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Josey Wales

Evil Poptart
All of your twitters fail. None of you are important enough for anyone in the world to care about or follow.

Get moar life kthx


Crank it up!
All of your twitters fail. None of you are important enough for anyone in the world to care about or follow.

Get moar life kthx

Dude, that's harsh....


Active Member
just an update to all my loyal followers, had my colon removed and now have a catheter for #shit. So psyched! Goin to poop in mah bag now.


Quality Haxing Since 1991
just an update to all my loyal followers, had my colon removed and now have a catheter for #shit. So psyched! Goin to poop in mah bag now.

Don't steal my fucking twitter statuses. My life is important and people care about it, and if you want to use my status then you need to source it. If you want to become a follower then go ahead, but what you did here is just despicable.

Josey Wales

Evil Poptart
Hold on guys, Susanne Summers just tweet'd that she went to the tanning salon. OMG this is so awesome I cant wait to hear about how it went


Active Member
Don't steal my fucking twitter statuses. My life is important and people care about it, and if you want to use my status then you need to source it. If you want to become a follower then go ahead, but what you did here is just despicable.

Sorry but, it's only been 5 minutes but I'm still going, hopefully this won't be like last week's #shit haha, nah that was a one time thing


Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I'm finally out of the hospital and doing great, about to take a nice normal #shit. Wish me luck :)


is Over 9000
Lawl, bump. I know this threads pretty dead, but I thought I might as well post to say I've just set up a Twitter, not that any of you really care. It's http://www.twitter.com/Freshmilk_, since Freshmilk was already taken. :scared: