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The How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb party room HD remix 2 turbo


cant fux widdit


no =/
but I finally fuggin' bonded with my roommate. This is the fourth Sunday I've been here, and until lastnight, he was more like a stranger than a roommate.
But I got in at... God knows what time .... from a nice birthday celebration, and he was in the room piss ass drunk as well.
We played Left 4 Dead for a while, but it felt like 10 minutes.
Then he was like, "I'm tired" and flopped on his bed in the most uncomfortable-looking position ever, and didn't move until he rolled over about an hour ago.

Idk, it was just like there was weird tension before because we never really hung out.

I'll be completely honest, but I don't think bonding with your male roommate should be as exciting as you make it out to be unless youre homosexual and he is one hot male, which is perfectly fine, but just saying.

Craig Fairfax

illuminati Vereran
I'll be completely honest, but I don't think bonding with your male roommate should be as exciting as you make it out to be unless youre homosexual and he is one hot male, which is perfectly fine, but just saying.
He probably doesn't want any awkward tension with the guy he has to live with.