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Favourite TV Show?

Lost season 5 has begone the first 2 episides have already been put on air :)
I aint seen them my self as i forgot about it but im downloading now:)

GREAT show - it's a shame that they pulled the plug on it so soon though :( I seem to recall they were considering to make a movie to wrap up the plot but the idea never materialized.

Right now my favorite TV show is Lost. I'm into 24 as well, but the plot doesn't grab you like Lost does. Fantastic acting though.
Im downloading the first season of The Wire out of curiosity/boredom. Ive stopped watching Heroes because I missed the first few episodes of the new season.
I just finished watching Firefly, and wow, why in the world did they cancel it?
It's funny seeing Adam Baldwin playing a badass in Firefly, and then a couple years later still playing a badass in Chuck. He's fantastic in both shows.
Why is Friends on the list? It was cancelled years ago.

I wouldn't say they're all rubbish and unwatchable but they're far from my favourites. This thread would be better without a poll, guaranteed "Other" will be the winning option.

Current favourites are The Big Bang Theory and It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia (which isn't even shown in the UK :(). Out of the list options it would be Scrubs (shame there's probably only one more season of it thought)

how is its always sunny in Philadelphia? i wanna start watching it, but im currently obsessed with nip tuck and catching up to the weekly releases, so i havent been watching anything else because of it.

I <3 Big Bang Theory, also been watching Heroes too.

I havent even heard of this.

Has anyone here seen Fringe? I've been watching it recently and I am enjoying it quite a lot. Gotta wait till February though as its on a hiatus.

Fringe rocks yo, ive been watching it since the pilot.

I forgot to add Six Feet Under. That may actually be my favorite now that I think about it.

Six feet under rocked when i was watching it when i was younger. i need to pick that back uo.

Sorry for the long post, i was hoping to find one show to get into, and found like a million.
Ok, I need to add Flight of the Conchords to my original list now that season 2 has kicked off, and Burn Notice is up there even moreso than it was before now that it's in season too.
Wow. What a lame list. No wonder that infamous TV show called Other is winning.
You forgot the Office, 30 Rock, the Beast, etc.
Seriously, how the frak do you miss Battlestar Galactica?
Even Psych is a little funny now and then. Then there's Burn Notice and Conchords.
Did you just look at TV Guide or something?
I just finished watching Firefly, and wow, why in the world did they cancel it?
It's funny seeing Adam Baldwin playing a badass in Firefly, and then a couple years later still playing a badass in Chuck. He's fantastic in both shows.

You should watch Serenity now that you have seen Firefly, it has some awesome scenes in it.
You should watch Serenity now that you have seen Firefly, it has some awesome scenes in it.

The 10 minute tracking scene where they go through all of the characters is the best, i especially love when serenity is entering the atmosphere of the planet, the music is just majestic...that scene is one of the best in any movie imo.
I apologize for the random bump, but I just got caught up with the second season of Sons of Anarchy, and it it quickly becoming my favorite show of all time.

Do any of you guys watch it?
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

Every episode is funny and I just love it. I like it slightly more than Seinfeld.

---------- Post added at 06:08 PM EST ---------- Previous post was at 06:02 PM EST ----------

I apologize for the random bump, but I just got caught up with the second season of Sons of Anarchy, and it it quickly becoming my favorite show of all time.

Do any of you guys watch it?

I started watching that show with my grandpa. He used to be a biker so has some interest in the show and I got hooked, really good show.
But comedy shows always win me over.