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RemoteJoy Installation and User Guide

Just a reminder this IS an old program, and nobody has updated this for slim.
and you have to be either on 3.60M33 or 3.71M33 (custom firmware) in order to use this.

i believe i've done pretty much everything correctly. when i enter a game, however, the pc doesn't detect a usb device. both plugins are enabled. anybody know what's wrong?
Haven't installed it yet, but it does sound enticing.

Does can i use the keyboard as a controller for remote joy or does it still rely on the PSP keypads?

I'm thinking of hooking my laptop to my 32" TV and plug in gamepad to my laptop so i can play it like a console. Sounds crazy, but my wallet just ain't fat enough to buy a slim PSP.

Anybody out there who has tested this out?
Could someone reupload the file?

Would be nice too, I lost the file myself >_>.

BTW this won't work on Firmware later than 3.52, because of the prx structure changed in 3.71
ive installed joysens on my psp and when i try to disable the plugin so i could use remotejoy, i cant. some how its locked when i try to disable it in recovery mode. any suggestions?