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iPhone/iPod Touch General Discussion


New Member
I love that ipod touch theme you got Seven! Too bad I have 2nd gen...
I am getting a bunch of itunes gift cards, what should I buy?
@Vee, I plan on getting these when I get my itunes gift cards for christmas:


New Member
Good to know. Can it download torrents like dTunes? Then again, thats a feature I have never used so it doesn't matter.

It doesn't, no. Arguably something that should be added to Safari Download Plugin. However, I prefer this way, as mixed playlisting is brilliant. dTunes, while it does torrents and doesn't need you to switch in and out of Safari etc, is missing that feature... And I think PwnPlayer will support ogg files soon.


New Member
I got that one already futuregator, and I loved Labyrinth, so it doesn't matter.

And I will probably get a 100$ itunes card so I need to know what to buy.


Meta Moose
Sullivan: Fieldrunners and Line Rider are both good games, worth the money IMO. I would recommend them. :)


Meta Moose
I bought Rolando yesterday and I have enjoyed it so far. Are you looking for applications or utilities also?


Like a Boss
I got that one already futuregator, and I loved Labyrinth, so it doesn't matter.

And I will probably get a 100$ itunes card so I need to know what to buy.

Dude, some of those games are bad. I have no idea what Toy Bot Story is. If I were you, spend money on the expensive games. They're worth it. For example, Guitar Rock Tour is worth the $7.99 and Brothers in Arms is worth the $9.99. Hero of Sparta is good too, but a bit repetitive.

BTW, I got the NeoTouch. It is completely kick ass. The only problem is that the top part is a little bit fidgety, but that's not much of a problem.

Here's some pics.



Those are two I am getting, what else?

Warfare Incorporated. It's way better than Field Runners. Real Time Strategy > some turn based strategy game any day.


New Member
Ya, but still, its a nice one that's on LifeHackers front page.

EDIT: What about Sim City, looks like a little fun.


New Member
To be honest, i've played most good things out there and i'd only pay for the two i mentioned before. Maybe Linerider and iCopter too.


Justin B / Supp. Editor
Enforcer Team
Warfare Incorporated is one game I can recommend ;) It came out yeaaars ago for the Pocket PC and was probably my favorite game for Windows Mobile at that time, I just wished they updated it for all the new hardware that's out there in the WinMo world.

I personally hate the iPhone/iTouch as a gaming device due to the lack of physical buttons - just can't enjoy racing games or platformers which are very good for portable devices.


New Member
Are there any games that have been ported from flash other then iCopter, Line Rider iRide?