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Decision '08


Your resident psycho hobo
im wanting to see obama break 300


MFM Survivor
I don't think that.
I just think that there are people who are like that.
I kind of saw this more as a race-race, rather than a political-race.

Abe Froeman

Gamer Dad
Enforcer Team
McCain's speach was very solid. His audience, on the other hand, should be removed from the gene pool.

Pokemanz master

Lowering your IQ


New Member
woot obama also

[SPOILER="found on slashdot]


New Member
Got to love the pic of Bush on the Hamburger Mor Gen Post.

I liked McCain's speech last night. I think he set a proper tone for those who voted for him. I wish him well and hope he returns to the previous McCain I remember him as. I think some of those people in his audience need etiquette lessons.

I hope Palin goes back to Alaska and actually reads all those periodicals she claimed to have read. I also hope that she stays out of national politics.

Obama's speech was eloquent as usual. I hope he works across party lines and brings the U.S. together. I hope he proves he was the right man for the job. I hope he repairs our image in the world's opinion. I hope he actually accomplishes solving our energy and economic issues, as difficult as they are. For the first time in many elections, the votes have been counted and I still have hope.


Suck It
It's pretty wild to think that despite Obama's obvious win as far as electoral seats go, the actual vote based on population alone is surprisingly close.
Obama scored 52% of the entire vote @ 63,112,190
McCain scored 47% of the entire vote @ 55,867,094

It was very close in retrospect.


I can't believe the people at McCain's speech. Those are the kind of people that give America a bad name. I mean, Booing Obama when McCain is congratulating him?

I thought McCain's speech was great though, too bad the audience were too busy shouting stuff and not actually listening to the person they were supposedly showing support for.


New Member
Nero said:
You don't get what hes trying to imply do you?
Out of 3 pages of posts, you were the only person to understand what i meant.

I mean honestly guys, i made it easier to understand with the inclusion of "XD".

Ironically, me and Nero are pretty much the only muslims on this board. Everyone here jumps for my throat the moment i make a joke out of certain americans being that backwards.

I mean honestly.