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God Talk

Darth Budd

explosions said:
You actually believe this?

It seems to me as if at least ONE species would have developed an alternative to a heart/brain or lungs(talking about land animals here) if this were the case.
there are several organisms that are small enough that they don't need a heart, but since all vertebrates share a common ancestor from way back in the day, we all inherited a system that evolved to suit our individual needs. besides, can you think of anything more efficient than moving fluid than your circulatory system? your heart is more powerful than EVERY man made pump of similar size


Darth Budd said:
we all inherited a system that evolved to suit our individual needs.
Well it sure didn't "evolve" as much as the rest of us. :|


Justin B / Supp. Editor
Enforcer Team
This is God talk, not evolution (even though they go hand-in-hand), return to talking of God's existence. There's historical arguments one could use your philosophical arguments that have yet to be brought up ;)

Darth Budd


I'm sorry, but i felt i had to be posted. it seems that whenever i get into a debate about religion the believers either ignore everything i say or ask questions that i have already explained, sometimes repeatedly.

Darth Budd

what? you know that evolution is a process that takes place over time right? we inherited out immune systems for our parents, and they from theirs etc. all the way back to the first circulatory system. it grew and changed aka "evolved" from a single cell moving small molecules through the tiniest of bodies, to the complex, efficient systems that we have today.

its like a computer. bill gates didn't snap his fingers and boom, best buy appeared with vista equipped laptops. first we had dos, then the earliest of windows on inefficient computers, then the computers slowly grew more powerful as the windows program changed and grew aka (here comes the "e" word again) "evolved" into 95, then 98, etc. now we have fast computers with big powerful os's that run realistic looking games.

do you understand how evolution works now or should i launch into an explanation of cars?

Darth Budd

oh, and please for the love of your god, answer me by actually debating, that is engaging me in a conversation while sensibly arguing your point, not highlighting one or two words and asking me specifically about those while thinking you have just destroyed my argument. it hasn't worked before, it wont work this time.


Darth Budd said:
oh, and please for the love of your god,
Don't make assumptions.
Darth Budd said:
answer me by actually debating, that is engaging me in a conversation while sensibly arguing your point, not highlighting one or two words and asking me specifically about those while thinking you have just destroyed my argument. it hasn't worked before, it wont work this time.
I was just saving screen space Mr. fussy pants.

Darth Budd

explosions said:
It's still the same basic system for all creatures right?


and by that i mean finish sophomore year in high school. if you had you would know that all vertebrates share a common ancestor and thus our systems have a similar basis, but are radically different. you can run mac os and windows on an intel core duo processor, and both serve the same purpose, yet are radically different. also, invertebrates have a system even more different from ours.


Darth Budd said:

and by that i mean finish sophomore year in high school. if you had you would know that all vertebrates share a common ancestor and thus our systems have a similar basis,
Which is what I meant. lrn2infer
Darth Budd said:
but are radically different. you can run mac os and windows on an intel core duo processor, and both serve the same purpose, yet are radically different.
Your comparisons make no sense to me.
Darth Budd said:
also, invertebrates have a system even more different from ours.

Darth Budd

FrozenIpaq said:
This is God talk, not evolution (even though they go hand-in-hand), return to talking of God's existence. There's historical arguments one could use your philosophical arguments that have yet to be brought up ;)

ok then...

Are religions successful because gods can't be disproved?
Is it possible that the guy making it up simply didn't want to explain anything and said "god is so super awesome that you can't even understand him so don't try" so that if any human disproved god someone else can just be like "you don't understand god, and you can't, he is mysterious..."?


New Member
Darth Budd said:

and by that i mean finish sophomore year in high school. if you had you would know that all vertebrates share a common ancestor and thus our systems have a similar basis, but are radically different. you can run mac os and windows on an intel core duo processor, and both serve the same purpose, yet are radically different. also, invertebrates have a system even more different from ours.

Darth, with respect, can you put me back on the rails here.

What is your point regarding the physical & the metaphysical.

I should add, I just made the 8th grade, very briefly, so be gentle.:D

Darth Budd

Terra said:
Darth, with respect, can you put me back on the rails here.

What is your point regarding the physical & the metaphysical.

I should add, I just made the 8th grade, very briefly, so be gentle.:D

the physical exists, the metaphysical does not.

viva la evolucion.


New Member
Darth Budd said:
ok then...

Are religions successful because gods can't be disproved?
Is it possible that the guy making it up simply didn't want to explain anything and said "god is so super awesome that you can't even understand him so don't try" so that if any human disproved god someone else can just be like "you don't understand god, and you can't, he is mysterious..."?

Q1. You're probably right on that one.

Q2. In respect to proving there is a God is a little bit tougher.
We have become so cynical & distrusting, that there are not many people willing to expose themselves to trust alone.
This might interest you.
I do not follow a religion, (on the contrary quite frankly) it was hammered into me as a youngster & literally turned me away.
I went away to sea as a boy, joined a left wing Union & got a lesson in social justice.
I also sailed with a couple of guys that were "Darwinians".
During this period (of my teens) I had a hernia operation. Nothing life threatening, but during my emergence from the anesthetic, but still asleep, I had an out-of -body experience. Once again, nothing extraordinarily spiritual though, but it did impact on me because what I was capable or relating about the event, while I was being attended to, (I'd got out of bed) proved it was no dream, & that we can't prove there are other dimensions, but that is what I considered it to be.

Over the next 20 years, I became more accessible to things we can't physically pursue, by way of a sort of lateral thinking.
It opened up some very odd "Critical coincidences" that actually had me smiling.
It has gone from there.I'm not interested in converting anyone, because I think the process (Accepting God) is a lot more complicated than prayer or the appearance of commitment.
I qualify the same proof of God that my experience in hospital showed me.
I'll leave it at that.


Suck It
^ Hey Freeplay, there's another example of what I was getting at earlier in this thread ^


Well put Terra. I'm in a similar boat as far as beliefs go.


New Member
Darth Budd said:
the physical exists, the metaphysical does not.

viva la evolucion.

So,, you've got proof that the Metaphysical doesn't exist?

Yeah, there's a lot of those Laddio, Daddyo & spooky quotes.

Humour me for a moment.
Just assuming that God did conduct an audience with the scribes that related His story. I wonder how these august authors & philosophers would have explained to an ancient Shepherd, what was going on.

"You see folks, He is a metaphysical being that does not necessarily respond to the earths gravity the way everything else does here, & your time isn't His time"
"Put away your knives, He has access to a nuclear laser that will fizz a city in a macro second"
"Heaven is a metaphysical dimension"

Or even "He's from another planet"

Dunno if it would have made a best sellers list, maybe after WW11 it would have got a look in.


MD Party Room
Not really sure if this has been talked about but how does one explain this...

the brains ability to reason, to produce feelings, to dream and plan, to take action, and relate to other people.

Can evolution or anything else other than a higher intelligence explain this?

Also this has been I thought to my self for a while...Why is it that we put all the body parts together but never have life? No pulse. Could it be a soul that missing?

Do anesthetic people believe that a sole is real?