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Ok sorry forgot to say this before many thanks Chilly, was a big fan of your cartoons too 8). You got your own website I could look at?

Is there a list of what these code do and or what is 43?

Lately... spanishnugz cut down on the caffine man... You will live longer and Mr Winky will thank you when you are 40.
Ok sorry forgot to say this before many thanks Chilly, was a big fan of your cartoons too 8). You got your own website I could look at?

Is there a list of what these code do and or what is 43?

Lately... spanishnugz cut down on the caffine man... You will live longer and Mr Winky will thank you when you are 40.

No web site yet... you can find a bunch of info over in the Hacking forum at lan.sh. That's where most of the info used in KeyCleaner came from.

I ran this originaly because of this 12% AC issue. That is fixed and working great now Thanks. I do however now have a new problem. My psp only seems to charge while in the XMB. If the power is at anything but full and I run say psp radio as soon as the app runs the led light turns from orange to green. Sigifying its no longer changing. It will run all night ill wake up light is still green bat is at 38%. I then exit psp radio and back to xmb and the light will go back to orange and the bat charge meter will begin to blink. It does this evey time now since i ran key cleaner. So basicly what im trying to say is the psp no longer charges if its in use. (Other then idle in XMB)

Any ideas? comments suggestions :) Thanks

UPDATE: This only occurs when the wifi kicks on during a app. If its a regular app or game with no wifi it will charge fine and normal.

As soon as the wifi loads up and led turns green it forces the battery chage light to also turn green and stop charging.. pspradio and pspweather is what I used to make it fail.

Will also fail when using the webbrowser in the XMB
UPDATE: This only occurs when the wifi kicks on during a app. If its a regular app or game with no wifi it will charge fine and normal.
psp can't be charged, while wifi is on. it is hardware restriction. afaik, some mb revision CAN be charged, while wifi is on.
Well I used to be able to charge while pspradio was running, be4 I fixed the keys that it.

Wouldn't it be hilarious if there were a setting in the keys that Sony set to tell the PSP not to charge while the wifi is on... so by "breaking" the keys, people could bypass that restriction, and by "fixing" the keys, you're stuck with Sony's restrictions again. :-D

I guess that's something to experiment with... maybe we can find where that option is set and make an app to control it's value.
Tested v1.1 on my 86 w key 8
~recorrupted idstorage with 2.71 dg utilities
~fixed using square w/o files option
~fixed resulting missing 43 bin from backup
~hard boot

Chilly Also tested on 82
2.71 idstoragechanger
2.71 idsc + idreset
2.71 idsc + USBHOSTFS-FIX
2.80 idsc
2.80 idsc + idcopy

We have no way to test the regional improvements. But as a consolation running it shouldnt leave you with any issues that cant be fixed if any issue did present it self.
something about 1007

thank you chilly willy

my psp is 1007(taiwan)

in the v1.1 ,key45 is only include 1000\1001\100?\1004\1006,would 1007 in the next version?

i have a questions:

when i run v1.0,the first screen said :codes02 soft-down psp , alternative region, after fix ,it said:chilly willy alternative region.but when i run v1.1 today ,it said unrecongized key.

i think 1007 is not include is the "unrecongized key" reason .

so i wonder if 1007 would add in the next version, and if there is 1007 in the new version , would i fix my key45 to the original(1007) key.i think my key45 had been patched to other region.

thank you again

looking forward to your new release!
thank you chilly willy

my psp is 1007(taiwan)

in the v1.1 ,key45 is only include 1000\1001\100?\1004\1006,would 1007 in the next version?

i have a questions:

when i run v1.0,the first screen said :codes02 soft-down psp , alternative region, after fix ,it said:chilly willy alternative region.but when i run v1.1 today ,it said unrecongized key.

i think 1007 is not include is the "unrecongized key" reason .

so i wonder if 1007 would add in the next version, and if there is 1007 in the new version , would i fix my key45 to the original(1007) key.i think my key45 had been patched to other region.

thank you again

looking forward to your new release!

I can only support what is known... so dump the keys on your 1007 and post the first four bytes (in hex) of key 0x045. If your key 0x45 had been patched to another region, KC 1.1 would have recognized it. If it says it's unknown, it's obviously something different from what I already know. :-D
key 45 cleared, sorry

key 45 cleared, sorry

Hi Chilly Willy, I have a question. Well I downgraded my TA-082/86 (dunno which exactly..) from version 2.71 and I have the battery issue, when it reaches 12% and turn off the unit, it wont turn on until i connect the AC adapter.

Also I've noticed something that I think shouldn't happen, it concerns wireless play, when I play, say, Initial D: Street Stage with my PSP and my brother's (his psp is not a TA082), we both notice that the rival car kind of 'stutters', as if it was lagging or something... very annoying :( It also happens with pretty much every game, such as Ridge Racers 2, GTA: VCS and LCS, etc... mostly 'fast paced' multiplayer games.

Do you think that KeyCleaner can fix this problem?
Also, is it possible to make a backup of my current keys to restore them if things get worse when I use the program?

Thanks and have a nice day :)
Hi Chilly Willy, I have a question. Well I downgraded my TA-082/86 (dunno which exactly..) from version 2.71 and I have the battery issue, when it reaches 12% and turn off the unit, it wont turn on until i connect the AC adapter.

Also I've noticed something that I think shouldn't happen, it concerns wireless play, when I play, say, Initial D: Street Stage with my PSP and my brother's (his psp is not a TA082), we both notice that the rival car kind of 'stutters', as if it was lagging or something... very annoying :( It also happens with pretty much every game, such as Ridge Racers 2, GTA: VCS and LCS, etc... mostly 'fast paced' multiplayer games.

Do you think that KeyCleaner can fix this problem?
Also, is it possible to make a backup of my current keys to restore them if things get worse when I use the program?

Thanks and have a nice day :)

Fixing the keys fixes the battery problem for many people. I doubt the wireless problem is related to the keys, but you never know...

KeyCleaner allows you to dump the keys. It's recommended you do so before and after fixing the keys for safety's sake. When you run KeyCleaner, you'll notice on the main screen that it says to press the SQUARE button to dump the keys. When you do so, it asks you to press X to confirm, then makes a directory called "keys" in the KeyCleaner folder with all the keys in it. If the "keys" folder already exists, it renames it and then makes a new keys folder.

Your program fixed COMPLETELY the stuttering from Initial D: Street Stage, it now looks as smooth as the 1P game!!!111 I'm so glad I found this app, the greatest, every TA082/86 user should use it.

I have yet to test it with other games, I'm gonna try Burnout Dominator now, but it should work :D

Oh yeah, I have also yet to test the 12% battery issue, I'll probably post the results

JESUS CHRIST I'm so happy!!!

I bow to you, my kind sir.
I have TA-82 that is downgraded from the original idstorage patch.
Then I used idStorageFix 1.1 from code02 to fix the key.
Now I run KeyChanger 1.1 and it tells me "Unrecognized key state"

4 - original key - okay
5 - patched key - okay
6 - original key - okay
8 - no key (code 0x80000025)
41 - original key - okay
42 - copy of original key 6
43 - original key - okay
45 - original key - okay
42 - copy of original key 45
47 - original key - okay

Is my PSP ok?
I have TA-82 that is downgraded from the original idstorage patch.
Then I used idStorageFix 1.1 from code02 to fix the key.
Now I run KeyChanger 1.1 and it tells me "Unrecognized key state"

4 - original key - okay
5 - patched key - okay
6 - original key - okay
8 - no key (code 0x80000025)
41 - original key - okay
42 - copy of original key 6
43 - original key - okay
45 - original key - okay
42 - copy of original key 45
47 - original key - okay

Is my PSP ok?

It looks like codes02 fixer missed a couple keys... 42 and 46 should be cleared. I'm attaching an arc with keys 42 and 46... there can't possibly be any copyright issues with THESE keys as there is NOTHING in them. Unzip the folder into the KeyCleaner folder, press X to fix keys, press X to fix keys using memstick, press X to select the clear_keys folder (press O to skip any other folders in KeyCleaner until you get to clear_keys), then press X again to confirm fixing the keys. When it's done, the keys should all be fine.

The next update to KC, I'll add recognition of codes02 fixer to it, and bundle the clear keys so that people can fix it immediately.

Your program fixed COMPLETELY the stuttering from Initial D: Street Stage, it now looks as smooth as the 1P game!!!111 I'm so glad I found this app, the greatest, every TA082/86 user should use it.

I have yet to test it with other games, I'm gonna try Burnout Dominator now, but it should work :D

Oh yeah, I have also yet to test the 12% battery issue, I'll probably post the results

JESUS CHRIST I'm so happy!!!

I bow to you, my kind sir.

Wow, I've seen some weird things, but that has to be in the top five. Thanks for reporting that. I wonder if some of the reports of stuttering I've seen in other games are due to the same thing...
OK, testing done, now I can turn on my PSP when the battery is below 12% !!

Simply awesome. Thanks a BUNCH again, sir.

Btw, I have a question, is it possible that further custom updates 'damage' my keys? Or is it just the downgrader that messes with them?
It looks like codes02 fixer missed a couple keys... 42 and 46 should be cleared. I'm attaching an arc with keys 42 and 46... there can't possibly be any copyright issues with THESE keys as there is NOTHING in them. Unzip the folder into the KeyCleaner folder, press X to fix keys, press X to fix keys using memstick, press X to select the clear_keys folder (press O to skip any other folders in KeyCleaner until you get to clear_keys), then press X again to confirm fixing the keys. When it's done, the keys should all be fine.

The next update to KC, I'll add recognition of codes02 fixer to it, and bundle the clear keys so that people can fix it immediately.

Thanks for clear keys. All the keys are "okay" now, except key 8.

What does "no key (code 0x80000025)" actually means?

Edit: Never mind about key 8. Your post at http://forums.maxconsole.net/showthread.php?t=56265 answered my question.
OK, testing done, now I can turn on my PSP when the battery is below 12% !!

Simply awesome. Thanks a BUNCH again, sir.

Btw, I have a question, is it possible that further custom updates 'damage' my keys? Or is it just the downgrader that messes with them?

It was the idstorage changer that was part of the 1.5 downgrader that messed with the keys. No custom firmware upgraders mess with the keys, so after they are fixed, upgrading won't break them again. But that's why XsavioR and I put together "corruption-free" downgraders for 2.71, 2.80, and 3.03.