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MS:0 Master proof of concept alpha release

What kinda computer do you have ? 386 or something ?
No, that's what surprises me, both my PC and laptop are pretty good.

Intel Core2 Duo E6300 1.86GHz on an Intel DG965WH board with a 1GB kit of Corsair Twin2X DDR2-675 memory

HP SE L2000 AMD Turion64 ML-34 1.8GHz with 512MB DDR-333 memory
That solved it...

Alright, well I found that as long as I run the Configure Ms Master2.0 before each test it works fine.
I'll post my results in the appropriate thread.
Ms MasteR 2.05 with Autoupdate

Now getting the latest Version of Ms MasteR is easier then ever with the new autoupdate feature.
View attachment 133
View attachment 134
View attachment Vercheck.bmp
The first time you install 2.05 the autoupdate version check will spoof your version so you can try the autoupdate feature. You will need to run the configure utility to generate the necessary drivers when an update is installed. It will run automatically when you start Ms MasteR the next time. Once you try the autoupdate utility successfully you will not be able to update again untill a new update is posted.

Source will be included next release. And will only be included for manualy dled files.

Special thanks to exophase.com for hosting the autoupgrades. And to Chilly Willy for helping me along as I learn.
Ms MasteR 2.052 with News

The auto update feature has been rerouted please download the latest version and install over previous versions.

This edition is a little closer to whats planned.
*You can install homebrews in the news from the tools menu.
*The gui has been reorganized to allow adding future functions
*test.exe is no longer needed it is included in GUI

UPDATED bug fixed adding files to homebrew news soon
If your autoupdate fails to copy a file please see homebrew news #3 which is a hotfix to fix this issue.


First off I need to say thanks to Chilly Willy. Not only for figuring out the code when I had issues but also for the idea displayed here. We came up with it while brainstorming ideas for D_A's request for prx code to be put IN oe. And Chilly was working on the DG code , and KeyCleaner code and I was bored so I began working on this.

Whats so special about a copy paste utility you say? The actual idea we are working on is a psp wifi prx that will enable you to install working copies of ANY homebrew on the go. Kinda the way you install apps on linux if any of you are familiar. As I worked on MSM to practice my meager skills, Chilly pointed out that it would benifit those with out wireless connections if the prx had a pc side companion application. Then the people with out wireless can also use the features of the prx which will eventually become the parent app of this.

As you can see MSM has come along way from a cool app to get a right click menu. And with Chillys help will continue to progress. Currently I believe Chilly is working on the c ++ code version. But for now while we wait we have MsM 2.052beta.

Autoupdate will be updated shortly and source will be edited into this post at that point.

I was asked to change where the server side files reside which caused a bit of issues. This update cannot be run automatically. But please do install it. It fixes all remaining known issues from the change.
2.06 New Gui with News Installer

NEW gui
Includes Some News Installers.

~tools menu will be in an update
~templates menu will be in an update
~psp-hacks news Installer will also be an an update.

Some of the items on the right still load the old code to run. Most will be updated soon.

~added benchmark gui
~added tools gui
~added Backup tracker gui
*fixed brew 1, 2 , 5
*fixed backuptracker ms1 , ms3 dates

This should be a fully bug free release. Its well tested. Autoupdate also has the update if you already have MSM installed.

2 things left to work in :
template manager
Psp-hacks news installer
Snuck threw an autoupdate.

Ms1 and Ms3 backup tracker dates were hosed , fixed now
Homebrew 1, 2, 5 were not installing , fixed now

installer is above.

Any one waiting on a final prouduct (with a readme though its not needed) I have 2 more things to put in

*psp-hacks homebrew installer (being worked on now)
*Template manager

There will be more added,, but its going official very soon. (notice alpha title on post).Little fixes like this will not happen past that point. (The code is nearly perfect now)

Source MSM 2.064