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POPS Compatibility List

pal - final fantasy 7 works perfect with 3.10 pops, small glitches in 3.03 pops
legend of dragoon pal - works perfect but the screen is off if you know what i mean the screen placement
[Final Fantasy 8 NTSC] Works fine, but crashes when you use a spell

Tested with 3.03 POPS

Also on 3.02. I just found out the hard way when the serpent during the SeeD exam used a spell. Trying 3.01 now, hopefully 3.01 or 3.00 will work fine. 3.10+ has weird coloring on the overworld, and besides the fact that it crashes on 3.03, the opening pictures have lines through them.

EDIT: It may only be certain spells, at least with 3.02 and 3.01. Fire, Thunder, and Cure work fine.

EDIT EDIT: Huh, didn't crash in 3.01 when the serpent used Dark Mist. But then it didn't zoom in on it when it cast, either.

EDIT EDIT EDIT: BAD NEWS! FF8 is CONFIRMED to freeze up during the training zone boss battle (second battle with the 'boss' music.) When the boss monster attacks, there is a HIGH chance of it locking up. I'm gonna put camera movement to 0% and see if that has anything to do with it.

EDIT EDIT EDIT EDIT: Nope! putting the camera to 0% does not fix it. 100% SCREWED. D'oh! FF8 Confirmed NOT PLAYABLE after second boss! Hopefully whatever code is being called will be supported by 3.30 POPS. We'll just have to wait for 3.30 OE-A and see...
I see Legend of Dragoon NTSC says it works perfectly. Not entirely true! If you clock the CPU over 266, the game will at random decide to cut the sounds off early, and will stay that way once it starts doing so. Example: voice sample "Volcano!" cuts out at "Volc".

I use CWCheat to clock the CPU. (I don't say 'overclock' because that's not entirely true, the PSP was MADE to be clocked up to 333.)

I'm not sure if the settings in Recovery affect the clockspeed in POPS, as it merely says "UMD/ISO" or "XMB".

Note that clocking to the usual 222 in Legend of Dragoon will cause the sound to go all staticy. Anything BELOW that, and it's no longer full speed.

I might check later to see if my FF8 freeze is also related to clocking over a certain amount....EDIT: Nope.

EDIT EDIT: As much as I'd like to bump since this information is kinda important, I'd prefer not to double post if it can be avoided.

I have encountered the above sound problems with Legend of Dragoon NTSC ALSO with the CPU at 266. If I can find a way to prevent the problem from showing up, I'll let you guys know.

Also note that my suggestions to use Remapsp to create a better control scheme for Megaman Legends and Megaman Legends 2 are currently impossible, until the authors or Remapsp get it working under POPS.
Sorry for the wait...

Okay, guys, jeez, it took long enough. I know I posted over a week ago about testing games, sorry it took so long. I finally got my PSP and 4GB memory stick:-D , and I'm ready to rock. Here's what I've tested, all by myself. I'm running 3.03 OE-C, and I've played each one for at least an hour or so just to make sure they work in most of the screens/situations of the game (battle, status, world map, etc.). All games are NTSC-U unless otherwise noted.

Arc the Lad: Perfection.
Arc the Lad 2: Perfect.
Arc the Lad 3 CD1: Perfect. Dunno about switchin discs.
Armored Core: Perfect.
Armored Core- Project Phantasma: Perfect.
Battle Hunter: Perfectly, awesome to play with friends because all players use the same 'controller'.
Beyond the Beyond: Perfect.
Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain: Perfect.
Brave Fencer Musashi: Freezes after Intro.
Castlevania SotN: Works perfectly, wasn't far enough for wolf transformation.
Chocobo Dungeon: Perfect.
Clock Tower 1: Perfect.
Diablo: Freezes at loading screen
Digimon Digital Card Battle: Perfect.
Digimon World 1: Perfect.
Digimon World 2: Perfect.
Digimon World 3: Perfect.
Einhander: Perfect, but I'm playing a RIP without the music.
Eternal Eyes: Some transparency issues, but other than that perfect.
Final Fantasy VIII: Ya know, I've heard alot of people having problems with this, but I played it for, oh, 2 hours or so, went through the fire cave, drew/casted magic and everything. It never froze or anything, worked perfectly. Although I cannot vouch for the training area boss freezing thing, didn't make it that far.
Final Fantasy Tactics: Works perfectly, harder than I remember, though, cpu must get a tactical boost from the PSP processing power, lmao.
Gran Turismo 2 CD2 (sim disc): Perfect.
Gundam Battle Assault 2: Perfect.
Hoshigami- Ruining Blue Earth: Perfect.
Hot Shots Golf: Works perfectly.
King's Field (US): Some very slight slowdowns, but gameplay is perfect.
Legend of Legaia: Some gfx glitches, but very playable.
Legend of Mana: Good, although there are some weird splotches of glitch when you hit with the last hit of your combo, and also when you're using special moves. They go away a few seconds later, and although they're fairly obstructing of your view, they it don't make it unplayable.
Mega Man 8: Perfect.
Mr. Driller: Perfect.
Panzer Bandit (NTSC-J): Perfect.
Parasite Eve (Discs Combined): Perfect.
Persona: Perfect.
Saga Frontier: Certain textures and backdrops not there, pretty unplayable. Didn't make it to battle. Anyone know if this works on a newer version? this is one of my favorite games.
SaGa Frontier 2: Perfect.
Shadow Tower: Perfect, suprisingly, although looking up down (R2 L2) you use the analog stick left and right, it's just odd.
Spec Ops Airborne Commando: Perfect, although sneaking is hard (have to hold L2)
Strider 2: Perfection, albeit some slight slowdowns. Very badass, btw, try it if you never have.
Suikoden 2: Works perfectly, although I've read about the first boss crashing, didn't make it that far.
Tales of Destiny: Perfect.
Umihara Kawase Shun (NTSC-J): Perfect.
Vampire Hunter D: Works perfect.
Vandal Hearts 2: A few shading graphical glitches, but nothing that takes away from the gameplay at all, almost perfect.
Wild Arms: Works perfectly.
Wild Arms 2 CD1: some menu flickering problems in battle, but other than that, perfect! Dunno 'bout switchin discs, though...

Also, I have a question, is there a way to load a more recent version of POPS on 3.03OE-C? Because I've seen Popsloader for 3.10OE-A, but I've also read numerous problems about 3.10OE, so I'm sticking with 3.03OE for now... Just wonderin if there is some way and I'm just not findin' it.
let me just say i have compleated ff7 on my psp and it has never crashed yes i did beat every boss ruby wep and emerald wep. the only prob is when a battle starts it gose a bit funny but in and out of the battle its 100% perfect
Awesome, I'm definately gonna go through FF7 on my PSP, I still have my good ol' maxed out file on my PS1 memory card, all level 99, all master materia, etc.... ah, there went 7th grade :-D It seems like I had more time then than I have now in college, even though I spent alot more time at school back then. Oh well.
Awesome, I'm definately gonna go through FF7 on my PSP, I still have my good ol' maxed out file on my PS1 memory card, all level 99, all master materia, etc.... ah, there went 7th grade :-D It seems like I had more time then than I have now in college, even though I spent alot more time at school back then. Oh well.

I finished FF7 for the pc already..but I might play it again on the PSX just for kicks xP

love the game =D so... :P
Yea, two days, maybe if you were RUNNING through the game, playing nonstop for those 2 days, but then where was the fun?:crying:IT WAS GONE! You killed it... *tear*
Huh, Dax said in 3.30 OE-A's readme that his current Popsloader doesn't work right under 3.30 OE-A. Yet it's working fine for me.
JUMP-UP AND DOWN EXCITED! JUMP-UP AND DOWN EXCITED! *pant, pant, sigh* Okay, I'm better now... Now where was I... Oh, yes, SaGa Frontier works with 3.30! The glitches that happened on 3.03-C are now gone! YAY!
FF7 problems

Reposting this from another thread.

I encountered a problem on 3.30 and 3.40 OE's Popstation. If you're playing Final Fantasy 7 (US version, NTSC, SCUS94163), and if you encounter a Gagighandi (the dragon like creature) or Touch Me (frog like creature), and they perform certain types of attacks on your characters, the screen becomes garbled and the system becomes unplayable. You need to restart FF7.

Works fine on 3.10 OE-A' though.
just updated the list....thanks a lot to Cheeseball99 for that MASSIVE list of games.biggest contribution to the list yet i think. :)
From the updated list
[ Final Fantasy 7 ] PAL - Works perfect in 3.10 glitches in 3.03

Could be the same with the PAL version too, but the poster mentioned US NTSC. and it screws up in 3.30 and 3.40. Not 3.03. ;)

Reposting this from another thread.

I encountered a problem on 3.30 and 3.40 OE's Popstation. If you're playing Final Fantasy 7 (US version, NTSC, SCUS94163), and if you encounter a Gagighandi (the dragon like creature) or Touch Me (frog like creature), and they perform certain types of attacks on your characters, the screen becomes garbled and the system becomes unplayable. You need to restart FF7.

Works fine on 3.10 OE-A' though.