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2.71 Downgrade Guide

I don't think you have to downgrade since you're running SE-B, man. I honestly don't know what you DO have to do, have to ask someone that's been on the scene a little longer, but yeah, you won't have to actually DOWNGRADE it I don't think.

Anyone can help mi pls . . . :sad:

i have a psp 2.71SE-B and a non TA-082

i tried Generic downgrade. when i go hend, it go blue screen, but did not restart itself, i turn it on and run the update x.yz it said "The game could not be started. (DADADA)."

nope, you don't have to downgrade. you're already on 2.71 Special Edition Rev.B
what you should do now is upgrade to 3.52M33, update to 3.52M33-4
Last up to 3.71M33
I don't think you have to downgrade since you're running SE-B, man. I honestly don't know what you DO have to do, have to ask someone that's been on the scene a little longer, but yeah, you won't have to actually DOWNGRADE it I don't think.

ohh. actually i wan to upgrade the firmware to 3.71 M33. A lot of games i unable to play since most need higher fw. Thank a lot.:w00t:

Anyone can advice me how i should do.:blushing:
I read the guide it stated that must run in 1.50 or any of the OE series. that why i keep trying to downgrade it. :laugh:

works in SE too. I just forgot to put SE since barely anyone uses it anymore, heh.
nope, you don't have to downgrade. you're already on 2.71 Special Edition Rev.B
what you should do now is upgrade to 3.52M33, update to 3.52M33-4
Last up to 3.71M33

He guys I also use 2.71Seb and just installed the 3.52M33, but after extracting, I receive this error: loading 1.50 firmware... file 150.PBP could not be opened.
What am I doing wrong?? Must I change something in my recovery mode of 2.71?
Thanx in advance.
He guys I also use 2.71Seb and just installed the 3.52M33, but after extracting, I receive this error: loading 1.50 firmware... file 150.PBP could not be opened.
What am I doing wrong?? Must I change something in my recovery mode of 2.71?
Thanx in advance.

answered in another post.
Sigh... I have been running around the internet for hours trying figure out how to run ISO games on my PSP. I came across this tutorial and it seems pretty straight forward (and the one designed for my PSP, finally), but I didn't get it to work.

I have version 2.71. I cannot get past step 3 (from Generic Downgrader). I've tried both HEND and HENC. After copying the MS_ROOT folder and tried loading it, my PSP says there is no photos. So, I moved the files from MS_ROOT/PSP/PHOTO/ to x:/PSP/PHOTO/. There, of course it shows up, but it freezes everytime I try to load it.

I'm assuming I'm NOT suppose to move the HENC/D photo files from their original folder to the default PSP folder, but it's the only way I can get them to show up.

Anyone who can help, I sure would appreciate it. My head hurts. Thanks.

Format your Memory Stick, then paste and overwrite the entire ms0:/PSP folder.

Be sure to have systemctrl.prx, pspbtknf_updater.txt, pspbtknf_game.txt, pspbtknf.txt, patch.bin and h.bin in the root of your memory stick.

Now give it another try.
Format your Memory Stick, then paste and overwrite the entire ms0:/PSP folder.

Be sure to have systemctrl.prx, pspbtknf_updater.txt, pspbtknf_game.txt, pspbtknf.txt, patch.bin and h.bin in the root of your memory stick.

Now give it another try.

Ok... well that worked. I guess MS_ROOT refers to the Memory Stick root, huh? Not an actual folder on the MS called MS_ROOT?

Well, I got past step 3, but after copying the UPDATE.PBP file to PSP/GAME/UPDATE/ I don't see any option to upgrade. It says the data is corrupt.

Any ideas?

Yup, MS_ROOT refers to Memory Stick Root.

Did you access to HEND yet?
Maybe that's the problem.

MY 150.PBP (UPDATE.PBP) is 13.900,225 bytes.
MD5: E32EB27980BA8B291EB803E3397E4B24
SHA-1: 959A0B0454842EFF92569EA5840941476D009011

Maybe downloading again might help.
Yup, MS_ROOT refers to Memory Stick Root.

Did you access to HEND yet?
Maybe that's the problem.

MY 150.PBP (UPDATE.PBP) is 13.900,225 bytes.
MD5: E32EB27980BA8B291EB803E3397E4B24
SHA-1: 959A0B0454842EFF92569EA5840941476D009011

Maybe downloading again might help.

I was able to access HENC. It did the blue flash then rebooted. But I wasn't able to view the upgrade file.

The bad news is... I bought a couple games last night, but hadn't played them yet because they wanted to upgrade to 3.52. Well, today while I was away, my wife decided she wanted to play one of them, and not knowing my plans, updated the firmware to play the game. :cursing:

So, this tutorial doesn't do me any more good. (I don't think). I haven't done a lot of searching, but is there a way yet to play ISOs on this version? Downgrade, that is?

Too bad. I really would have liked to find out why it didn't work. Sorry if I wasted your time!

Hi, i have done , this procedure in 2 psp, succesfully, i tried this tird time, and, as soon as i finish, the displays turns off, but just the display, i think the energy saver made this, but, i press any button , doesnt turns on, but i hear the navigation sounds, i conect the power cord, still, i turn off, and on, it flashes the XMB, but goes black again, when i remove the power cord, it turns on fine, so far , i have to do this every time, it goes off, what could it be the cause,? did i make somethinf wrong? , could be a phisical/electrical problem ? ,.
Hi, i have done , this procedure in 2 psp, succesfully, i tried this tird time, and, as soon as i finish, the displays turns off, but just the display, i think the energy saver made this, but, i press any button , doesnt turns on, but i hear the navigation sounds, i conect the power cord, still, i turn off, and on, it flashes the XMB, but goes black again, when i remove the power cord, it turns on fine, so far , i have to do this every time, it goes off, what could it be the cause,? did i make somethinf wrong? , could be a phisical/electrical problem ? ,.

What happens if you press the brightness button a few times? It sounds like a hardware problem.
when connected to my pc the only directories on my MS are psp, inside there is savedata and system folders but i dont have any of the folders mentioned on here, do i need to create them?
when connected to my pc the only directories on my MS are psp, inside there is savedata and system folders but i dont have any of the folders mentioned on here, do i need to create them?
