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Killzone 2


New Member
I was watching on a 32" 1080p TV sitting fairly close and I didn't notice any of the problems you are talking about.

18" is a pretty big difference, don't you think?

The Pop-in is only really a problem in the opening scene, when they fly in, but the texture are definitely not very high res in a lot of places. When you take cover is when it's at it's worst, because you're right up against the wall.

Additional Comment:
I'll reserve my judgement for now because I loved the beta and can't believe it sucks this bad now. :huh:

I wouldn't say it sucks, it's just kind of underwhelming.

I definitely want to try it again with the alt 2 control set-up. That wont make it feel less wonky, but at least I wont have to get used to the weird aiming, and non-conventional controls at the same time.


For the Helghast!
Well I really like it. Although I do agree with controls being wierd at first until I changed mine to Alt 2, sensitivity fully up and that 'hold aim' box ticket.

It does look really nice though imo :)


I'm not dead
Controls seem really sluggish even with sensitivity at max.

Graphics look good at 720p on a 32" TV. Don't seem particularly outstanding tho.

I'm not as disapointed as some people seem to be. I'm putting that down to managing to avoid the hype so far tho.

user friendly

New Member
Ok, after playing it about ten or so times, I think I have to change my answer. Default settings is the way to go, especially if you take advantage of the cover. After taking my time, I really started to enjoy it. The AI is great, every play through was different. They're pretty aggressive, especially if you come up on them and go into cover near them. They don't waste any time flanking your position.

Really started to like the StA-52 LAR, iron sights are perfect in this game. Played with HUD/TIPS/SUBS off and it made a big difference and I would recommend everyone try it at least once if you already haven't.

So basically, still day one and hype plus +1 once again.


Logic :(
Ok, after playing it about ten or so times, I think I have to change my answer. Default settings is the way to go, especially if you take advantage of the cover. After taking my time, I really started to enjoy it. The AI is great, every play through was different. They're pretty aggressive, especially if you come up on them and go into cover near them. They don't waste any time flanking your position.

Really started to like the StA-52 LAR, iron sights are perfect in this game. Played with HUD/TIPS/SUBS off and it made a big difference and I would recommend everyone try it at least once if you already haven't.

So basically, still day one and hype plus +1 once again.

Yeah I played through it three times now. I'm starting to get a feel for the game and enjoying the control scheme. Little things like wind blowing away smoke you shoot up make the game feel believable.


Demo code has build date mid Nov, Retail code build date : mid Jan, initial review samples to select reviewers were intended to give a last idea of what to fix, you'll notice textures will be sharper, AA improved and colors less muddy in final release.
Also some other content which i'm not allowed to share for the time being.


MD Party Room
Demo code has build date mid Nov, Retail code build date : mid Jan, initial review samples to select reviewers were intended to give a last idea of what to fix, you'll notice textures will be sharper, AA improved and colors less muddy in final release.
Also some other content which i'm not allowed to share for the time being.

Fluff is that you?


I loved the demo after playing it some more, i got used to the controls the first time round but i had to increase the sensitivity. I found the graphics to be great on 720p.

If this is the old build then i can't wait for the final release.


Suck It
This link was posted in IRC, but I felt it should be known here as well. Thanks 'Jordan' for saying it.

Source: http://boardsus.playstation.com/playstation/board/message?board.id=killzone2&thread.id=143456&view=by_date_ascending&page=1
motherh666 (Game Developer) said:
Hey folks,

I have been looking at this with one of our Game Designers and we are starting to come to the conclusion that this is down primarily to the design decision to make the game weightier. Killzone 2 is not a 'twitchy' shooter like some of you might be (rightfully) accustomed to and we think it might simply be down to some growing pains on some people's behalf. In this demo we also did not add the section that comes before this where a player would naturally climatize to the controls and have simply dumped you on Corinth River, so I think a lot of these complaints will be negated by the players natural progression through the full game.

So at this moment we are not considering it a bug, or anything that needs to be patched.

We do suggest however not having the sensitivity on full as this can make the appearence of a delay seem more aggressively. Work your way up the sensitivity scale slowly as you become more accustomed to the game.
Also seeing if there are any post-processing settings on your TV you could shut off without negating the visual quality of the game or if you have a 'Gaming' setting to try that as few TVs are set up as standard for gaming and often require some tweaking.

This does not mean we are going to pull a blanket over our heads and stop evaluating this and looking into it and allowing you guys an adjustment period and I will pick this up with some coders on Monday as well to see what they say.

What i am however interested in, what FPS games have you just recently or are playing currently. The majority of people on here seem to not have any issues adjusting and we think it might simply down to a certain mindset more than anything, which is of course of interest to us too from a playability standpoint.

I would also like to take this opportunity to ask you all to show some restraint and keep the forums a bit more tidy. We pride ourselves here on having a mature forum and encouraging healthy discussion, but the past few days it has been anything but healthy and a lot of the conversations have simply been drowned out. So please take a deep breath, take a break and if I have any more information about this I will let you know. I'll try and be on here this weekend, but with the massive amounts of posts and threads I can't promise to read and react to everything. I do after all have my actual job to do . I also want to thank those of you that have helped identify what is going on and to let you know that we will continue to take on all constructive feedback to help us make better games.

Have a good Friday folks.

Seb Downie - QA Manager - Guerrilla Games


New Member
I've just played the demo a few times too and i'm actually really liking it. It isn't that super-FPS that everyone expected. But its still so much better then anything that was on the PS3 currently.

I think most peoples complains are because they've still got COD in their head. Even though i whored out that game, the moment i started playing KZ2, i totally forgot all my COD stuff and played this by adapting. I tried both control schemes and the default one is best. Your only supposed to be using the sights when doing very accurate long distance shooting. So placing it out of the way is perfect. I thought graphically it was brilliant too.

I'm sure that because its a demo file, they've had to reduce the overall quality of textures and stuff, to keep the file reasonable small. I just really want to see a side-by side comparison of the demo build and the retail build.

Final words; i think this is the natural progression for anybody thats playing COD right now. I know the moment this comes out, i wont be touching COD for ages.


iPhone Developer (prev. PSP Dev)
I think I like it. But.... I don't know if you'll agree with me user_friendly (actually, are you and I the only people who played the beta?) but I think that if the MP was standalone, I'd only buy that. Everything worked correctly to me (although turning while sprinting was a lot slower) but it just didn't have the same feel. Maybe because I was fighting AI-controlled enemies? Lol. I'm still going to buy it though.