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Post your internet speed

I don't expect this to last:

That's our current hotel room connection for E3 which is great for being free. Although it's still early in the week and there are a ton of people still yet to check in

Hopefully it holds up :p Internet at the hotel I stayed at last year was a disaster, slow and could only connect at the lobby.
Hopefully it holds up :p Internet at the hotel I stayed at last year was a disaster, slow and could only connect at the lobby.

Last year it was very shotty for me in this same hotel where I ended up using my phone for internet. I'm crossing my fingers this year. Either way it will be a nice upgrade from your hotel last year

EDIT: Well there it goes...back to being a crappy connection. Was working perfectly fine and then just crapped out on me. Think I'll be using my phone's connection again this year if it keeps up


In halls residence now in the centre of London, that was the shared net connection over wifi (802.11n). It is the open one though so maybe when I get my login details on Thursday, there'll be a difference on the other network SSID here.

This is on the proper SSID and at half 9 at night. It's been shit for quite a bit of the night but seems good now. Would much rather an ethernet connection though.
At my internship:


Connection performs a lot better than what it seems like (feels a lot slower)
My connection always makes me laugh... It's so much better on-campus though so I'll try that next time I'm at a lab practical or something.

My connection always makes me laugh... It's so much better on-campus though so I'll try that next time I'm at a lab practical or something.


A better upload than download? Now that's unusual. Makes sense if you're at a location in which they upload a lot of material (content creators)
Looks like Verizon is testing out 4G LTE in my area now. Nice to have a phone that is capable now (and will actually be useful if I go to E3 ever again).

New house :D


Crazy thing is that we'll be switching ISP and hopefully be getting 100Mbps. Will post again after that's happened.
New house :D


Crazy thing is that we'll be switching ISP and hopefully be getting 100Mbps. Will post again after that's happened.

Dayum, nice. Wish I had faster upload - still stuck with 1.5Mb/s here.