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3.40 OE-A Install Guide


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Hi guys. Relative newbie here.

Purchased a new PSP today, firmware was 2.71. Aware that I didn't want to upgrade to anything past 3.03, I upgraded to 2.81 so I could play the bundled game, otherwise I'd have an otherwise pretty paper weight.

I want to be running the 3.10OE-A firmware... what would be the best way of going about this? That is to say, should I downgrade to 1.50 and go to 3.10OE-A from there (I have a friend with GTA LCS) - and risk a brick - or should I just upgrade from 2.81 to the next best version from which I can safely update to 3.10OE-A? Exactly which version of 3.03OE do I need, as I've found about 6 different versions so far! Can anyone provide any answers, or even better, links?

Thanks guys. Apologies for the newbie questions, just wanted to get my PSP up to speed. Can't wait to start playing FF6, Tenchu, Bushido Blade... oooh. It tingles.

edit: by the way, it's one of those TA-082 motherboards or something, there's a number, 1003, and some letters visible when I open the UMD hatch, in the top right corner. If that makes any difference. I've done a bit of background reading, though obviously not enough :)

You'll need to upgrade to 3.03 then run the downgrader here:

That will get you to 1.5, then you can safely update to 3.10 OE-A by following the guide here:


New Member
Many thanks x3sphere. I'm a little nervous about bricking the damn thing to be honest, but I guess it's definitely worth it.

Is the TA-082 not an issue then?


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Many thanks x3sphere. I'm a little nervous about bricking the damn thing to be honest, but I guess it's definitely worth it.

Is the TA-082 not an issue then?

correct, the downgrader supports all current motherboards.


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Upgrade went well, thank you for the guide much appreciated :)

Question, so when I want to play an iso (backup from my purchased and owned UMD) how do I load it...from the recovery console?

ISO files go in ms0:/ISO

then navigate to the game menu on your PSP, your iso games will appear there.


New Member
ISO files go in ms0:/ISO

then navigate to the game menu on your PSP, your iso games will appear there.

Sweet!! I'm making a backup of one of my UMD's now to test.

Thanks so much for the fast replies and help here. Very much appreciated :)


New Member
I'm having an issue: I downloaded the files you liked (for the 1.50+3.10 .PBP files). The 3.10 is named EBOOT.PBP when I download it so I changed it to 310.PBP like you said. However when I run the 3.10 OE-A Update Maker it says it cannot locate the 310.PBP file or it's a bad file.

Help please!


New Member
I'm having an issue: I downloaded the files you liked (for the 1.50+3.10 .PBP files). The 3.10 is named EBOOT.PBP when I download it so I changed it to 310.PBP like you said. However when I run the 3.10 OE-A Update Maker it says it cannot locate the 310.PBP file or it's a bad file.

Help please!

I think I got it.. the download on the main page appears to be a bad link or something because when I downloaded the temporary link you had made above it worked.


New Member
Thanks for your help i got the ps1 game to work. now i have another problem when i replace 01-12 bitmap in the resources folder i just get a bright white back gorund


New Member
Hey i upgraded awhile ago to 3.1 and i need to know if anybody knows anything about a trustworthy downgrader, sony is supposibly working on a downgrader, but they probably just say stuff so people dont get mad, but please tell me anything you know about downgraders, thanks ahead


New Member
Hi all,
I have purchased a PSP 2 weeks back!... and unfortunately, I have upgraded my firmware to 3.11 :(.
So after going thru the entire posts, I understand that I would have to wait for a downgrader for 3.11 and then apply 3.10 OE-A right?
I have few questions here!..
Suppose, some one comes up with a downgrader in the near future...
Q1: So this downgrader would be to which version?
Q2: I have few UMDs with me. Would I still be able to play these?
Q3: Once I downgrade, would the main menu be the same as before?.. i.e. to say, you have main menus like System settings, Video, Photo, Games etc....
Q4: I had downloaded a game Sub-Zero (mortal combat)...but when I try to start the game, it says... "you must activate the system...."? Is this coz, this game was ripped from a PSX game and i need to custom firmware to run these?

If some of these questions sound so silly, please do bear with my ignorance!.. I am completly new to PSP hacks!...



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Yes but don't expect a downgrader anytime soon. There has been no reported exploit for the 3.11 firmware. If you REALLY want homebrew I suggest getting a new PSP with 2.71 or below (maybe you can still return the one you have), otherwise the wait for a downgrader might be very long..


New Member
Ok, I have 1.5 firmware and I'm trying to go to get the 3.10 OE-A I place both the 310.pbp update file and the 150.pbp update file in Oeupdmaker. I then disconnect the USB cable and go to the 3.10 OE-A update maker and below it says corrupted file, for the 310.pbp I assume. And the update maker doestn't work, any help?


New Member
Ok, I have 1.5 firmware and I'm trying to go to get the 3.10 OE-A I place both the 310.pbp update file and the 150.pbp update file in Oeupdmaker. I then disconnect the USB cable and go to the 3.10 OE-A update maker and below it says corrupted file, for the 310.pbp I assume. And the update maker doestn't work, any help?

The corrupted data doesn't mean anything. just click on update maker


New Member
Q1: So this downgrader would be to which version?
You can only downgrade psp 3.03 and below.

Q2: I have few UMDs with me. Would I still be able to play these?
yes you can still play theses on custom firware or on 1.5 with a emulator

Q3: Once I downgrade, would the main menu be the same as before?.. i.e. to say, you have main menus like System settings, Video, Photo, Games etc....
Yes the menu you will still be the same unless you decided to edit it but custom firmware will look exactly like normal firmware otherwise.

Q4: I had downloaded a game Sub-Zero (mortal combat)...but when I try to start the game, it says... "you must activate the system...."? Is this coz, this game was ripped from a PSX game and i need to custom firmware to run these?
You have to have custom firmware.


New Member

Just bought a Silver PSP with 1.5 firmware already installed on a TA-82 mobo...

Followed the instructions on Page One of this thread and it went smooth as silk. I'm now running 3.10OE-A. I haven't even played a game on it yet, as I was too cautious as I'd accidentally upgrade the firmware to a level which wouldn't be downgradable.

I'm off to play my first PSP game and then break out some of my old Neo Geo roms!

DAX, props to you and your abilities and to X3sphere and others who patiently help all the noobies, noobs and nubs alike on this forum to get them where they want to be - and that's using OE!

Here's a bg cheers from me. CHEERS!



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I can't seem to download the 310 file, anyone else have a link?

It was working for me, but try now, I changed the link.