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My playtime on all games is suddenly 3x more than it was earlier today???


New Member
Just ran a profile scan and for some reason every game on my Exophase profile is now 3x more than it was earlier? Is there any quick fix for this? outside of manually changing everything?
PSN issue - it seems for a brief period last night it was inflating the playtime numbers by a significant amount. As a quick fix we might just reset the hours on all PSN profiles and rescan, but trying to determine if this is still happening before doing that.
PSN issue - it seems for a brief period last night it was inflating the playtime numbers by a significant amount. As a quick fix we might just reset the hours on all PSN profiles and rescan, but trying to determine if this is still happening before doing that.
Ok thanks for getting back to me, I shan't manually change anything back for the time being.
I think it should be corrected now, we reset the totals and just rescanned everyone. Doesn't seem to have happened again since.