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God Talk


So anyone who is going against your pastors interpretation of christianity is a sinner?

Makes him sound more like a dictator.

I've never been a devout christian. Partly because I think the catholic church are like the government. Which brings me to my point that religion was invented to keep control of citizens.


New Member
madsoul said:
so matt...

god lets murderers, brutal people who belive in him if they ask for forgivness pass up to heaven. and nice, normal people who struggles for survival and has never hurt a fly and lost all fate in god or never thought he existed, burn in hell.

if thats true god is one sadistic evil force and dont care a crap about his own creation. how can you love god if you dont see his disgusting flaws??!!
Yes, if you are a brutal person and realize the fault of your ways, turn to God, ask for forgiveness, and renounce your old ways, then you can go to heaven. If you are a very nice person, but never had faith in God, then you will go to Hell. No matter what, if you don't believe in God, you cannot enter his Kingdom.

God has no flaws and he is difinitely not evil. It is those who don't belive in him that are flawed and evil. God gave us free will and we must choose to have faith in him to go to Heaven for eternity.


New Member
eldiablov said:
So anyone who is going against your pastors interpretation of christianity is a sinner?

Makes him sound more like a dictator.

I've never been a devout christian. Partly because I think the catholic church are like the government. Which brings me to my point that religion was invented to keep control of citizens.

Each and every one of us are sinners.


Active Member
I have a question for you Matt, this is coming from someone who went to church every Sunday and at one time followed the bible blindly.

I believe there is a God, or some sort of higher power, I believe a mad called Jesus gave up his life in the hopes of saving us all (I do not know as fact that he was the son of God).

How ever, I spend most of my life trying to be decent enough, but I have many many flaws, and to be honest I won't be trying to fix them.

I drink too much, I do drugs, I can be a dick head to people, I lie ect ect, however having said that I do not feel I deserve to go to Hell as most of the time I'm a decent person, I try to help people and I'm very kind to animals.

Now, tell me this, why should I get to go to heaven when there are people out there who are or have done far better things than I ever will, they give up their entire lives to help others when I just do it when I can or feel like it. So why should I get to go to the same place as them when they obviously deserve it and I'm just doing what a basic person does.


Matt said:
God has no flaws and he is difinitely not evil.

Matt said:
Yes, if you are a brutal person and realize the fault of your ways, turn to God, ask for forgiveness, and renounce your old ways, then you can go to heaven. If you are a very nice person, but never had faith in God, then you will go to Hell. No matter what, if you don't believe in God, you cannot enter his Kingdom.

does not compute


"if you dont belive in me youl burn in hell! you SHOULD know i exist, you dont need any proof! i will never answer your prayers and i will let the world colapse in front of me and you humans will have to fix your own world. i dont give a shit if i created it. i will never show a sign of me existing, you should just take it for granted."

i know a lot of religious people but no one thinks the way you think in this opinion. people who are good in life go to heaven. people who has sinned goes to hell.

your logic is sick and repulsive. thankfully i dont belive in heaven or hell, god or anything religious so i wont go anywhere but down i my grave when i die. when i die, i die, there is nothing more to it.


Tenchitsu said:

Now, tell me this, why should I get to go to heaven when there are people out there who are or have done far better things than I ever will, they give up their entire lives to help others when I just do it when I can or feel like it. So why should I get to go to the same place as them when they obviously deserve it and I'm just doing what a basic person does.

his asnwer:

you belive in god > heaven

you dont belive in god > hell

its that simple for him.


The one and only reason I ever let religion into my beliefs is what happens when you die. I also believe an entity gave the first push for creation but by no means does that even entertain the fact that it spoke to people and made them write the bible.


Active Member
madsoul said:
his asnwer:

you belive in god > heaven

you dont belive in god > hell

its that simple for him.
I have to doubt that for now as it's simply insane.

Matt, if these are really your views (I'm giving you the benifit of the doubt for now) you really need to stop following religion blindly and take some time out and find it yourself. I know people who have really made me happy and don't believe in God, in fact I'll use MadSoul as an example.

Madsoul produces music that I absolutely adore, whenever I talk to him he is always polite and decent, his work brings a lot of happiness in my life since I love music, now if he has similar effects on other people and makes them happy, why shouldn't he go to heaven (if there is one) because from where I'm standing he's a lot more decent than certain people I know who claim to believe in God.


Tenchitsu said:
Madsoul produces music that I absolutely adore, whenever I talk to him he is always polite and decent, his work brings a lot of happiness in my life since I love music, now if he has similar effects on other people and makes them happy, why shouldn't he go to heaven (if there is one) because from where I'm standing he's a lot more decent than certain people I know who claim to believe in God.

aaw! :love: thank you very much my friend! :) i like you alot too! its only in these kinda discussions involving either god or drugs i tend to get very agressive and maybe harsh, but this is how i feel about these things. in real life i dont throw my belives in religious peoples faces (like one of my old friends is a priest) but on forums its much easier to really say how you feel since you dont really know the person on the other side.


<span style=height:2px;cursor:default;"></span>
So Matt... If someone is born on a desert island, and lives a peaceful life separate from the modern world, never hurting a fly- and is never exposed to Christianity or religion in general- they would go to Hell, even though they never had the opportunity to become religious?


New Member
The fact is the bible itself is an interpretation of God and isn't necessarily absolutely correct. Especially today, most editions of it were written centuries after Christ and as such are probably subject to the views of the author and the timeframe.


New Member
Moose said:
God made us sinners.
Satan makes us sinners. Sin is anything that god did not intend to happen.

Tenchitsu said:
I have a question for you Matt, this is coming from someone who went to church every Sunday and at one time followed the bible blindly.

I believe there is a God, or some sort of higher power, I believe a man called Jesus gave up his life in the hopes of saving us all (I do not know as fact that he was the son of God).

How ever, I spend most of my life trying to be decent enough, but I have many many flaws, and to be honest I won't be trying to fix them.

I drink too much, I do drugs, I can be a dick head to people, I lie ect ect, however having said that I do not feel I deserve to go to Hell as most of the time I'm a decent person, I try to help people and I'm very kind to animals.

Now, tell me this, why should I get to go to heaven when there are people out there who are or have done far better things than I ever will, they give up their entire lives to help others when I just do it when I can or feel like it. So why should I get to go to the same place as them when they obviously deserve it and I'm just doing what a basic person does.
God forgives you for all of your sin if you ask forgiveness from him and are truly sorry for your sins. In the bible, there is a story of a sinner and a good man praying. The good man saw the sinner and prayed to God that he was thankful that he did not turn out like the sinner he saw. The sinner prayed to God and asked for forgiveness. God was more pleased with the sinner who repented that day.

eldiablov said:
So none of us are going to heaven?
God forgives you of your sins if you ask for forgiveness and are truly sorry for your sins.

madsoul said:
does not compute


"if you dont belive in me youl burn in hell! you SHOULD know i exist, you dont need any proof! i will never answer your prayers and i will let the world colapse in front of me and you humans will have to fix your own world. i dont give a shit if i created it. i will never show a sign of me existing, you should just take it for granted."

i know a lot of religious people but no one thinks the way you think in this opinion. people who are good in life go to heaven. people who has sinned goes to hell.

your logic is sick and repulsive. thankfully i dont belive in heaven or hell, god or anything religious so i wont go anywhere but down i my grave when i die. when i die, i die, there is nothing more to it.
God DOES answer my prayers. He doesn't speak to you directly of course. He answers prayers through action. My Dad just had open heart surgery two days ago. I prayed to God asking Him to help him through it, and to come out of the surgery better than expected. This indeed happened. His predicament was better than expected and he is going to be doing fine.

You are truly blind if you think that God does not answer prayers.

I am done in this thread. I cannot share my beliefs in peace. If there is anyone who is interested in the beliefs of Christianity and wishes to know more about it and not to try to disprove it or persuade me otherwise, then you can send me a PM. Goodbye.


Active Member
Matt said:
I am done in this thread. I cannot share my beliefs in peace. If there is anyone who is interested in the beliefs of Christianity and wishes to know more about it and not to try to disprove it or persuade me otherwise, then you can send me a PM. Goodbye.
Please keep in mind that the idea of this thread is to debate the existence of God, not everyone will agree on the things you beleive in.


eXo Admin
Enforcer Team
Matt said:
I am done in this thread. I cannot share my beliefs in peace. If there is anyone who is interested in the beliefs of Christianity and wishes to know more about it and not to try to disprove it or persuade me otherwise, then you can send me a PM. Goodbye.
To be perfectly honest with you, from my point of you it seems like you're also trying to persuade and disprove. That can be part of healthy discussion but you seem to be taking things personally so perhaps you're right saying this thread isn't for you.


Hi, I'm Nima
To Matt.

Dear Matt,
I've spent an awful amount of time, reading your posts in this thread today because I have HSV-1 (Facial herpes) and I'm not going to a Halloween costume party or contest of any sort, just to make sure no one is going to get infected by the disease that I carry with me, inside my skin. I would love to hear your opinion about why has this God of yours created sickness and despair.
But I'm just going to, hypothetically, say that God with all its powers didn't predict or maybe he was cruel enough to create us this weak and watch us suffer everyday - you decide. I'm going to stop questioning everything like a mad man. Or the so called 'sinner'.

I have spent endless hours reading the Koran, I have read parts of the Bible and I have my own way of thinking about God and religion.

The Koran (the book of God, from Mohammad his prophet) was 'published' (for the lack of a better word) after the Bible and I'm quoting it right here:
Koran 3:85 said:
“And whoever seeks a religion other than Isl


Meta Moose
Matt said:
Satan makes us sinners. Sin is anything that god did not intend to happen.

Satan didn't make us though. So surely through our creation God subjected us to the devil, and by doing so forced us into our sins?


MD Party Room
I got this via email what you guys think

Why God allows pain

This is one of the best explanations of why God
allows pain and suffering that I have seen. . .

A man went to a barbershop
to have his hair cut a nd his beard trimmed.

As the barber began to work,
they began to have a good conversation.

They talked about so many things and various subjects.

When they eventually touched on the subject of God,
the barber said,
'I don't believe that God exists.'

'Why do you say that?' asked the customer.
'Well, you just have to go out in the street
to realize that God doesn't exist.'
Tell me, if God exists,
would there be so many sick people?

Would there be abandoned children?

If God existed,
there would be neither suffering nor pain.

I can't imagine a loving God
who would allow all of these things.'

The customer thought for a moment,
but didn't respond because
he didn't want to start an argument.

The barber finished his job
and the customer left the shop.

Just after he left the barbershop,
he saw a man in the street with long, stringy,
dirty hair and an untrimmed beard.

He looked dirty and unkempt.
The customer turned back
and entered the barber shop again
and he said to the barber,
'You know what?
Barbers do not exist.'

'How can you say that?'
asked the surprised barber.
'I am here, and I am a barber.
And I just worked on you!'

'No!' the customer exclaimed.
'Barbers don't exist because if they did,
there would be no people with dirty long hair
and untrimmed beards,
like that man outside.'
'Ah, but barbers DO exist!
That's what happens when people do not come to me.'
'Exactly!' affirmed the customer.
'That's the point!
God, too, DOES exist!

That's what happens when people
do not go to Him and don't look to Him for help.

That's why there's so much pain
and suffering in the world.'

If you think God exists,
send this to other people.

If you think God does not exist,
delete it!
