• Steam recently changed the default privacy settings for all users. This may impact tracking. Ensure your profile has the correct settings by following the guide on our forums.
  • If your profile is showing up as Not Ranked, please review our rules page and follow the appeal process detailed there.

Username change request

Hello friend, where can I solve this problem? these nicknames were in my old account that I asked to delete because the username is my personal name, and so I created this new account with a nickname instead of my real name, but the accounts of the achievements are the same, how do I solve it?
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Hello friend, where can I solve this problem? these nicknames were in my old account that I asked to delete because the username is my personal name, and so I created this new account with a nickname instead of my real name, but the accounts of the achievements are the same, how do I solve it?
When requesting account deletion all linked services are also removed from the site for privacy reasons. I didn't see a note from you about that.

Anyway, I've removed the privacy flag now, should be able to re-link them.
hello~ could you change my username too, please? to "WDLavster", my current Display name
many thanks in advance!
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Hello, I accidentally requested account deletion. Please can you cancel it? Also, please change my username to failstate7, if possible, so it matches my Steam display name. Thanks.
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