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What did you get for Christmas?


New Member
I can see your list already... a 60 inch hdtv, 5 different recently released games, a car (for whatever reason), a new phone, and another ps3 & 360 just to name a few

Dude Sullivan is coming off a rough loss in the state high school football game, no need to insult him further.

On topic: Do not know yet but I got a pretty good idea:
Mk vs DC universe
Heavenly sword
Midnight Club LA ( All three my parents got cheap on amazon)
Random Yankee merchandise.
Thats about it. Maybe Dark Knight blu ray


[nerd mode ON]

wow, I just found out I had been made another little present :D

Nimiscal did it!
He linked me to an installer package that actually manages to install and run the full PSPSDK natively on MacOS :eek:

I just got a chance to try'n'test it, did a quick testcompile and it works like a charm!

\o/ yay, thanx him for that!

[nerd mode OFF]


iPhone Developer (prev. PSP Dev)
[nerd mode ON]

wow, I just found out I had been made another little present :D

Nimiscal did it!
He linked me to an installer package that actually manages to install and run the full PSPSDK natively on MacOS :eek:

I just got a chance to try'n'test it, did a quick testcompile and it works like a charm!

\o/ yay, thanx him for that!

[nerd mode OFF]

Lucky you.

Be glad you have something like that to use. About a year and a half ago, I wanted to run the SDK on my Mac, and there weren't any packs that would work.

On another note, I haven't gotten anything yet, and probably won't due to recession.


Los Doyers!
I got $150 cash and and Ipod Touch... Now I gotta wait til the morning to open the rest. All I asked for was cash though but there's a couple of packages for me.

Darth Budd

i didn't ask for anything but I think i'm getting a calendar and kneepads.

for hockey, get your mind out of the gutter


New Member
The wife and I aren't exchanging gifts this year. Instead we'll be getting a new TV for the bedroom.

And I will also be getting some head most likely.

Wait a minute, let me get this straight... Not only did you convince your girl that you didn't need to get her a gift, but you also convinced her to let you get a TV for the bed room, and suck your dick...

You need to run an obedience school for women, because you've got a gift... Don't keep that shit to your self.


New Member
Cock ride (extra special):eek:

$100 - Mom
$100 - Dad
$250 - Girlfriend
$50 - Girlfriend's Mom
$50 - Girlfriend's Aunt
$50 - Ex Girlfriend (don't ask)


cant fux widdit
My whore of a sister won't come downstairs because she's lying in bed with her new boyfriend (just got back with her ex) and I can't open anything until she does.



I'm not dead
Just got in from work and had my presents.

Banjo Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts.
Gears of War 2
Hancock (bluray)
Wanted (bluray)
Kill Bill 1 (bluray)
Kill Bill 2 (bluray)
PC Toolkit
Socks and Boxers
Shower Gel
2 Shirts

So now I can go to bed until xmas dinner is ready and then go back to work. Joy!

Darth Budd

Just got in from work and had my presents.

Banjo Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts.
Gears of War 2
Hancock (bluray)
Wanted (bluray)
Kill Bill 1 (bluray)
Kill Bill 2 (bluray)
PC Toolkit
Socks and Boxers
Shower Gel
2 Shirts

So now I can go to bed until xmas dinner is ready and then go back to work. Joy!

hellz to the yes


Active Member
Yeah twelve, give me a shout if you want to play some online on Banjo. Haven't tried it out yet but it looks fun.


New Member
from parents:
some sports gear

from other people:
Lord of the Flies
Warcraft III + Frozen Throne
<more to follow, tomorrow when people start to arrive>

I'm probably going to use €102.50 to buy a 3v card and use it to buy the following:
Left 4 Dead (PC)
Battlefield 2 Complete Edition (PC)
LittleBigPlanet (PS3)

I'll then have €30 that'll probably go towards buying Resistance 2 (I'm going to trade in my PSP for cash) which will get me 4 brilliant games and still have some cash left over. Even though I'll probably get more cash (even more games?) later, so I won't buy anything until at least tomorrow.

UPDATE: My brother got me Sonic Unleashed for the Wii. He didn't realise that I sold the wii. Because of his failure, I don't have to pay the price for the presents for my parents (a camera and a 5.1 surround sound system).
My other brother, got a RROD. Yay.



I got: A samsung NC10, X-Rocker, All indiana jones movies, Band of brothers on bluray, Family guy season 7 and little big planet :D