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General PSVita Discussion

Added you madsoul! You guys are my only PSN friends :hug:

When I first got my Vita I tried the gravity rush demo that someone mentioned earlier . It's short but you get an opportunity to fool around with the controls. It's really neat, I think I'll be buying it and if you have a second memory card and some time then it's worth checking out.
I'm going to buy it on PSN right now, i pre-ordered Unit 13 and MLB: The Show but I think I'll cancel one and just get it on release day on PSN, no sense waiting. I hope the internet here is good enough to play online :s

Anyone know how to change the credit card on my account? EDIT: Found it, i ask questions too quickly
Let me know how MLB is, I actually might get it. I really want a sports game (not fifa) for the vita, but madden doesn't come out for a good couple months. Plus I had fun with 09: The Show.
Anyone have any good tips for cheap good psp mini titles? Would be great to load on some small games on my 8gig card. :)
"Space Shooter for 2 bucks" - the name's the deal and it's a huge load'o'fun.
One of the few games I still play after a long time.
I have to decide between Hustle Kings + Tales from Space or either Blazblue or Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom. Has any played either of the two latter?

I'd definitely prefer Hustle Kings as a mobile game. I'd stick to Tekken for a "perfectionist's" fighting game since mastering the moves and combos is more satisfying.
Just hit 70 zones in Wipeout. Mach 1.5 trophy is mine! :D
Just downloading MotorStorm RC now, also I have Uncharted: Golden Abyss, and FIFA, so anyone who wants to play, add me: SpirosTech
Anyone having problems with the Playstation Store? It seems like most people are able to get on and I can get around a little bit but can't download anything. I would like the free motorstorm game and I would like to purchase Unit 13. I'm pumped for the hard copy of MLB to arrive.... Damn you Amazon!
I'm not having problems, just finished downloading Motorstorm and now Unit 13 is downloading. Try to disconnect from your wifi and connect again.
Anyone having problems with the Playstation Store? It seems like most people are able to get on and I can get around a little bit but can't download anything. I would like the free motorstorm game and I would like to purchase Unit 13. I'm pumped for the hard copy of MLB to arrive.... Damn you Amazon!

Actually, I was having a lot of problems, didn't want to mention it because I figured it was something I was missing, but yeah had trouble, but finally downloaded Motorstorm RC and Table Soccer.

What's everyone playing at the moment? Just played FIFA and I'm pretty happy with it, nothing more and nothing less than I expected.
You are also in Canada and I did a google search and it seems like it might be a region thing..... weak. Atleast I was able to get the "already purchased" symbol up so it looks like I should be good for when it's fixed.
That's weird, it's working for me now, I'm downloading the Lumines Demo. It shouldn't be down for too long for you, it didn't last long for me.

Any of the demos you guys want to recommend for me?
So I got Unit 13 off psn and in order to play co op I have to buy an online pass. Bummer.
So I got Unit 13 off psn and in order to play co op I have to buy an online pass. Bummer.

Seriously? The downloadable version of Unit 13 makes you buy an online pass? I know the physical copy, which I got, comes with a voucher. I though I read somewhere that sony said downloadable versions of a game wouldn't require an online pass.
Seriously? The downloadable version of Unit 13 makes you buy an online pass? I know the physical copy, which I got, comes with a voucher. I though I read somewhere that sony said downloadable versions of a game wouldn't require an online pass.

The game is cheaper on the PSN store as a result (since they offer the pass separately). At least that's my assumption without looking into it anymore