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Israel-Palestine War; what do you think?


Lavate las manooos!!
note: I didn't read any of this thread yet, just putting my thoughts out there

There was an ambiguous cease-fire between Israel and Palestine before this current conflict broke out.

Israel broke the cease-fire in November by killing 5 military members.
Palestine "retaliated" months later with rockets into Israel
Israel decided they needed to assert their dominance over Palestine with a barrage of artillery.

Any violence makes you the bad guy. These are two evils, extinguishing eachother.


This thread is closed pending clean-up.

Please remember what section of the community you are in. I am not pleased at all with all the personal attacking going on because someone does not agree with your opinion.

Once the clean-up is complete and this thread is reopened (if it is), any further attacks will result in severe punishments being dealt.


Note: my analysis of the border-line (or slightly over) unacceptable comments is not in order of severity but rather in the order it was posted in.

Those two words are terrible. It's based on your assumptions, basically your biased views.

Smart Talk survives on people having educated opinions - or wanting to expand their understanding of a topic. Most of what people post in here constitutes an educated opinion - nothing less, nothing more - and those are thoughts. Unless someone is an expert in the field or area related to the topic we are discussing, all of the posts are likely to be thoughts and opinions whether "I think" is used or not.

What I do not like about your comment is the emphasis that someones thoughts are biased. While it is true - everyone's thoughts are biased - stating so is a sign of disrespect towards others and borderline bigotry because you're stating that anyone elses opinion is invalid purely because their thoughts are biased. Are not your own thoughts biased? Yes. They are.

Based on further comments made by you, I can tell that you are very emotional about this subject (especially since you've been receiving "reports from the front line"). I'd like to remind you that we expect everyone to respect the opinions of others, regardless of if they differ from yours or not. Correcting mis-interpretation of "facts" on a subject is acceptable - forcing others to agree to your interpretation of "facts" isn't.


But we're straying from what I originally meant with this thread.

It all began with Hamas, simple as that. They fired the rockets into Israel. If Israel hadn't moved in, they would have never stopped killing/injuring civilians. Now Israel is only trying to take down buildings that are being used to house weapons stockpiles and to store fuel. Look at Hamas again, they can't fight out in the open, they have to resort to hiding among civilians so that Israeli soldiers can't get to them as easily. They're such cowards, and if you still want to deny that, then you need to take a look at the issues at hand again.

Also, when the Israelis attacked a school because it was holding weapons, if you didn't believe that, then you should see the video of it happening. Moments after it being attacked, there is a secondary explosion which is caused by either fuel or weapon storage.

And let's get this straight, the Israeli Intelligence is pretty damn good. I don't think they would create an attack based on an assumption.

Unless you were around to witness all this, you have no way of knowing for sure. I suggest you avoid stating things as facts - or if you do, provide legitimate, accepted and recognized sources for your points otherwise you're just stating your opinion as facts and forcing others to think the way you do because you state things along the lines of "if you don't think this, then x".

While it is well known that Israel has one of the best intelligence agencies in the world - they are still only human. Wars have been started, wrong people have died, the wrong buildings destroyed or raided due to faulty intelligence...to think that one agency is capable of getting things right all the time is fooling yourself.


I care a hell of a lot about this whole Palestine situation. I think its totally Israel's fault.

I'm not going to get into details, because i'll get too wound up. But i dare someone to disagree.

This comment makes me believe you're just looking to pick a fight. And following comments seem to agree. If you're going to just get "too wound up" (which is what you admit) then take a leaf out of Abe's book and step out of the discussion.


What?! So now your saying that it would be better for the Jews to just get up and leave? That's one of the worst things I've ever heard. They aren't even causing destruction, it's all Hamas, whether or not you think of it being related to religion. Hamas kills their own people just because they have a hint of possibly being traitorous.

BTW: I have two friends, both brothers, in the army and have been called up. They're reservists. One, last week, the other last night.

It's clear to me that your emotional attachment to this issue is getting in the way. Please be careful and try to distance yourself from the issue before discussing it. I've read his comment a few times and I still don't see how you interpreted it as you did if you weren't taking things personal.

Regarding your last point... everyone does this. People are paranoid and want to cover their backs. Especially during war. To emphasise my point: the country known for its hospitality and friendliness has done this too.


I couldn't watch the video atm, but that's the total truth, the issue is that no one can deal with it and they are using their own biased minds to blame Israel.

Just found out my French professor is Palestinian and he now knows I'm Jewish :)eek:) This may cause problems, but he's blaming everything on Israel and saying that they blockaded Gaza weeks ago and that Hamas is doing the right thing and that if Israel left, and gave Hamas a better chance, they would be better off.

I however, disagree with that. :tdown:

Here you go again. Your mind is just as biased as everyone else. :)


Iran is supposedly giving weapons to the Taliban. How is that not supporting terrorism? You're incredibly biased. [...]

As are you.


Vee, I'm sorry, but you really need to take a good, clear, look at the facts and get them straight. Try to focus on those facts without what you've grown up hearing.

This is horrible, and how anyone can justify Hamas' reason for doing what it's doing is wrong. They are the f*cking cowards. They make the Israelis kill innocent people, including children because they can't do anything themselves. They poke and prod trying to goad Israel into attacking them. i.e. shooting rockets into Israel and making false claims. That is what is causing people like you to think this way about them.

They are seriously all a bunch of stone cold cowards who should go jump into the Mediterranean Sea with anchors tied to their legs. They can't even fight Israel in open warfare. It's total cowardice.

And no, the USA sends in money to Israel, but not weapons or nukes. They develop their own weapons right now and possibly some of the most advanced weapons tech around.

Their martial arts is strong enough to break a single bone in someone's body by using precise methods.

I really don't like the word "fact", it is really not a reliable word to use. What is a fact to you may not be a fact to others...it depends on their "biased minds" and what information they've been fed since they were born.

Your comments are incredibly biased and indirectly putting down others' opinions, please rethink the way you present your points. While what Hamas may be doing is "horrible", the same could be said of the other side. The same could be said of any nation. There is no one nation that is completely good...


You see, this is directly from the front lines... this is what civilians go through. If you can possibly believe otherwise, then you really need to rethink if your intelligence is at all right. It is not only Palestine that is feeling the effects of this. They are best at what they do... hide, and that is it.

If you had accounts from the front lines in favour of the other side..I'm certain you could say the same thing... I really do not like the way you keep saying that "if you can believe otherwise, then x". Please refrain from doing so in future comments...it really does not make anyone participating in these discussions feel good.

As proven by:
I give up, I cant argue with this, its ridiculous. You stated you were biased in your first post and its shown.

"If you can possibly believe otherwise, then you really need to rethink if your intelligence is at all right." That right there....just....I can't express how I feel.


The sole reason for me backing up the Palestinian side of this, is because i think that the effects of this war are being felt alot more there. More people are dieing, more things are fucked up. It doesn't help that almost everything around us is ran by Jews, so everything is smothered. If you think BBC's little coverage of it was adventurous, you should watch Al Jazeera's. Thats whats actually happening.

As for the incident that happened this week. Israel knew that it was a UN building and knew it was a school. You must have 2 shits for brains, to think it is smart/sensible to blow the shit out of those buildings. No kind of tit-for-tat argument can convince me that thats a logical approach.

Please refrain from personally attacking people that disagree with your opinions and refrain from the borderline general insulting of Jewish people.


In general, it must be remembered that any piece of information can be made to seem more advantageous to either side - it is why propaganda is so effective. Manipulation of words in such a way as to bring about the desired interpretation is very easy. Keep this in mind when making your points. The first few points were prime examples of this - one side does this, but the other side also does this. Yes, it's true - that's what happens in war.

Furthermore, when deciding what you believe in I would like to suggest that everyone remind themselves that words are definable and definitions are open to interpretation. While we like to pride ourselves on the existence of something called a "dictionary" that lists and defines words - the true meaning of the word depends on the context and the situation to which it is applied.

Related to this topic, here is an example: terrorist. Terrorist is an ugly word. It is pure propaganda due to the heavily negative connotations that accompany it. But terrorist is not the same thing to everyone. One terrorist to someone could be a brother or son to another.

I've decided to leave most of the borderline inappropriate comments untouched due to the accompanying discussion.

Lastly, this is just a discussion. Unless personal attacks and being thrown, there really is no need to take it personal. At the end of the day it is text on a screen that you can easily walk away from.

Please keep all my points in mind before continuing discussion or you could get it closed for good.

If any staff member does not agree with my post, soft delete it and talk to me.