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POPS Compatibility List

From the updated list

Could be the same with the PAL version too, but the poster mentioned US NTSC. and it screws up in 3.30 and 3.40. Not 3.03. ;)

well,it was a duplicate of a previous entry...someone else had tried it before and it had worked....i'll change it to mention the errors in 3.30 and 3.40
well,it was a duplicate of a previous entry...someone else had tried it before and it had worked....i'll change it to mention the errors in 3.30 and 3.40

Ah. When I first saw his post in another thread, and I directed him here, I coulda sworn FF7 wasn't on the list for some odd reason. o.O

But yeah, I'd say 'works fine on 3.10 pops. Currently, all other pops versions have issues.'

EDIT: Some extra info on Xenogears: Definite framerate issues in busy scenes. Slightly glitchy sounds sometimes, but not too bad.
Warcraft 2 Dark Saga

Warcraft 2 Dark Saga

Does anyone try this PS1 game on the PSP???

A have 3.40OE and sometimes it freezes.... :(

Warcraft 2 Dark Saga

Does anyone try this PS1 game on the PSP???

A have 3.40OE and sometimes it freezes.... :(


Can you pinpoint exactly what freezes the game (i.e. certain actions from certain units), or is it just at random? If it happens quite frequently, like, say, within 5-10 minutes of gameplay, someone could test it on earlier versions of POPS.

Assuming you actually own the game, try ripping a new image of the CD. Your current image may be corrupt.
Grandia US Version - Ran fine on earlier Versions... (3.03...) but on 3.40 its now really weird sized... (The Screen) - and even on fullscreen its only like 2/3 of screen used...

Besides that - works fine
I have now figured out what Dark_AleX meant. In 3.30 and 3.40 OE-A, popsloader cannot load pops version 3.03 or below. You can still switch to 3.10 and 3.11 pops just fine, however.
just updated the list....thanks a lot to Cheeseball99 for that MASSIVE list of games.biggest contribution to the list yet i think. :)

Hey, you posted it on my bday, yay!

But yea, no problem, man, anytime!:thumbup1:
NFL Blitz 2000, Works great.
MK tril, Works great, some sounds problems.
Crash 1-3, Perfect.
Resident Evil Directors cut, Perfect so far.
Monster Rancher, Perfect.
Diablo, Perfect.
Red Alert, Perfect.
Midevil, Perfect.
Castlevania SOTN, Some reason only on my psp, when ever you transform into the dog and run, screen behind you goes black. Also the outer wall, when you teleport there, as you exit the door to outer wall if you jump it freezes...odd part...only on me psp ...hmm :(

Just wondering how the monster generating works with that game and perhaps if you know about the second one since i assume this is the copy where you use different discs. If this is not thw case don't bother answering the question.

has anyone managed to get this game working on the 3.40 OE A firmware?

It used to crash when the teams tossed a coin. the only game mode that worked was classic match mode.

if I use icetea 1.3 to convert the iso to BRIAN LARA CRICKET SLES 00759, is their a chance to fix the coin tossing error?

I'd like a psp cricket game!

just tried it and it still crashes at the coin toss! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
mteal gear solid runs perfectly when first launched from the xmb. But if you try to use the reset button on the menu when you click home, it goes to a point and then it turns black.
Has anyone found a way to get Brave Fencer Musashi working using POPs? I'm running a PHAT with the 3.71 M33-3 (w 1.50 kernel) and I've tried several times but cannot get Musashi to work. I've read there are some alternate GAME IDs you can try, can someone help me with this?
Earthworm Jim 2 (PAL) works great on 3.40OE-A. Any higher and the game runs too fast and will crash when teleporting to the "Catch the door" level.
I'm using PSX2PSP to create my EBOOT files to run the games on my PSP. Is there anything particular I need to know? I pick the iso, customize as needed it chooses the IDs for me and then I hit convert. It works fine so far...except for Brave Fencer. My real question is this, since there are all theses versions of the fw... do I have to use a certain EBOOT when creating my games?
I'm using PSX2PSP to create my EBOOT files to run the games on my PSP. Is there anything particular I need to know? I pick the iso, customize as needed it chooses the IDs for me and then I hit convert. It works fine so far...except for Brave Fencer. My real question is this, since there are all theses versions of the fw... do I have to use a certain EBOOT when creating my games?

no,all the EBOOTS created with PSX2PSP will work on all custom firmware as far as i know. if you've tried ISO's other than Brave Fencer and they work then i would say it might be a bad rip of the game disc. you should try cleaning the disc and ripping it again. also, some games do require a different Game ID since Sony has put in patches for certain games in pops (the playstation emulator). you can find them here
Do I change both the GAME ID and the SAVE ID or just the GAME ID?

just the GAME ID. the save ID is only really used for games with multiple discs like final fantasy 7 so that you can continue your game,it doesnt matter about changing it
Crash Bash - Works fine for me, 100%
Crash Bandicoot 1-3 - #1 is fine until 3rd Island, 2-3 is fine 100%
Spyro the Dragon - 100%
I've been playing Final Fantasy VII NTSC all week with no problems whatsoever.
Using 3.90 M33-3 with POPS 3.71 on normal disc speed and no compression (I haven't tried compressing it yet so I don't know if compression really is an issue)