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Username change request

Hi, I changed my current nickname to "Alucard", but the old nickname "Sasuke" still appears in my profile.
Is it possible to solve the problem? I would like the nickname Alucard

Hi, I changed my current nickname to "Alucard", but the old nickname "Sasuke" still appears in my profile.
Is it possible to solve the problem? I would like the nickname Alucard
Alucard is already taken, but I don't see any gaming services connected (may be a privacy setting though), and they were only active on the forums for a couple of months way back in 2007, so perhaps the account could be considered abandoned and the name up for grabs?
Have deleted that account and gave the username to you. Typically we do not do that but yeah they haven't signed in for over 10 years and never linked any platforms.
Oh my god I just realised I put Novastralaa instead of Novastrala, this is what I get for not cleaning my keyboard! ;-;
I know it was just recently changed but are you able to do it again, if not then that's completely fine! ^^
hiya i noticed while i was putting my user as fast as I could I put it to 'ship_' which was one of my alternate aliases. i would love to change it to 'アルト', minus the ' ofc, if it is still 'ship_' . thanks in advance!