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El Xando

"Dam whippersnapper"

Viewable are spawn, xplorens house, Red Spys house, and my house.


Ma house :) This is why I need to find a dungeon xD

PR0fessor Burnt

Well-Known Member
my house is somewhere in one of those deserts built almost completely out of sand so you cant see it from these kinds of maps :p

El Xando

"Dam whippersnapper"
xploren your cave system is ridiculous...


I found a cave 'system' the other day, it was just a 2x2 hole in the ground which went really far down with spiralling stairs. Whose is that's?


None at all, last time I checked anyway. It just went down until it hit bedrock.
I found a cave 'system' the other day, it was just a 2x2 hole in the ground which went really far down with spiralling stairs. Whose is that's?

Not mine, I usually have 1x1 shafts with water at the bottom. Don't really need ladders. :troll:


only when you have at least 20 posts

And we emphasize that you make legitimate posts and become part of the community, and not just spam until you get 20 posts.

By the way, Professor Burnt, it seems to me that the fz.class crash fix doesn't work anymore. I just hang at the screen when I install it.