• Steam recently changed the default privacy settings for all users. This may impact tracking. Ensure your profile has the correct settings by following the guide on our forums.
  • If your profile is showing up as Not Ranked, please review our rules page and follow the appeal process detailed there.

Not Ranked in Steam Leader-boards ?


New Member
I Know that, I have used a software to unlock achievements of many games but i have reset most of them.
Please provide me a solution to enter the leaderboards. I want to complete with others in a clean way.
If you've reset all the achievements that were not earned legitimately I can force a rescan on your profile. Let me know if I should do this now.

And then @JKpowned will have to verify it afterwards, before you can be added back on.
If you've reset all the achievements that were not earned legitimately I can force a rescan on your profile. Let me know if I should do this now.

And then @JKpowned will have to verify it afterwards, before you can be added back on.

Yes, Please Sir. I really wanted to get a rank on leaderboards.
I have reset most of my games achievement, will i be able to know that how many games needs to be reset if any remains.
Ok, I have ran a resync. We will look over your profile to see if any other games need to be reset.

I would say that Clicker Heroes and Civilization still need a reset but after that everything should be fine.
Thanks. You've been added back on the leaderboards now.