• Steam recently changed the default privacy settings for all users. This may impact tracking. Ensure your profile has the correct settings by following the guide on our forums.
  • If your profile is showing up as Not Ranked, please review our rules page and follow the appeal process detailed there.

Guide: How to Disable Privacy Settings on Origin, Steam, Xbox Live, PSN

Is your gamercard not showing your games/achievements or displaying out of date information? This is likely because you have privacy enabled on either Origin, Steam, Xbox Live, or PSN. Since these questions have been asked a few times before, here's a quick guide on how to modify your profile settings and enjoy uninterrupted tracking.

Note that the site is not immediately notified of any changes in privacy settings - you will either need to wait until the next profile scan or request a manual sync. Requesting a manual sync can be done from the Account page under Tools.

Apple GameCenter

  1. Navigate to the GameCenter home page under Settings -> GameCenter
  2. Make sure Game Activity -> Profile Privacy is set to "Everyone"
  3. In order to properly scan in your profile, we'll need to locate your nickname on a GameCenter leaderboard. Install and play the game Crossy Road: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/crossy-road/id924373886
  4. Playing for a short while will get you get a rank assigned on the Crossy Road leaderboard. View the leaderboard in-game and take note of your personal rank for the global "Score" leaderboard. The leaderboard can be accessed from the main menu screen -> Gear icon -> Leaderboards.
  5. As shown in the screenshot below, the user's rank highlighted in red is 75,987,354
  6. When entering in your GameCenter nickname on the site, include the above rank in your nickname, separated by a comma. For example, if your username is xsphere, you should format it like xsphere,75987354
  7. Be aware the leaderboard updates quite often so when you've taken note of your rank, enter it in the site quickly, otherwise the lookup may fail. If you've waited too long, check your rank again and update the number.

  1. Navigate to the User Settings section as shown in the screenshot below
  2. Select Play Activity Settings and ensure that the option "Display play activity to" is set to "All Users"
  3. That's it, this will make your profile visible to our scanners. Note that only the last 20 games played are shown in the Switch play log. In order to scan your entire library, you will need to launch any previously played games again.


Epic Games
  1. Navigate to the "My Achievements" page on Epic Games, which can be accessed from the user drop down menu.
  2. From this page, click the dotted button next to Privacy Level, and select Manage Privacy.
  3. Choose Public, then click the Save button to confirm the changes.
  1. While logged in to Stadia at https://stadia.google.com/, navigate to Stadia settings -> Friends & privacy
  2. Under the Friends & privacy section, make sure the following setting - "See your games and achievements" is set to "All Players"
  3. And that's it, you should be able to link your account to the site now. Make sure to enter the full username, including the # sign and any digits that follow it.
Screen Shot 2020-01-23 at 1.02.46 PM.png

  1. While logged in on the GOG home page, hover over your username in the top navigation and click "Privacy & Settings"
  2. Ensure the visibility of both your profile and game library is set to "ALL VISITORS"
  3. Additionally, make sure the Profile enabled box is checked if it isn't already
  4. If you are still having issues, a screenshot is included below with the exact settings you should have enabled for proper tracking
Screenshot from 2018-09-02 14-20-38.png

Google Play
  1. Open up the Play Games app on your phone
  2. Tap the menu icon at the top right corner of the screen and go to Settings. From here, make sure "Everyone" is set for the game activity option
  3. Additionally, from your profile page in the app, click the Edit icon and ensure a Gamer ID is set. The Gamer ID is the only information you'll need to enter here to have your profile tracked properly.
  4. Some screenshots are included below that show exactly what options need to be enabled in case you are still having issues.
  5. If you're having difficulties with the site finding your profile, make sure you are entering in your Gamer ID that's set within the Play Games app, not your Google account email.
Screen Shot 2022-06-18 at 11.52.48 PM.png
Screen Shot 2022-06-18 at 11.55.07 PM.png



1. In Origin, click on your name in the bottom left, click show profile.
2. Click the orange button saying "edit on ea.com"
3. On the EA page, make sure your privacy is set to "everyone"
4. Make sure the Achievements and Origin Points boxed is ticked.
5. Click Save.


1. Navigate to Edit Profile on your Steam Community page
2. Ensure that a custom URL is set, as shown in the screenshot below. This should be the username you are sending us when creating a gamercard.


3. Again on the same page, navigate to My Privacy Settings and ensure that My profile and Game Details are set to Public, as shown in the screenshot below.

Additionally, ensure that the checkbox that says "Always keep my total playtime private even if users can see my game details" is NOT CHECKED - we need playtime data visible to track your profile properly.

Screenshot from 2018-08-27 22-24-00.png

4. That's it, your Steam profile should be accessible by our scanners now.

Xbox Live

1. Navigate to Privacy Settings from your main profile page on Xbox.com


2. There are a lot of options here, but the main settings you need to set under 'Others can' are below. Make sure other users can see your Xbox profile and see your game and app history.


3. That's it, your Xbox profile should be accessible by our scanners now.


1. Sign-in on the PlayStation.com website and navigate to Account Settings from the user dropdown menu.

2. Click Privacy Settings under the PlayStation Network subsection on this page, then under Gaming | Media make sure Gaming History is set to Public

Screen Shot 2022-04-27 at 12.10.48 PM.png

3. That's it, your PSN profile should be accessible by our scanners now.


1. Open up the game client, navigate to the Options tab, and from there click "Social.”

2. Under the Social tab, there’s an option for "Career Profile Visibility" -- set this to Public, as shown in the screenshot below.

3. Once the correct option is chosen, close the menu and your settings will be saved. This will allow our scanners to see your profile.



Q: I've changed my privacy settings, yet the site still has my profile marked as private.

This is normal, the site is not immediately notified of such changes. You will either need to wait until your profile is re-scanned (can take up to 4-6 hours) OR go to Edit Profile and click Save Settings to initiate a manual rescan.

Q: I've followed all the steps, yet still experience tracking issues.

Let us know in the feedback forum.


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Do your other Epic games (not the three you do see) have achievements, and have you earned at least one achievement for these games? The Epic Achievement page has been broken since it was introduced.

If I look at my own Epic Achievements, I can set the "Filter" to "Not played", or just leave it at "All", but it only ever shows the three games where I earned at least one. Epic has been giving away free games every few weeks or so for ages (I think I missed just one), so I have a LOT of games that it won't ever show. Just starting a game and playing it a bit doesn't help either, it needs to have achievements, and you need to earn at least one for it to show up.
oh ok thx i didnt know
Followed the instructions for Steam, and I keep getting the same error messasge saying that "the profile doesn't exist or has privacy enabled". What am I supposed to do?
I see a Steam account connected, so it seems you found the mistake. :)👍
(Otherwise I would've asked for a link to your Steam profile page, as the problem is often that people don't use the proper ID.)
This user requested manual removal from the site for privacy reasons. If you are the original account holder, contact support to remove this flag. how do i remove this
I went straight to the source, don't see any games on the Steam profile link you posted, so you haven't made all the necessary details public yet. Check this thread for some tips. You can check for yourself by looking at your Steam profile without being logged in, maybe using an alternative browser.
I went straight to the source, don't see any games on the Steam profile link you posted, so you haven't made all the necessary details public yet. Check this thread for some tips. You can check for yourself by looking at your Steam profile without being logged in, maybe using an alternative browser.
Lol i feel real dumb, thanks for the help it was indeed a bad setting on my part.
I followed the guide for blizzard accounts, but I don't see any game time or achievements. I haven't logged into my WoW account since like 2015 so is that a factor? I log into my blizzard account all the time, but do I need to purchase game time and then login to world of Warcraft for that to show up? Thanks.
I followed the guide for blizzard accounts, but I don't see any game time or achievements. I haven't logged into my WoW account since like 2015 so is that a factor? I log into my blizzard account all the time, but do I need to purchase game time and then login to world of Warcraft for that to show up? Thanks.
Yes, you need to have logged into the WoW account recently with any of your characters - 2015 would definitely be past the cutoff period. After a certain amount of time has passed, Blizzard marks users as inactive and the data is inaccessible. That said, once the achievements are scanned in here, they will stay going forward - don't have to keep logging into the account to maintain the active status.
I'm bothered because I'm missing EA on my profile. I can see EA zeroed, but when I access it, I see the right numer of games (63) and also my avatar.

I've changed my settings back an forth so many times, but it simply does not work.

Any tips?
I'm bothered because I'm missing EA on my profile. I can see EA zeroed, but when I access it, I see the right numer of games (63) and also my avatar.

I've changed my settings back an forth so many times, but it simply does not work.

Any tips?
Your profile settings are filtering out all the EA games since you don't have any achievements in them. Disable "Hide games with 0% progress" and "Hide games without achievements" then all should show.

If you have earned achievements on EA, then it's likely the privacy settings are incorrect. There's a separate setting on EA that controls the achievement visibility, so it could be that as well.
@x3sphere I wanted to bring this to your attention regarding the IOS game center linking. If you refer to your second picture in the how to guide you have one of the your rankings highlighted, for you that rank and the lower rank are the same value, on my page they are not the same value, I tried using the top one multiple times and it would not work, but once I tried the lower ranking in the leaderboard only then did it work for me.

I am not sure why my two different rankings are so far apart for me though, the top one reads 81,626,892 and the leaderboard one reads 7,760,812 which is the one that worked.
Your profile settings are filtering out all the EA games since you don't have any achievements in them. Disable "Hide games with 0% progress" and "Hide games without achievements" then all should show.

If you have earned achievements on EA, then it's likely the privacy settings are incorrect. There's a separate setting on EA that controls the achievement visibility, so it could be that as well.
Profile Filtering was the "issue"! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!
It seems like this is a regular issue, but trying to put my Switch Friend Code isn't working. I have everything typed correctly and my privacy settings are correct but they don't work
It seems like this is a regular issue, but trying to put my Switch Friend Code isn't working. I have everything typed correctly and my privacy settings are correct but they don't work
Please post your Switch friend code here (or PM me it) and I will take a look. However there are no known issues with the scanning, several have linked their account today without any issues.
Hey, I can't really connect my Overwatch 2 account with Battlenet. My privacy settings are set to public.


I mean, I also linked my steam account to Exophase, where I also have Overwatch 2 and that worked. But on Steam I didn't really play the game, so my played hours are way lower than on Battlenet. Could that be the problem? Thank you
Hey, I can't really connect my Overwatch 2 account with Battlenet. My privacy settings are set to public.

View attachment 17574

I mean, I also linked my steam account to Exophase, where I also have Overwatch 2 and that worked. But on Steam I didn't really play the game, so my played hours are way lower than on Battlenet. Could that be the problem? Thank you
Overwatch 2 tracking through Blizzard isn't supported at the moment. StarCraft 2 and WoW are the only games supported. They got rid of the achievements section on the public profile pages after the migration from OW1 and this impacted the tracking.

These are new profile pages for example: https://overwatch.blizzard.com/en-u...e3aa2dd06a4|ee6e1c7c482f6b0374d641b6ebff9b52/

Achievements used to be shown on there but not anymore. So could come back in the future but will depend on Blizzard making changes. I suppose we could pull the playtime data from there though, they are showing that now (didn't seem to have it last time I looked).
Just want to say thank you so much for the Game Center support! I got it working today and it's awesome! I appreciate you doing the work even though Apple didn't make it any easier on you.