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"I watched this film today and I recommend/don't recommend it."


New Member
My girlfriend made me watch it, and I'm considering turning in my Man Card for agreeing.

Hmmmm... Well, it sounds like it's forgivable, but you should have put up more of a fight.

Hopefully you've learned your lesson.


I just watched Orphan, its an awesome movie with a really good twist at the end.

That kid is one of the best actors I've seen in a long time.


That reminds me, the movie "The Orphanage", was really good.

It also had a pretty good twist at the end, but if you aren't used to reading subtitles it might be a bit difficult to enjoy.


Suck It
I just watched Orphan, its an awesome movie with a really good twist at the end.

That kid is one of the best actors I've seen in a long time.

I found that movie to be so mediocre. It was alright, but nothing amazed me about it. It'll surely be lost in the realm of shittastic forgotten movies.

I guess the so called twist at the end was ruined for me because just a week before watching it, I saw an episode of CSI which coincidentally had the exact same twist. CSI did it really well, but this movie didn't.


I saw the movie Funny Games last night, and I must say, it was definitely fucked up. It left you frustrated, angry, and in disbelief by the time it was all over. Strangely enough, I was pretty satisfied at the end. I'd recommend it for sure if you're looking for something a little bit different than your typical movie.

Here's a quote that I saw on youtube that I find quite fitting: I fucking loved this movie... Funny Games is so twisted and just pure balls out, no nonsense, fuck your head brilliance... None of this Cliche Hollywood happy endings... Pure brilliance all the way!


I saw the movie Funny Games last night, and I must say, it was definitely fucked up. It left you frustrated, angry, and in disbelief by the time it was all over. Strangely enough, I was pretty satisfied at the end. I'd recommend it for sure if you're looking for something a little bit different than your typical movie.

Here's a quote that I saw on youtube that I find quite fitting: I fucking loved this movie... Funny Games is so twisted and just pure balls out, no nonsense, fuck your head brilliance... None of this Cliche Hollywood happy endings... Pure brilliance all the way!

I have that movie on my hard drive, and i second the recommendation.

I wasn't really feeling ALL those emotions at the end of the movie, but i can see why you would...its a pretty funkified movie. That said, it was also really good, so i +1 that.


Active Member
Watched Little Children, solid movie. At the start I felt like it was going in one (amazing) direction but it kinda wondered off in the middle. Good movie that could have been great, pity.

Going to watch Funny Games based on the recs given, sounds interesting.


MD Party Room
Just Netflixed "The Wackness" to my 360. Very decent indie comedy/romance/drama worth watching. It has a solid soundtrack with hip hop from the early-mid '90s.

The Wackness (2008)

I really enjoyed The Wackness super happy they put it on netflix so more people can see it.

Abe Froeman

Gamer Dad
Enforcer Team
I just got done watching this heavy documentary about a group of people wrongfully accused of child molestation in Bakersfield, CA. Sean Penn narrates it and it'll get you angry.

Witch Hunt (2008)


Shockingly Delicious
I saw the movie Funny Games last night, and I must say, it was definitely fucked up. It left you frustrated, angry, and in disbelief by the time it was all over. Strangely enough, I was pretty satisfied at the end. I'd recommend it for sure if you're looking for something a little bit different than your typical movie.

Maybe I'm too much of a psychopath but I was expecting a lot more crazy stuff to happen. The movie was definitely different from your average movie, but I'm not sure if that was entirely good thing. Whenever there was any action it would be over in a few seconds, and we would have to wait 5 minutes on a boring part. It suffers the same way Family Guy does in the sense that it drags out boring parts to kill time. I need more action.

I really liked the positive/mannered attitude from the boys, it was a very nice touch. I also liked it when[BLACKOUT] the kid died. He's just a kid, but he was a horrible actor and was ruining the movie for me.[/BLACKOUT]

I also loved the ended, its a true depiction of real life. If they do [BLACKOUT]make a Funny Games 2, I expect the residents to put up a better fight, this family was handicapped right from the start. They need a real challenge[/BLACKOUT]

Craig Fairfax

illuminati Vereran
Maybe I'm too much of a psychopath but I was expecting a lot more crazy stuff to happen. The movie was definitely different from your average movie, but I'm not sure if that was entirely good thing. Whenever there was any action it would be over in a few seconds, and we would have to wait 5 minutes on a boring part. It suffers the same way Family Guy does in the sense that it drags out boring parts to kill time. I need more action.

I really liked the positive/mannered attitude from the boys, it was a very nice touch. I also liked it when[BLACKOUT] the kid died. He's just a kid, but he was a horrible actor and was ruining the movie for me.[/BLACKOUT]

I also loved the ended, its a true depiction of real life. If they do [BLACKOUT]make a Funny Games 2, I expect the residents to put up a better fight, this family was handicapped right from the start. They need a real challenge[/BLACKOUT]

I thought it was very, very boring.

[BLACKOUT]Almost everything that is supposed to be shocking happens off screen. Everything seems to take forever, like the killers having long uninteresting conversations, and the scenes after they kill the kid and leave leave, almost put me to sleep..... these guys just shot her son, but before freeing herself from the tape, she absolutely must to turn off the TV first. Then waste even more time with the dead weight husband and her trying to fix that phone. She then escapes but cant even do that right.

The good acting couldn't save this from being a yawn fest. It isn't shocking or disturbing like the dvd box says it is.

I don't recommend this movie.


New Member
Saw Funny People. Absolutely loved it. It might be one of my favorite movies that I've ever seen. Just so many things in this movie I could relate to, from both Seth Rogan's and Adam Sandler's characters.

It's kind of weird, because a lot of people came out of that movie saying "it wasn't very funny", but it's not like the movie had a lot of failed jokes. It just wasn't really trying to be funny. I was kind of expecting to see just a lot of stuff fall flat, but that wasn't the case. When the movie was trying to be funny, it was, very much so, but when it was trying to be serious, it caught me. I could understand why people wouldn't like it, but it absolutely worked for me on every level.


Logic :(
A week ago I saw Funny people. It had some decent jokes, but really did overdo it's stay. At around the 1 hr 30 min mark I was stretching and yawning waiting for it to be over.

Along with that movie I saw District 9. I went in it expecting a generic movie about some aliens stuck on Earth. Instead I was treating to a great story with amazing production values. Go see this movie.


Just saw Leon (I think it has another name in french..) the other day, and i absolutely recommend it.

Good action, an enjoyable storyline, and...just entertaining the whole way through.


I'm not dead
Saw Funny People. Absolutely loved it. It might be one of my favorite movies that I've ever seen. Just so many things in this movie I could relate to, from both Seth Rogan's and Adam Sandler's characters.

It's kind of weird, because a lot of people came out of that movie saying "it wasn't very funny", but it's not like the movie had a lot of failed jokes. It just wasn't really trying to be funny. I was kind of expecting to see just a lot of stuff fall flat, but that wasn't the case. When the movie was trying to be funny, it was, very much so, but when it was trying to be serious, it caught me. I could understand why people wouldn't like it, but it absolutely worked for me on every level.
I completely agree. Was such a great film.

All the little cameos were amazing.
Just saw Leon (I think it has another name in french..) the other day, and i absolutely recommend it.

Good action, an enjoyable storyline, and...just entertaining the whole way through.
At birth they should hand you a collection of films and Leon should be one of them.