Sorry for the wait...
Okay, guys, jeez, it took long enough. I know I posted over a week ago about testing games, sorry it took so long. I finally got my PSP and 4GB memory stick:-D , and I'm ready to rock. Here's what I've tested, all by myself. I'm running 3.03 OE-C, and I've played each one for at least an hour or so just to make sure they work in most of the screens/situations of the game (battle, status, world map, etc.). All games are NTSC-U unless otherwise noted.
Arc the Lad: Perfection.
Arc the Lad 2: Perfect.
Arc the Lad 3 CD1: Perfect. Dunno about switchin discs.
Armored Core: Perfect.
Armored Core- Project Phantasma: Perfect.
Battle Hunter: Perfectly, awesome to play with friends because all players use the same 'controller'.
Beyond the Beyond: Perfect.
Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain: Perfect.
Brave Fencer Musashi: Freezes after Intro.
Castlevania SotN: Works perfectly, wasn't far enough for wolf transformation.
Chocobo Dungeon: Perfect.
Clock Tower 1: Perfect.
Diablo: Freezes at loading screen
Digimon Digital Card Battle: Perfect.
Digimon World 1: Perfect.
Digimon World 2: Perfect.
Digimon World 3: Perfect.
Einhander: Perfect, but I'm playing a RIP without the music.
Eternal Eyes: Some transparency issues, but other than that perfect.
Final Fantasy VIII: Ya know, I've heard alot of people having problems with this, but I played it for, oh, 2 hours or so, went through the fire cave, drew/casted magic and everything. It never froze or anything, worked perfectly. Although I cannot vouch for the training area boss freezing thing, didn't make it that far.
Final Fantasy Tactics: Works perfectly, harder than I remember, though, cpu must get a tactical boost from the PSP processing power, lmao.
Gran Turismo 2 CD2 (sim disc): Perfect.
Gundam Battle Assault 2: Perfect.
Hoshigami- Ruining Blue Earth: Perfect.
Hot Shots Golf: Works perfectly.
King's Field (US): Some very slight slowdowns, but gameplay is perfect.
Legend of Legaia: Some gfx glitches, but very playable.
Legend of Mana: Good, although there are some weird splotches of glitch when you hit with the last hit of your combo, and also when you're using special moves. They go away a few seconds later, and although they're fairly obstructing of your view, they it don't make it unplayable.
Mega Man 8: Perfect.
Mr. Driller: Perfect.
Panzer Bandit (NTSC-J): Perfect.
Parasite Eve (Discs Combined): Perfect.
Persona: Perfect.
Saga Frontier: Certain textures and backdrops not there, pretty unplayable. Didn't make it to battle. Anyone know if this works on a newer version? this is one of my favorite games.
SaGa Frontier 2: Perfect.
Shadow Tower: Perfect, suprisingly, although looking up down (R2 L2) you use the analog stick left and right, it's just odd.
Spec Ops Airborne Commando: Perfect, although sneaking is hard (have to hold L2)
Strider 2: Perfection, albeit some slight slowdowns. Very badass, btw, try it if you never have.
Suikoden 2: Works perfectly, although I've read about the first boss crashing, didn't make it that far.
Tales of Destiny: Perfect.
Umihara Kawase Shun (NTSC-J): Perfect.
Vampire Hunter D: Works perfect.
Vandal Hearts 2: A few shading graphical glitches, but nothing that takes away from the gameplay at all, almost perfect.
Wild Arms: Works perfectly.
Wild Arms 2 CD1: some menu flickering problems in battle, but other than that, perfect! Dunno 'bout switchin discs, though...
Also, I have a question, is there a way to load a more recent version of POPS on 3.03OE-C? Because I've seen Popsloader for 3.10OE-A, but I've also read numerous problems about 3.10OE, so I'm sticking with 3.03OE for now... Just wonderin if there is some way and I'm just not findin' it.