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[RELEASE] Flash Spacer

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Active Member
[RELEASE] Flash Spacer V2.7

Here It Is!!!!!

V3.5 has a minor changelog, worth checking out.
Flash Spacer V3.5 By alex_e

Tested on 5.00m33-4 on a psp phat and slim, through both HEN and M33

This application removes and back-ups certain files in flash0. currently, it installs, unistall the location free player, the dic folder and unistalls the camera feature located in the xmb thus
saving you approximatley 3mb so far.
It now lets you install custom Xmb files to the flash0.
to do this you must have the following files:


you need all of these for it to work, you will have to run flash spacer first, it will then create the folder Custom XMB, in that folder you place those files and folders.
if one of those files are missing, flash spacer will not flash the custom xmb.
if the custom xmb is corrupt of it isnt for the correct firmware, you will semi-brick and you will have to restore the flash0 back-up that was made at start up.


copy Flash Spacer V3.5 to PSP/GAME

this will work in any of the game folders and will now create and restore back-ups.
this should also run the slim, but with any programs that access the flash beware.


Further info:

Flash Spacer Checks For h.bin at the root of the memory stick, if this is found it will boot into a HEN mode.
if you wish to boot into the full program, remove h.bin from the root of your memory stick.

Restoring functions if back ups are lost.
you will either have to dump a the fw you are running and restore them manually
or you will have to up/down grade the fw.

Added A HEN Check, If it returns possitive it will boot into a HEN restriction mode.
Added A Function To Flash Custom Gameboots.
Added A Function To Restore Custom Gameboots.

as per usual, the file is in the attachment.



Your first program.. Congratulations!

I already have my location free player removed from my Phat because of 150k add-on :)...

an di don't think i intend to remove it from my slim...

but nice way to start.. ;)
Your first program.. Congratulations!

I already have my location free player removed from my Phat because of 150k add-on :)...

an di don't think i intend to remove it from my slim...

but nice way to start.. ;)

thank you...
it can only get better, i want to add more to it but i want to add the back-up part first before i add anymore so im trying to find a place where i can learn to flash...
Good work alex_e! +rep added for developing an app. :D

Also for a suggestion, you should add a disclaimer to the app; so if anyone bricks their PSP, it will not be your fault.
Good work alex_e! +rep added for developing an app. :D

Also for a suggestion, you should add a disclaimer to the app; so if anyone bricks their PSP, it will not be your fault.

okie doke, good idea, but i thought it werent neccessary just yet because it doesnt trouch any vital files just yet, but i will do, you can never be to safe.
Ok, good now everything is good with the disclaimer in place.

Also, will this be open source or will you release the source in the future?
Ok, good now everything is good with the disclaimer in place.

Also, will this be open source or will you release the source in the future?

well i'll send you the source if you want it as we have a trust in our team, lol, but it will be open source once im finished with it so everyone can benifit.
Nah, send it another time. I'll need it only for education purposes. But you can keep it for now.
Nah, send it another time. I'll need it only for education purposes. But you can keep it for now.

ya sure, i can quickly comment it for ya, i dont mind tbh, or do u want it when its juicy
No keep it for now. I can wait, and I am working on other stuff at the moment.
<p>Nice psp utility! Posted to main news page of PSP Slim Hacks :) Look forward to seeing an update on this one.</p>
<p><a rel="nofollow" href="http://pspslimhacks.com/flash-spacer-removes-location-free-player/">[pspslimhacks.com]</a></p>
That's because the attachment link was removed/changed. I've fixed it now, though.
<p>no it doesnt, only the files that are going to be removed are backed up.
i was just gonna release V2.5 but it will go on hold while i have look into implenting the whole lflash back-up.
my guess is that it will probably be implented in a 2.6.</p>
Good work alex_e! :w00t:

A suggestion I have for Flash Spacer is to backup and restore function for the PSN settings found in flash2.
Well, somehow Hellcat has managed flash2 access. Wierd, that others can't.
yh, i think im almost there, i just call something.
im just gonna compile it now and see if i write access
UPDATE: didnt even compile, i'll do some more research, i mighjt just release 2.5 as it is,
it removes the DIC folder saving a total of about 3mb :)
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