Steam games have GFWL achievements by having both platform labels.

Or if that can't be done, just connecting the two in some way so the playtime is copied over to the GFWL one?
I just though it would be neat to combine the two incomplete parts to make a complete whole.
Sorry for the late reply on this one. Yeah as the game list loads in we can add a check that merges the listings. Since the list is paginated it wouldn't really be possible to merge them this way if the last played dates are too far apart (~50 games are loaded at a time as you scroll), but they should always appear close together since the last played date is also updated on GFWL when playing on Steam.

Only limitation is that for other sorting methods this approach would not work (ie. when sorting by earned achievements the Steam one wouldn't show up). In order to get that working it would be required to actually merge these on backend, which would be more complicated. But seems simple to implement if we do it for the last played view only.


FIFA 21 (All Platforms) <- rename the EA SPORTS FIFA 21 ones to just FIFA 21
FIFA 21 (Manual - Switch)

^ I've noticed some PS4 icons aren't the full 364 x 200 (this one is 320 x 176) not sure why that is.
Also this icon has been copied to several platforms already but the large size (288 x 158) was copied not the original size. Don't know if that matters much or if you want to fix it but I thought I'd point it out.
Should be fixed now.
View attachment 11353

Soul Blade (Retro - PS1)​

Gotta love it when a title screen makes a perfect icon.
I would add the manual listing but it's only listed as Soul Edge on Giant Bomb, I assume we still can't rename manual games or add new ones yet. Really wish we could.

Oh, also, is there some way I can access the original icons for games that now have custom ones?

Don't have a public way of doing that right now. The original image links are stored though, I think I could can give you access to view them. I will follow up with you about that in PM soon.
Sorry for the late reply on this one. Yeah as the game list loads in we can add a check that merges the listings. Since the list is paginated it wouldn't really be possible to merge them this way if the last played dates are too far apart (~50 games are loaded at a time as you scroll), but they should always appear close together since the last played date is also updated on GFWL when playing on Steam.

Only limitation is that for other sorting methods this approach would not work (ie. when sorting by earned achievements the Steam one wouldn't show up). In order to get that working it would be required to actually merge these on backend, which would be more complicated. But seems simple to implement if we do it for the last played view only.
I suppose it should work for alphabetical too. Still, not a perfect solution. It's not super important and only applies to a handful of games anyway, I just thought it would be neat.

Actually I have had another idea bouncing around my head for a while that could cover this issue. Game "stacking" or grouping. I've noticed some people like to play the same game on different platforms to "stack" the achievements. It would be cool it we could group those games together into a single, expandable listing on our profiles, adding the total play time together, showing the most recent last played date, either showing the users preferred platform for achievement progress or combining them into a total progress bar... there would be a few different ways to go about it.

I imagine that might be complicated to implement, and we don't have custom user game lists yet either which should probably be implemented first but it's something to think about. Just as an example I have Tekken 7 on three platforms, would be nice if my profile showed the Steam version as the main one with a drop down/expand button to reveal the other two under it.

Don't have a public way of doing that right now. The original image links are stored though, I think I could can give you access to view them. I will follow up with you about that in PM soon.
Oh cool, I'd appreciate that, thanks.
@YouGotHitByGunner Tetris Effect: Connected on PS4 is now appearing at the top of my profile even though it's in alphabetical, you might want to check if it was renamed properly. This happened once before and I believe the issue was a space at the beginning of the name or something.

I also posted a couple more icons above the previous post, in case you missed those :)
Thank you, the issue should be fixed. Haven't missed it, just had my hands full with construction help and work on my achievements guide. Took care of it now. 👍