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What do you do?


Just wondering what it is y'all do in your everyday lives. Jobs and such. If you feel like sharing lol.

I'm a part time student and i work 2 part time jobs. I'm majoring in accounting (over halfway to my degree, finally). I work once a week doing accounting for a food service company, and I was working childcare once a week. Haven't in a bit due to low volume of children at the place.

So... Yeah. What do you do, exo members?
Freelance web developer here. I like the flexibility of setting my own hours but it can be more stressful than a regular job at times. That said, I enjoy what I do a lot, so that helps.
Freelance web developer here. I like the flexibility of setting my own hours but it can be more stressful than a regular job at times. That said, I enjoy what I do a lot, so that helps.
Hey kudos to u bro must be nice to make your own schedule...I wish I could
It was. You never know the calls/people that were going to come in. :p
I have a friend that's looking to get into your field!
911: what is your state of emergency
Caller: i ran out of toilet paper. helllpppp
911: sir we will send dispatch right away ;-P
its interesting seeing different apartments and houses and like your field you just never know who is gonna call or apply, i have had bums half drunk come looking for a place to live. its crazy but funny
I'm an Optometrist. I love checking peoples eye health. Great face to face customer service until you get a customer in a bad mood. Im also a part time cleaner for an elderly couple.
You work in the FM section or something else?

I'm the worlds greatest Security Officer. sub-contracted to a property management company.
i work the front desk at my job but i do a little of everything from showing the propertis to helping the tenants
Oooh painting! Nice ^^ I always loved art but I have no discipline, but I always enjoy the art of others.

An update since it's been awhile I guess... I'm still a student and I work as a barista at a Very Well Known Coffee Chain. Lol. The benefits are superb. So. Yup.