New Member
A very old but good game to play with mates is Supersonic Racers but it doesnt work on psp it will boot then freeze
I ordered my PSP a few days ago, should be getting it by sometime next week, I'll begin some major testing when I get it, I have A LOT of PSX RPGs![]()
Hey all,
Here is a question I probably should have asked prior to converting my old PS1 games into EBOOTS...
I am running 3.10 OE, how do I actually run the PSX games on the FW. Do I just put the EBOOTS into xSP/GAME folder, and boot like an ISO? or is there a different process.
Games I've tested with 3.02/3.03/3.10 OE:
[ Alien Trilogy ] NTSC-US Works fine with all pops.
[ D ] NTSC-US Works fine with all pops.
[ Darkstalkers ] NTSC-US Works fine with all pops.
[ Destruction Derby 1 ] NTSC-US Works fine with all pops.
[ Doom ] NTSC-US Works fine with all pops with CDDA. No CDDA hangs at loading screen.
[ Duke Nukem: Land of the Babes ] NTSC-US Works fine with all pops.
[ Final Doom ] NTSC-US Works fine with all pops with CDDA. No CDDA hangs at loading screen.
[ Gex 1 ] NTSC-US Works fine with all pops.
[ Jumping Flash! 1 ] NTSC-US Works fine with all pops.
[ Kileak ] NTSC-US Works fine with all pops.
[ Kingsfield 1 ] NTSC-US Works fine with all pops.
[ Kingsfield 2 ] NTSC-US Works fine with all pops.
[ Lemmings 3D ] NTSC-US Works fine with all pops.
[ Loaded ] NTSC-US Works fine with all pops with CDDA. No CDDA hangs.
[ Macross VFX2 ] NTSC-Jap Works fine with all pops.
[ Powerslave ] NTSC-US Works fine with all pops.
[ Primal Rage ] NTSC-US Works fine with all pops.
[ Rayman 1 ] NTSC-US Works fine with all pops with CDDA. No CDDA hangs.
[ Ridge Racer 1 ] NTSC-Jap Works fine with all pops. Needs CDDA for BGM.
[ Ten Pin Alley ] NTSC-US Works fine with all pops.
[ Tomb Raider 1 ] NTSC-US Works fine with all pops with CDDA. No CDDA hangs when starting level.
[ Tomba! 1 ] NTSC-US Works fine with 3.10+ pops. Hangs in cut-scense for earlier pops.
[ Twisted Metal 1 ] NTSC-US Works fine with all pops. Needs CDDA for BGM.
[ Twisted Metal 2 ] NTSC-US Works fine with all pops. Needs CDDA for BGM.
[ Warhawk ] NTSC-US Works fine with all pops.
[ Wild9 ] NTSC-US Works fine with all pops.
[ Wipeout 1 ] NTSC-US Works fine with all pops.
I may have missed one or two in there that need CDDA... generally speaking, if a game has CD audio tracks, it will likely hang if you don't make the EBOOT with CDDA. Some will work without the CD audio tracks, you just don't get BGM. Ripping as ISO, then converting is the leading cause of losing CDDA. Always rip as raw/game disc, then convert.
that is the biggest single contribution to this list i've seen yet,thanks a lot
added them up.
keep up the good work everyone![]()
Beyblade-Works Great
Crash bash-loads but crashes when try playing
Theme hospita- Works Greart
Whats pops for i have never used it. i used popsation to convert them to eboot
But my ps1 games run fine on my custom firmware and all i do is converter it to a iso then turn it to an eboot. I have never installed anything called pops on my psp. is it already built in to the custom fireware
Metal Gear Solid - works on 3.10 OE
havent reached second disc here yet
Question about saves: I have heard a lot about disc one saves not being recogonized by the 2nd dics eboot.
Is there a way to counter this?? It would be a big help becuase I am reaching 2nd disc points on both Xenogears and the above mentioned Metal Gear.
just gotta make sure the Game ID of the second disc is the same as the one you used in the first. PSX2PSP lets you edit this when converting a game.