Good day,
have a problem....i think here is the best place to ask for help
A few days ago i donwload a few psx-psp games, movies and psp games original....but i put psx game in wrong folder (that is what i untherstand when i read faqs), but i dont know what game give me problem with my psp......each time i turn on my psp she go direct to recovery menu (M33 recovery menu) i dont know why....when i try run /psp/recovery/eboot.pbp give me that error 80010002.
that is not all....i dont have that folder....because i format my memory stick and all options....i read about new firmware and upgrade to 5.00 the new one....and think problem is solve...wrongggg he keep that.
each time i play a game one key miss, exemple boots to run, direction move, choose item, acelarate etc i can't play any game untherstand the problem/error!?
for last when i play a game and try "home" to come back to "menu", psp don't let me choose "yes" or "no".
can you help me out?
is possible donwgrade my psp from 5.00? and make batery pandora and memory stick!? to have chore all is ok for now on?
thx i hope you can help me
any question plz mail me
hope you say something soon.