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[RELEASE] 5.03 TIFF Hello World

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Never say never...
HEN means Hombrew Enabler. It basically turns off signing checks in the firmware to allow one to launch homebrew.

E] Ah, I see I'm too late :p

no offense to author, lol :)


New Member
My take on this is that if a HEN is to be released it should be for this exploit... Not that I'm discounting the work made by the people who worked on the GS exploit but, not everyone has the money to buy the darn game at the price it is sold right now (when I wanted to buy it, it was $80+).
Whatever way to unlock Kernel Mode that was found with the GS exploit, if DaX wanted to save it for later, I say let it. The hombrew scene right now has the break of the year.
Still we should respect whatever choice the dev's make and let them decide what they believe is best.

I picked up 12 copies at Fry's for $5 each.
Sold 9 of them on ebay @ $50 each.



New Member
thank you, so if they make one I would be able to downgrade my PSP and install M33 or another? Any information about when it might be released?

No, if they make one you will be able to run homebrew (emulators, etc) and probably something to run ISO's/PS1 games (if they get kernel access I guess).


Staff member
Enforcer Team
Game Info Editor
I tried several times to get this to execute properly on my Rachet & Clank slim this morning before work. Didn't work once. I upgraded to official 5.03 just to try it out.

I'll try again after work today.

Resetting settings back to default seems to increase the chances of it working. I couldn't get it to work initially either, but after doing that, it always works after around 5 tries now.


New Member
No one should update to 5.03 just to try a PoC. If they do and this hits a dead end (although I think there's a 100% chance homebrew will come of the exploit), they deserve it.

Don't bother with earlier firmware until someone says "Right chaps, looks like version 5.03 is a no go". Then maybe other options should be looked at.

I wouldn't even begin to hint that I think you're dead wrong.
I don't.
I agree with you.
It's conventional wisdom.

I will say that it is my experience that when people upgrade to an OFW ...
Someone jumps up and says ...
Stupid ...
You're hosed ...
It's all your fault ...
And you'll never enjoy homebrew ...

... It's been my experience that when this happens ...
A hack eventually comes out.
Don't discount our Developers!
Don't discount our Beloved Hackers!

I would have never in a million years believed ...
that a battery was the magic key for unlocking a number of PSP models ...

Our Developers, our beloved Hackers prove one simple point ..
time and time again.
If you give someone physical access to a piece of hardware ...
... you just can't stop them.


New Member
A lot of the code in the h.bin looks compiled >_>
Of course, the assembly in the TIFF is hand-written. No real other way to do it.

It should be possible to compile a homebrew to work as the h.bin, but it's quite difficult. You need to pull out the .text segment, basically not use any of the other segments (I think it would be possible to use a .data segment, but it would require to post-process the binary a lot), and stick only that in the binary. You'd need to be very cautions of absolute jumps and probably replace them with relative branches, and absolute memory access is also asking for a disaster, but without a .data or .bss segment, these probably won't happen unless you're actually messing around with a specific portion of memory. You basically need to abide by these rules yourself when you're writing the h.bin in assembly anyway, but it's easier because you can do the branches yourself and avoid use of other segments already.

If you don't know what segments or relative branches are, you probably shouldn't try to write an h.bin ;)

Hehe yeah I know a tiny bit about segments but not enough for this ^^. I must say that i admire the people out there who knows there way around Assembly :). I have only played around a little bit with TASM a couple of years ago and most of that is gone now, but I gotta say that I have never felt as powerful as back in time when I did some Assembly ;).


Resetting settings back to default seems to increase the chances of it working. I couldn't get it to work initially either, but after doing that, it always works after around 5 tries now.

And i have make ms format :) And everytime it works!
In ms is only h.bin and PSP/PHOTO/ lot pictures and at end tiff


PG for Poland Guy
So it work's on my PSP 3004 with OFW 5.02 so there's no need to update to 5.03, cool.
Personally I'm putting 8 pictures in PHOTO folder plus slim.tiff of course.
Then after reboot I'm going to Photos and slowly scroll down to tiff image and I need to see that last thumbnail on the screen is loading.
Works always and there's no need of changing language, reset settings to default and formating ms.

Sorry for my bad English. :p

Good job MaTiAz. I hope there's really more things to come.


you don`t must update to 5.02, I have 5.00 and it work.
I just wait when in ms show me option and then i open the directory!


New Member
I tried several times to get this to execute properly on my Rachet & Clank slim this morning before work. Didn't work once. I upgraded to official 5.03 just to try it out.

I'll try again after work today.

I failed about 20 tries in a row then after reading a few more posts I got it to work. What I did was I loaded 9 pictures on my psp, slim.tff being the last one to load, then I reset my psp back to default settings, then I rebooted my psp (hold for 3 seconds), went to my pictures from xmb and loaded memory card and slowly went down the list and got it to work on my 2nd try. Running firmware 5.03 with psp-3001 model (ratchet & clank).

Now with this exploit can we load HEN onto our psp? or do we have to wait for a new version. Sorry I am fairly new to this, just got my psp recently. :)


New Member
To answer questions regarding it not working on 4.xx:

I tested the slim version on 4.xx and it doesn't work - however, that is because it hasn't been made to work. MaTiAz and co COULD get it working on at least 4.01 - and maybe other firmwares too. But I ask - what would be the point? The gripshift exploit works fine on 5.02, along with the tiff, and so you'd have the best of both worlds.

If any HEN came along on this exploit, you can bet it won't be for 4.xx - it will be for the newest firmware available (e.g. 5.03). What would be the point in duplicating the firmware patches when the newest works fine?

Anyway, that aside, it's great that it seems to work on 3000 aswell :) Although, that still has to be confirmed by MaTiAz, but I'm sure that he's on it ;)


New Member
The HEN is not directly related to Gripshift or the Tiff exploit.

The issue is not Gripshift VS Tiff, but the fact that there is apparently a new Kernel exploit. It sort of made it to the same news as the Tiff exploit so people are confused, but it is a separate piece of news, really.

This is completely unrelated to the TIFF exploit or the Gripshift exploit. As far as I know, if a HEN is made out of this, there could be a version for both GS and the Tiff exploit actually.

Is there a thread running on this other piece of news?
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