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iPhone/iPod Touch General Discussion


Yeah, I have 1clickboot I don't remember where I got it but I'm sure I could put it up somewhere if people have trouble finding it.


New Member
Booooo! I failed once. :( At least I was able to get out of DFU Mode without restoring.


Lovin OS X
I don't know if anyone has saw it yet but on the top 25 in the appstore there is an app called "Free Memory." I orginally discovered it on a forum when searching for a way to free up some RAM on the Iphone. Anyways, what it does is (Obviously) free up the RAM on the Iphone/Ipod Touch. I have tried it and it works great. Works even better if your jailbroken and got processes installed. Free's up as much as 20 MB to have room for apps. Try it out if you find your phone is low in ram or running a little slow


iPhone Developer (prev. PSP Dev)
I don't know if anyone has saw it yet but on the top 25 in the appstore there is an app called "Free Memory." I orginally discovered it on a forum when searching for a way to free up some RAM on the Iphone. Anyways, what it does is (Obviously) free up the RAM on the Iphone/Ipod Touch. I have tried it and it works great. Works even better if your jailbroken and got processes installed. Free's up as much as 20 MB to have room for apps. Try it out if you find your phone is low in ram or running a little slow

Is it free? I've forgotten. If it really is that good, and works, then I may just have to get it.


New Member
Im now using the GUI Redsn0w Installer from IPTF Forums.

I couldn't get past the part where it said cd C:\Documents and Settings\usernamehere\desktop\blah blah\ipsw then you copy the restore thing to the custom restore thing. It just kept saying that I made a mistake on it, but I didn't know what I did wrong.


Im now using the GUI Redsn0w Installer from IPTF Forums.

I couldn't get past the part where it said cd C:\Documents and Settings\usernamehere\desktop\blah blah\ipsw then you copy the restore thing to the custom restore thing. It just kept saying that I made a mistake on it, but I didn't know what I did wrong.

Have you ever worked with command prompt before? It wont be exactly like that. You will have to navigate to the folder, all you need to do (most likely) is put in:

cd Desktop
cd folder name


New Member
I have, but I haven't touched DOS in a long time. Y'know, back in the day where we could play PacMan using DOS. Gotta love those days.

I'm just gonna use the GUI one, is there a major difference? It's just that if i use the GUI one, it only installs Cydia, but if i go manually, I can add in Installer.


Installer sucks and the gui I briefly glanced at to get that c++ runtime thing sucked balls. Its easier just to do it right from the tutorial. Especially if you try both. Reading the directions from the cmd version then reading the gui instructions confused me.

If you need some help refreshing your memory, feel free to pm me and add me on msn or something and I can take you right through it. Even XBL over mic.


New Member
Thanks Lachrymose, but I got it. I had to watch a YouTube! video that a guy posted in IPTF Forums, here it is if anybody needs help:

YouTube - Jailbreak iPod Touch 2G (Tethered)

Add me on PSN Lachrymose: x-riitoric and rv-ersed
I usually go on my x-riitoric one though.

I liked the GUI one, it was very easy to follow rather than putting in commands in DOS. Also, the GUI doubles as a reboot program, just go to steps 5-7 and you're all set again.
Now that I've done it once, I feel better about it, if anybody needs help with the GUI jailbreaking, I can help!


Lovin OS X
Is it free? I've forgotten. If it really is that good, and works, then I may just have to get it.

It's only .99 but you can probably get it for free if you look around a little bit (I bought it). But yea it works as advertised, frees up to 20 MB of RAM and thats it


iPhone Developer (prev. PSP Dev)
Whats your app called?

The Story of Passover

What did he say was wrong with it??

He said "What, only 4 pages"

It's probably because my app tells a story and the current version only has 4 detailed pages... But an update is in review that adds about 6 more, which I put in the iTunes description. I don't know if consumers don't know how to read, or what :sleep:

Additional Comment:
It's only .99 but you can probably get it for free if you look around a little bit (I bought it). But yea it works as advertised, frees up to 20 MB of RAM and thats it

Thanks, I might just have to buy it ;)


Like a Boss
I don't know if anyone has saw it yet but on the top 25 in the appstore there is an app called "Free Memory." I orginally discovered it on a forum when searching for a way to free up some RAM on the Iphone. Anyways, what it does is (Obviously) free up the RAM on the Iphone/Ipod Touch. I have tried it and it works great. Works even better if your jailbroken and got processes installed. Free's up as much as 20 MB to have room for apps. Try it out if you find your phone is low in ram or running a little slow

Respring does the same exact thing. I use iStat though. Way better at only a dollar more.