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3.40 OE-A Install Guide


New Member
Please let me know how to install 3.10 OE-A'


I just updated my fw to 3.10 OE-A' and I always got error msg if I want to play homebrew, I want to upgrade my fw to 3.10 OE-A', please let me know how to do it.



Staff member
Enforcer Team
Game Info Editor

I just updated my fw to 3.10 OE-A' and I always got error msg if I want to play homebrew, I want to upgrade my fw to 3.10 OE-A', please let me know how to do it.


you are probably putting your homebrews in the wrong folder..

try putting them in


(if the folder doesn't exist create it)


Staff member
Enforcer Team
Game Info Editor
What do gametboots do i just replaced mine and it didn't make any difference

Gameboots are the opening animation that displays when you start up any game or homebrew.

As for your flash space problem.. I don't know, not much you can do.. delete the internet browser (that will free at least 1MB), unused fonts, etc. The PSP flash doesn't have much space, only around 24MB total.


New Member

Hey just wanted to say I finally got my PSP V1.5, upgraded on the spot to 3.10 OE and so far everything works like a charm.

For all those on this board who help noobs like me Thanks!!!! (for both the direct help and the indirect help reading convo's between you guys)

A big thanks to Dark Alex as well, you are the man!!

Once again thanks all, I hope I can contribute to this board from now on.

:D ;) :p :D :D


New Member
Just converted my psx img to eboot with popstation then put it on my psp when i try and open it it just makes everything disappeared accept from the waves on the back ground. i used easy iso maker to converter it to iso. Then popstation gui2. i have 3.10 a oe



Staff member
Enforcer Team
Game Info Editor
Just converted my psx img to eboot with popstation then put it on my psp when i try and open it it just makes everything disappeared accept from the waves on the back ground. i used easy iso maker to converter it to iso. Then popstation gui2. i have 3.10 a oe


Its probably one of the XMB mods you have loaded that is conflicting with the opening screen for PS1 games.


New Member
Where can i get all the normal waves and battery sign from i did back them up somewhere but my folders are scattered around.


Staff member
Enforcer Team
Game Info Editor
Where can i get all the normal waves and battery sign from i did back them up somewhere but my folders are scattered around.

Don't know but I think opening_plugin.rco is the problem, so replace that with the default


New Member
I did it with another popstation witch give you the key.bin but its 100 mb bigger but i get the game could not be started 80000004


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Enforcer Team
Game Info Editor
I did it with another popstation witch give you the key.bin but its 100 mb bigger but i get the game could not be started 80000004

Do you have any plugins loaded? If so try disabling them

Also try putting the game in GAME310 folder


New Member
Nope still no luck i have no plugins i'm trying to play beyblade how sad am i lol :p its the only game witch will fit on my memory card ( well out of the ps1 games i can find)


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Staff member
Enforcer Team
Game Info Editor
I mange to get a demo to work but the screen is small is there nay way to fix this

small how? PS1 games by default won't fill the entire screen.. that's normal. You need to go into the pops configuration and set the video options to full screen.


New Member
Hi guys. Relative newbie here.

Purchased a new PSP today, firmware was 2.71. Aware that I didn't want to upgrade to anything past 3.03, I upgraded to 2.81 so I could play the bundled game, otherwise I'd have an otherwise pretty paper weight.

I want to be running the 3.10OE-A firmware... what would be the best way of going about this? That is to say, should I downgrade to 1.50 and go to 3.10OE-A from there (I have a friend with GTA LCS) - and risk a brick - or should I just upgrade from 2.81 to the next best version from which I can safely update to 3.10OE-A? Exactly which version of 3.03OE do I need, as I've found about 6 different versions so far! Can anyone provide any answers, or even better, links?

Thanks guys. Apologies for the newbie questions, just wanted to get my PSP up to speed. Can't wait to start playing FF6, Tenchu, Bushido Blade... oooh. It tingles.

edit: by the way, it's one of those TA-082 motherboards or something, there's a number, 1003, and some letters visible when I open the UMD hatch, in the top right corner. If that makes any difference. I've done a bit of background reading, though obviously not enough :)