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Warning: your chair could kill you!


A fourteen-year-old boy was killed after the chair he was sitting on exploded, propelling sharp chairs parts into his rectum, resulting in extensive bleeding, to which he succumbed before medical attention could stem the flow.

The accident occurred when the boy was alone, sitting on the chair (which was for PC use); he managed to overcome the pain and call his father, who summoned an ambulance, but it took an hour to get him to hospital, by which time it was too late for him.

The chair in question was a standard gas cylinder type, where the height is regulated by an adjustable cylinder containing highly pressurised gas, and it was this which exploded, sending high velocity chair parts into the posterior of the unfortunate youth.

In fact, it seems a spate of such incidents were reported at the hospital – 3 such injuries caused by exploding chairs were reported this month, perhaps indicating an influx of poorly manufactured chairs into the area. In 2007 a similar accident also propelled a 20cm part into the rear of a 68-year-old man, who suffered a severe 5cm wound; he survived.

The illustrated chair shows the severity of such a cylinder malfunction.


We do not hear where the chair parts in question were made, though of course with the accident occuring in China it is likely there that they were made.

Three factors are implicated in such accidents:

1. The gas in the cylinder is contaminated with gases other than nitrogen.
2. The materials used in the cylinder are deficient, reducing the durability of the part.
3. The cylinder is not completely airtight.

Oil based hydraulic devices are said to be safer, but most such chairs on the market today use gas cylinders; naturally these tend to be made in China, where this accident occurred.

The boy in question weighed 80kg (certainly a fair amount for a 14-year-old Asian youth), which might have been a factor (though this will not reassure heavier framed non-Asian adults); it is suggested that using such chairs without placing excessive pressure on the cylinder is advisable – otherwise sitting on a steel plate might help.

痛いニュース(ノ∀`):パソコン用のイスが爆発、座っていた14歳少年の肛門に棒が刺さり死亡 [DQN Plus]


i'm having a hard time believing this

could be real though.....

You think EvilSeph would post this if it wasn't real?

Keep the skeptical comments back at the other place ;)

And yeah, the thought of my chair exploding is pretty terrifying :confused:


I actually have no clue if it is real, but judging from what I've seen happen when it comes to malfunctioning Chinese manufactured equipment, I'm not surprised.

I just thought I'd post it to scare people/give people a laugh. Though this is not a laughing matter (if this is real), check out the original source translated through Google for some laughs.


Your resident psycho hobo
they make pressurized gas chairs?! not smart, for EXACTLY this reason.


is Over 9000
I didn't know that they used gas cylinders. Meh, learn something new everyday. This probebly won't stop me using them though, considering only a very small amount of injuries have been reported. What're the odds it will happen to me?


Champion of the Sun
I didn't know that they used gas cylinders. Meh, learn something new everyday. This probebly won't stop me using them though, considering only a very small amount of injuries have been reported. What're the odds it will happen to me?

Probably? I'd say you have a fair chance that this won't happen to you., I don't see why this would stop anyone from using them :p


I'm not dead
If there was a large chance of it happening there would be recalls or a freeze on selling chairs until it's certain what's causing it.

You've probably got more chance of being hit by a bus.


is Over 9000
If there was a large chance of it happening there would be recalls or a freeze on selling chairs until it's certain what's causing it.

You've probably got more chance of being hit by a bus.

Probably? :laugh:

I just meant that the chances are insanely low. Still, was a stupid comment, I doubt anyone would stop using office chairs because of this, but I'd be annoyed if I died through excess bleeding from the anus. I just read the translation linked, was hilarious.

11 in the 2007 explosion of the same chair, the anus of men aged 68 to 20cm and are突KI刺SAっparts, the intestine is injured 5cm hacked.


Suck It
Regardless of the chances of this happening so extremely low, THIS SHOULDN'T BE HAPPENING AT ALL.

If there's already 3 reported cases of this happening only half way through February, surely there's some sort of manufacturing defect. That shit should've been recalled.


Champion of the Sun
A fitting quote from Fight Club (kind of):

A new car built by my company leaves somewhere traveling at 60 mph. The rear differential locks up. The car crashes and burns with everyone trapped inside. Now, should we initiate a recall? Take the number of vehicles in the field, A, multiply by the probable rate of failure, B, multiply by the average out-of-court settlement, C. A times B times C equals X. If X is less than the cost of a recall, we don't do one.

The truth is, unless legal action or a big drop in demand for these chairs arised because of these incidents, no company are gonna waste money on a recall.


Suck It
If it means saving lives, I'd be willing to lose some money because of it. Money shouldn't take priority over other peoples lives.

I guess unfortunately not everybody shares this view though.


I'm not dead
Regardless of the chances of this happening so extremely low, THIS SHOULDN'T BE HAPPENING AT ALL.

If there's already 3 reported cases of this happening only half way through February, surely there's some sort of manufacturing defect. That shit should've been recalled.
3 cases out of millions, possibly billions of chairs isn't anywhere near enough for there to be any clear cut case for a recall. 3 cases isn't even enough to determine a common cause of failure.

Recalls don't just happen when a problem occurs, recalls happen once a solution has been found and also once analysis of how wide spread the problem is.

Until chairs start popping on a large scale then there's no finger pointing to be done and there's no rectification work that can take place.
If it means saving lives, I'd be willing to lose some money because of it. Money shouldn't take priority over other peoples lives.

I guess unfortunately not everybody shares this view though.
If every chair on the planet with a gas cylinder in was recalled you wouldn't be looking at losing "some money", you'd be filing for bankruptcy and probably take a large chunk of the economy with you.

Saving lives should be top priority but until such a time that specific batches of cylinders can be identified to be at fault nothing will happen.

There's no need to be making mountains out of mole hills.


Suck It
3 cases out of millions, possibly billions of chairs isn't anywhere near enough for there to be any clear cut case for a recall. 3 cases isn't even enough to determine a common cause of failure.

Recalls don't just happen when a problem occurs, recalls happen once a solution has been found and also once analysis of how wide spread the problem is.

Until chairs start popping on a large scale then there's no finger pointing to be done and there's no rectification work that can take place.
Millions? Billions? Who said every gas-pressured chair in existence is defective? My guess would be that the last batch of chairs that were manufactured and shipped out would be the defective ones. I doubt that figure is anywhere near the millions. But who knows, it's China...

And that bit about recalls happening once a solution is found..? Sorry but I'd have to say I disagree. While something as small as this may indeed be totally insignificant, what about those cases where 100 some-odd sony batteries started blowing up and melting. Sony recalled them almost instantly. It's not like the problem was necessarily solved, it's impossible to actually know that... they just pretty much knew it was a bad batch.

If every chair on the planet with a gas cylinder in was recalled you wouldn't be looking at losing "some money", you'd be filing for bankruptcy and probably take a large chunk of the economy with you.

Saving lives should be top priority but until such a time that specific batches of cylinders can be identified to be at fault nothing will happen.

There's no need to be making mountains out of mole hills.
If every chair on the planet was recalled, I'd have to agree with you. Too bad this isn't the case :/


Does it say whether the 3 chairs blowing up were all from the same company?

EDIT: I guess not?
"We hope to identify the manufacturers of defective products as soon as possible. "


I don't really know of many gas powered chairs, only hydraulic cylinder operated ones (a point you guys have seemed to miss), so, really I don't think this is such a big deal at the moment.