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Israel-Palestine War; what do you think?


iPhone Developer (prev. PSP Dev)
Hamas Explains Use of Civilians as Human Shields
The argument that I keep hearing is that Israel is killing women, children and civilians with blindly dropped bombs. The civilians that are being killed in Gaza are a result of a decision made by Hamas to use them as shields. If the Hamas fighters weren't hiding among civilians, this war would result in a lot less civilian casualties

I couldn't watch the video atm, but that's the total truth, the issue is that no one can deal with it and they are using their own biased minds to blame Israel.

Just found out my French professor is Palestinian and he now knows I'm Jewish :)eek:) This may cause problems, but he's blaming everything on Israel and saying that they blockaded Gaza weeks ago and that Hamas is doing the right thing and that if Israel left, and gave Hamas a better chance, they would be better off.

I however, disagree with that. :tdown:


Suck It
This whole thing is completely out of hand and just needs to stop. Maybe the UN should actually give the Palestinians back some of their land. And Israel wasn't right to seize all the land they did, either. I know 'm waaay oversimplifying the situation, but for the sake of all the people involved, this absolutely has to stop. I guess I more support Israel in this conflict, but that doesn't mean that they're completely in the right either. At this point the world needs to step up and do something before more civilians get murdered in the crossfire.

It's amazing that this particular conflict is gaining so much attention, whereas conflicts like the genocide in Darfur are being completely ignored.


<span style=height:2px;cursor:default;"></span>
It's amazing that this particular conflict is gaining so much attention, whereas conflicts like the genocide in Darfur are being completely ignored.

It's because so much of our money goes into Israel while very little in comparison goes into Darfur (or Africa as a whole). Someone needs to make a Hotel Rwanda style movie for Darfur to raise awareness.


Quality Haxing Since 1991
It's amazing that this particular conflict is gaining so much attention, whereas conflicts like the genocide in Darfur are being completely ignored.

Yeah, tell me about it. And it's not like this is the first time it's happened there either. We did nothing in the 90s when over 1 MILLION people were slaughtered in 100 DAYS. World governments wouldn't even call it genocide, because then under UN law they would have to send aid. The governments of the world were instructed to simply say things like "acts of genocide have occurred." How pitiful is that?

Nobody takes notice until it happens in the Middle East.


Quality Haxing Since 1991
It's because so much of our money goes into Israel while very little in comparison goes into Darfur (or Africa as a whole). Someone needs to make a Hotel Rwanda style movie for Darfur to raise awareness.

So true. Hotel Rwanda was an excellent movie, and something needs to be done to raise awareness. Let's stop sending the largest chunk of our foreign aid to Israeli weapons and let's start using it to, you know, send actual AID.


New Member
Israel kindergarden hit by rocket. No one killed or injured as the schools have been closed by Israel. 10 other rockets landed in the town.

EDIT: http://www.reuters.com/article/topNews/idUSLS69391620090106
Fifth Israeli soldier killed in ground op, as IDF closes in on Gaza cities - Haaretz - Israel News
Palestinian death toll nearing 600 and a 5th Israeli soldier has been killed as the IDF nears the main cities.


New Member
None of this would be happening right now, if America didn't support Israel so much, seriously.

Look at Nazi Germany. Everyone saw the Holocaust and reacted, so why arn't other countries reacting about this?

Fact is, in this day and age, If a Muslim does something, he's a terrorist. If a Jew does something, he's defending himself. Its fucking disgusting. You can see traces of it everywhere. Just listen to ANY news channel in the Western World. They all refer to Palestinian attacks as terrorism, but Israeli attacks as acts of Heroism.

And you want to know what happens if any country gets involved? They get called terrorists too. Look at Iran, they supplied Palestine with weapons and their labeled as supporting terrorism. But American support Israel with weaponry and warheads and everyone looks the other way.

Sorry to be radical, but the moment the Jews tried to invade into Arab land, ALL Arab nations should have gotten rid of them. NO WAY in hell is any of this bullshit acceptable.


Suck It
None of this would be happening right now, if America didn't support Israel so much, seriously.
And do you know what would happen if Hamas had Israels military capabilities? What would they do to the Jews? Sorry to sound blunt, but they would fucking kill them all. That much is undeniable imo

Look at Nazi Germany. Everyone saw the Holocaust and reacted, so why arn't other countries reacting about this?
Actually, this point is often debated. The holocaust was apparently known long before any action was taken to prevent it. The goal was to stop Germany, not somuch stop the Holocaust from occurring. It was a secondary bonus. Anyways it was an entirely different situation which I don't think applies for this particular conflict

Sorry to be radical, but the moment the Jews tried to invade into Arab land, ALL Arab nations should have gotten rid of them. NO WAY in hell is any of this bullshit acceptable.
This actually implicitly supports my first point


And you want to know what happens if any country gets involved? They get called terrorists too. Look at Iran, they supplied Palestine with weapons and their labeled as supporting terrorism. But American support Israel with weaponry and warheads and everyone looks the other way.

Like it or not Britain are AMERICAN ALLIES. They wont scrutinise the US for what they're doing.


New Member
Fact is, in this day and age, If a Muslim does something, he's a terrorist. If a Jew does something, he's defending himself. Its fucking disgusting. You can see traces of it everywhere. Just listen to ANY news channel in the Western World. They all refer to Palestinian attacks as terrorism, but Israeli attacks as acts of Heroism.
Palestine is attacking Israeli cities with unguided rockets, mortars, suicide bombings on civilian targets and children suicide bombers while all the time hiding their launch sites in densely populated areas. How would you define terrorism?


Just listen to ANY news channel in the Western World. They all refer to Palestinian attacks as terrorism, but Israeli attacks as acts of Heroism.

You can stop right there with that old bullshit. Just now on the news there was a long report about how Israel just shot rockets at schools. Whether accidentally or on purpose is unknown.


Your resident psycho hobo
Both sides are fucking dickholes. there is no good side here.


Like a Boss
None of this would be happening right now, if America didn't support Israel so much, seriously.

Look at Nazi Germany. Everyone saw the Holocaust and reacted, so why arn't other countries reacting about this?

Fact is, in this day and age, If a Muslim does something, he's a terrorist. If a Jew does something, he's defending himself. Its fucking disgusting. You can see traces of it everywhere. Just listen to ANY news channel in the Western World. They all refer to Palestinian attacks as terrorism, but Israeli attacks as acts of Heroism.

And you want to know what happens if any country gets involved? They get called terrorists too. Look at Iran, they supplied Palestine with weapons and their labeled as supporting terrorism. But American support Israel with weaponry and warheads and everyone looks the other way.

Sorry to be radical, but the moment the Jews tried to invade into Arab land, ALL Arab nations should have gotten rid of them. NO WAY in hell is any of this bullshit acceptable.

Iran is supposedly giving weapons to the Taliban. How is that not supporting terrorism? You're incredibly biased. You feel victimized because you're being judged most of the time for you being a Muslim. But the truth of the matter is, you shouldn't be scrutinizing other races (like Jews) for the faults of a select group of radicals in your own religion. Because to be honest with you, all of this bullshit about Muslims being terrorists is because of 9/11 and solely 9/11. Before this, views on Muslims weren't, "hey look, that guy is brown, he might be a terrorist." Blame the Taliban, blame al Qaeda, blame the stupid extremists who think the western world is the devil. Don't blame the Jews, they've been scrutinized enough for the past 4000 years.


iPhone Developer (prev. PSP Dev)
Vee, I'm sorry, but you really need to take a good, clear, look at the facts and get them straight. Try to focus on those facts without what you've grown up hearing.

This is horrible, and how anyone can justify Hamas' reason for doing what it's doing is wrong. They are the f*cking cowards. They make the Israelis kill innocent people, including children because they can't do anything themselves. They poke and prod trying to goad Israel into attacking them. i.e. shooting rockets into Israel and making false claims. That is what is causing people like you to think this way about them.

They are seriously all a bunch of stone cold cowards who should go jump into the Mediterranean Sea with anchors tied to their legs. They can't even fight Israel in open warfare. It's total cowardice.

And no, the USA sends in money to Israel, but not weapons or nukes. They develop their own weapons right now and possibly some of the most advanced weapons tech around.

Their martial arts is strong enough to break a single bone in someone's body by using precise methods.


New Member
None of this would be happening right now, if America didn't support Israel so much, seriously.

America's relationship with Israel has nothing to do with the conflict. It would exist with or without it.

Look at Nazi Germany. Everyone saw the Holocaust and reacted, so why arn't other countries reacting about this?

Nobody reacted to the Holocaust. The only evidence of the Holocaust during the war was a couple spy reports and reconnaissance photos. Plus, the camps lay deep within German territory. They were only liberated when Allied forces reached them.

Today, the reason for non-reacting is global interdependence. If everyone supported Israel, the Arab world would hate them. If they supported the Palestinians, not only Israel but the entire world Jewish population would hate them.

It's the same reason why nobody is doing anything in Darfur. Because China is on the other side. And with the world's fastest growing economy and center of most of the world's exports, you do not want to piss them off.

Fact is, in this day and age, If a Muslim does something, he's a terrorist. If a Jew does something, he's defending himself. Its fucking disgusting. You can see traces of it everywhere. Just listen to ANY news channel in the Western World. They all refer to Palestinian attacks as terrorism, but Israeli attacks as acts of Heroism.

Muslims have it good today. Even after 9/11, Muslims were not publicly ridiculed to the point that it was outright discrimination. Just look at history. The Germans were hated by the West after both World Wars. And if you were Russian, you wouldn't dare reveal that during the Cold War. Except for the occasional, isolated case. I don't see any discrimination of Muslims anywhere.

And you want to know what happens if any country gets involved? They get called terrorists too. Look at Iran, they supplied Palestine with weapons and their labeled as supporting terrorism. But American support Israel with weaponry and warheads and everyone looks the other way.

That's because Iran is supplying insurgent groups, the same groups who are carrying out attacks on Iraqi civilians.

America is just exporting weaponry and supplies to an ally engaged in war, just like it has done for its allies in World War I and World War II. Nothing special here.


eXo Admin
Enforcer Team
And no, the USA sends in money to Israel, but not weapons or nukes. They develop their own weapons right now and possibly some of the most advanced weapons tech around.
In the past, Israel has bought US made weapons, aircraft, and other military technology and were/are privy to US technological knowledge. This basically is an exclusive deal between the two countries. True Israel now makes their own technology but the fact remains that they are perceived as the region's little super power baby brother.


iPhone Developer (prev. PSP Dev)
In the past, Israel has bought US made weapons, aircraft, and other military technology and were/are privy to US technological knowledge. This basically is an exclusive deal between the two countries. True Israel now makes their own technology but the fact remains that they are perceived as the region's little super power baby brother.

True, I wasn't even considering aircraft as well. I admit, some is, as you said part of the deal, but the part about the warheads that Vee said is false... Israel is considered a nuclear power itself and is believed to have its own arsenal of nukes just so that it has a real means of defending itself.