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I almost got taken to court by Dell.

Mr. Beefy

Suck It Trebek
if reading more than one paragraph turns you off, go find another thread.

Several months back, when Dell first announced they were going to be going into the sub-notebook business and they showed off a few pictures, we were impressed. They didn't have an official name out yet, so we figured what the hell, and bought "inspironmini.com". We set up a little Chyrp powered blog and wrote up a few articles. We did that for a week or two, then just kind of lost interest.

Fast forward a few months, turns out Dell actually did decide to go with Inspiron Mini as the name. The domain was in my name, but my friend decided to email Dell. Next thing I know I'm talking to lawyers on the phone and being threatened with a lawsuit. "lol UDRP, copyright infringement, etc"

During our talks, someone mentions, hey, throw us each an Inspiron Mini and you can have the domain. That wasn't any good, but they counter offered with a hundred bucks. (Yes, seriously. One hundred dollars.) We argued/negotiated that for another week, and we decided on a hundred bucks, and Michael Dell's autograph.

I get the domain unlocked and transferred over, and about another month I get this in the mail.

And apparently Michael Dell wrote a book, because that was in the envelope too. Inside the first page is his signature. Just his signature though, nothing else. Still trying to decide if I really want to keep or if I should try and sell it. I'll post up a picture of the book, but I'm at work now.

I wish I could have gotten more out of the deal, but hey, a hundred dollar return on an $8 investment is a helluva profit margin.

tl;dr - domainsquatting be bad


Active Member
Awesome. What's the second image supposed to be?

Mr. Beefy

Suck It Trebek
Adiuvo said:
Awesome. What's the second image supposed to be?

I was trying to figure out if I could see if all the cables were plugged into the DVD drive on a 360 without taking apart the case. Wrong picture, but I fixed it now. :D


New Member
I wonder if you could have gone for the 100, the autograph AND the Inspiron Mini... Still though, awesome profit margin, go cybersquat some more and see what you can get.
Remember, HalfLife.com got bought out for $1m. (I think, I'll try to find the article about it) Turns out it was owned by a band called Half-Life which came into existance a month before the game, lol.


I'm not dead
Getting anything out of it is a sweet deal. Cyber squatters can have the domain forcibly removed from them and get nothing for it, not even the initial fee back.

halflife.com had to be bought out because it was legit and a completely different subject, ie not cyber squatting.

Mr. Beefy

Suck It Trebek
During the whole thing, I did a lot of research and reading about the UDRP and similar anti-cybersquatter laws, and a biggie with both of those is that it has be done in bad faith. Eg, buying the domain and selling it back at a ridiculously high price back. I never really expected Dell to go with the Inspiron Mini name, and I didn't really expect anything to come out of it.

Another interesting note, I posted a thread about this on SomethingAwful whilst it was going on, and someone there randomly donated me a hundred bucks. So that was cool too.


New Member
Access_Denied said:
What is cyber squatting? Buying domains and hope that one day some big company wants to buy it for millions?
Or, buying domains that people are likely to access without thinking (like goggle.com instead of google.com) and loading it up with malware.


Suck It
Cool story. Personally, I would have demanded a lot more. They can shove it if I owned the domain before they even released the name of their product.

At the very least, I would have wanted 1000 (or settled for their product). As if they don't have the resources to give a free comp away...


Champion of the Sun
Slasher said:
Cool story. Personally, I would have demanded a lot more. They can shove it if I owned the domain before they even released the name of their product.

At the very least, I would have wanted 1000 (or settled for their product). As if they don't have the resources to give a free comp away...

Like twelve said:

twelve said:
Getting anything out of it is a sweet deal. Cyber squatters can have the domain forcibly removed from them and get nothing for it, not even the initial fee back.

halflife.com had to be bought out because it was legit and a completely different subject, ie not cyber squatting.

Mr. Beefy

Suck It Trebek
Slasher said:
Cool story. Personally, I would have demanded a lot more. They can shove it if I owned the domain before they even released the name of their product.

At the very least, I would have wanted 1000 (or settled for their product). As if they don't have the resources to give a free comp away...

Hindsight is 20/20, if I would have known what I do now back then, things would have turned out a lot better. As it stands, 100 bucks ain't a whole lot, but I'll take a 100 bucks instead of potentially being sued. I did actually make a few calls and met with a lawyer, and his only suggestion was to go meet with a lawyer who specializes in copyright and trademark things, and the closest one was in Duluth or Minneapolis, which is several hours away from where I live.

Oh yeah and I would have been paying thousands of dollars for said lawyers too. :neutral:

Mr. Beefy

Suck It Trebek
Mast3r_Shak3 said:
But you could have gotten a free laptop! :p

We tried. I was actually considering buying one of those Inspiron Mini's but after that whole ordeal it really put me off from wanting to buy more of their products. Multi-billion dollar corporation can't throw a couple laptops that probably cost them $100 to make at couple kids? :rolleyes:

Guys, if I ever become CEO of a big important company, kill me if I turn into a dickhead.