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Basilisk II for the PSP

<p>how i can use this for my psp slim plzz someone tell mee</p>
hey guys, I tryed the app, and it worked perfectly, however my IR keyboard isnt working anywhere (both with and without the OSK toggled). I've got a Palm Universal Keyboard. Am I doing something wrong or my keyboard is simply not supported?
hey guys, I tryed the app, and it worked perfectly, however my IR keyboard isnt working anywhere (both with and without the OSK toggled). I've got a Palm Universal Keyboard. Am I doing something wrong or my keyboard is simply not supported?

What firmware? I tried zx81's trick of loading IRDA.prx for 3.80+, but couldn't find anyone to test it. Palm works fine on 3.52OE.
I'm on 3.90 m33-2. Gonna text the IRDA.prx and give u feedback in a second, thank u for replying =]


Downloaded it on PSPupdates, instaled, rebooted the system and anabled it on PLUGINS section at the recovery mode. Booted mac OS 8.1 opened SIMPLETEST and tryed to write using the keyboard, then tryed with the OSK on the screen, none worked for me.

Any ideas? Or i need to go back to 3.52?
I forgot... you DO have all the irkeyb junk in seplugins, right?

Here's the files... already set for palm in fact as that was the last thing I tested on my brother's PSP.
OMG it freaking works!! muahahahaha
Just tested it on 3.71 m33 (was already going to return to 3.52).

Thanks a lot man, very good app, it's gonna be very useful to me... Even the shortcuts work... like "ctrl"+z

Yeah, since StarCraft and WC2 are a no go, does anyone know of a translator app? I'm looking for Polish to English (and vice versa), anyone know of anything? This way I can put it to good use.

EDIT: Or better yet, some sort of map software that will give me turn by turn driving directions on the screen, not that GPS sh*t cause I honestly don't see the point in goin' that far.
<p>yea i put the folder of basilisk on my psp slim 4.01 M33 in the folder of GAME when i run basilisk on my psp i press the O and he said basilisk error cannot open the rom file. i need help plz someone tell me why i can run the basilisk whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.</p>
Yeah, had to figure out this part as well. On page 7 in the manual, the part explaining about the "The Memory/Misc sub-menu", he simply wrote that:

"The ROM File item shows which file has been selected to use with the emulation. When you press the
CROSS button while this item is high-lighted, you are taken to the file requester. You will be presented
with a list of all the files in the roms directory. Use the d-pad to move between the files (assuming you
have more than one). Press CROSS to select a file, or CIRCLE to cancel without selecting a file."

What he didn't mention is that you have to get the ROM file yourself, and plase it in the "roms" directory within the B2 folder on your PSP. You can download the ROM file on this page. Make sure you grab the MAC 1MB rom under the Apple section and set the Mac Model ID to Quadra 900 and CPU Type to 68040. When you do, you should be able to boot up fine.
It's not my place to tell how or where to get ROMs, OS install disks/CDs, or 68K applications. Either the person already has them, or can look the info up in the many forums around on Mac emulation, or even just google it. This is particularly true since B2 isn't my emulator - I just made a port to the PSP. Anything specific about Mac emulation is none of my concern here. I leave it to folks like yourself to point out things like where to get ROMs and such. :wink:
<p>thans ElShotte and chilly willy it works thx</p>
when i press O in the mac os program in my psp slim 4.01 M33 said basilisk II error basilisk II error: Cannot open the ROM file. i need the rom file plz help me chilli willi i need your helpp