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The How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb party room HD remix 2 turbo

Craig Fairfax

illuminati Vereran
6 models in, and the iPhone can still only sync to one iTunes library? suck my ever-loving dick.
I'm engaged to 4 different women but my phone is forced to be monogamous.

This can't be life.


Staff member
Enforcer Team
Game Info Editor
The PC version is a good port, lots of graphical options and for the first time built-in AA support. Anyway I'm enjoying it but it feels like less of a jump than DS1 to DS2 was, has an expansion pack vibe. It's also more action-centric which I suppose will fit the co-op mode better.


Active Member
Why wasn't I told that Dead Space 3 was out?

Anyone playing it?
I wanted to buy it but it's overpriced at ~$28 instead of the usual $15. I don't understand what the fuck they expect to gain by doubling the price. Sales will literally drop by something like 90% over here. They won't make up the difference.

Abe Froeman

Gamer Dad
Enforcer Team
You're spoiled with your game prices.

I started playing last night and the first two necro's that popped out on the prologue mission scared the shit out of me.

Stupid headphones were too loud.


Justin B / Supp. Editor
Enforcer Team
You're spoiled with your game prices.

I started playing last night and the first two necro's that popped out on the prologue mission scared the shit out of me.

Stupid headphones were too loud.

The only game to really "scare" me was Doom 3 - all those sequences where you had to use the stupid flashlight and your field of view was limited. I haven't had a "scared" experience yet since, including the Dead Space games.

Craig Fairfax

illuminati Vereran
Just the first time. Backup your songs to the computer first using one of the various free tools. After that you can add and remove tracks freely by dragging and dropping them to the phone within iTunes.
Yeah I'm ardently trying to avoid this because my music collection is on three separate but equally important hard drives. I'm considering paying for itunes match; albeit reluctantly.

I'm running low on options.

$2000 for a GPU more than makes up for that...
da fuq?

I want dead space 3 but my $500 phone bill(s) put an abrupt stop to any plans I had on buying it.

Abe Froeman

Gamer Dad
Enforcer Team
So what weapon should I be crafting in DS3? There's so many options but I have no clue if I'll build a dud and waste resources.


eXo Admin
Enforcer Team
Micro transactions have no place in a game like DS3. Who wants to pay 60$ for a game then get prompted for a credit card every time you turn around.


MD Party Room
Wow this thread is alive.!!!! Steven I loved your all the crap you say... I was waiting for Ds3 to come out for a while but then I got hood on ni no kuni that just is the best game I played in years !! on top of that the rewiews seemed a bit low for the game plan on picking it up once the price drops. Also dont forget that MGS is just a week away as well!