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The How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb party room HD remix 2 turbo

I might go next year, either to PAX or E3. Can't go this year due to school stuff - also taking summer classes. Finally graduating in the fall though.
A subwoofer is the best thing you can get for your PC. Seriously. I just bought this and ran the front two speaker channels through it. It makes the whole room shake. It's like force feedback for all games.
A subwoofer is the best thing you can get for your PC. Seriously. I just bought this and ran the front two speaker channels through it. It makes the whole room shake. It's like force feedback for all games.

I'm sure x3sphere will agree with my when I say the Logitech speakers we have came with a great sub for speakers designed for a PC. I hooked mine up to my TV but might move them back to my PC - love the sub when playing a racing game with decent sound as well
Totally agree, the Z5500s have been once of the best purchases I've made. Incredible value, many people compare them to setups costing close to $1k. Too bad Logitech doesn't make them anymore.
I've always wanted the Gigaworks S750 or the Z5500 for but I never had the money. Now they're both unavailable. I swapped out just the subwoofer on my entry level HTIB and it made a massive difference. The room shakes for the Windows error message sound.
Just got invited to the new Inbox By Gmail. The Inbox is great, feels so clean and nice and it on the same level at Outlook.com now. If not a bit nicer with the group email thing. Cant wait to play with it some more..!!!
Everyone looking forward to taking a break over the holidays? I certainly am.. feel like I've been going like the energizer bunny for the past year.
It has been a hectic year for me too. We were supposed to move a few weeks ago, but our buyer's financing fell through at the last minute. Had movers scheduled to pick everything up the day we found out. Everything is in boxes right now... I'm hoping we can find another buyer soon before the new year starts. And the place we were going to buy is now pending, so have to start looking again, ugh.