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New Member
Cause I would look so clean in it, I can see it now.

I'll look at the ties when I get there.


MFM Survivor
Get a cane.
Someone at my prom brought a cane, and he actually looked VERY sharp.
It's just his personality, though.
Some other people brought buckethead masks. You know, those plain white ones. Creepy as fuck, but by the middle of the dance, the two masks were being past around like joints.


Active Member
A white tux with a blue tie will looks ugly as fuck. Especially on a kid who doesn't look that straight to start with and has blonde hair.


New Member
Is tomorrow, cannot wait.

Got my tux, haircut, dinner reservations, raincoats, and a lot of other stuff.

Cannot wait. Got a black tux, I will take some photos to share...


New Member
I am not buying. Don't think I am going to do it. Scared


Dude, I did a white tux, blue vest and pink tie, along with some blue white and orange skate shoes I had, It look sooo sick Was amazing. White is the bomb, at least on me.


Staff member
Enforcer Team
Game Info Editor
I am not buying. Don't think I am going to do it. Scared

Either way, be sure to take pics of the others getting bent on X.


New Member
Firstly, my apologies to Sullivan for hijacking his topic for a bit..

@ Torch I guess you're from B'lore but not me. Although I do feel sorry about the situation there its not so in the entire country so FFS stop making such misleading posts that gives people the wrong idea. I'm from Cal which is in the eastern part of country, although a predominantly communist state we have no problems here with men and women freely socializing in public places like bars & nightclubs and there are no goons here who comes and beats us up..

Yes, India does have a very conservative society but ask yourself one question..how can a country which has given the world a book like Kama Sutra get so fckn conservative?

Answer - ISLAM (History Lessons) Centuries back when India was mostly ruled by Buddhist kings with non-violent principles Islamic rulers from the middle east invaded and took over the country. They butchered non-Islamics(Hindus and Buddhists), forcefully converted people to Islam, spread that ultra-conservative Sharia law and eventually (few centuries later) were relieved of their noble obligations by the British who in their turn exploited the hell out of the country economically resulting in the sociocultural mess that India is today. That'll be all for this class, for tomorrow an essay in 200 words or more on "Why India Sucks" :)

And that's why I'm glad I don't live in India. Talk about corrupt and messed up.

Boy..u really hate us..don't u? I guess we deserve most of it..:closedeyes:
WTG Torch..I'll be recommending you for a national medal soon..u deserve it bud..gratz :)

Back to the topic;

Again Sullivan please accept my apology..I just had to say the thing I did above. When someone says something bad about your country it hurts..cuz its personal..ur self, ur family, ur whole goddamn race gets vilified. :(

Good luck for ur prom btw..might be a bit belated right now though. All ideas I have about prom are from the American Pie and other teenage movies..and they're so coooool :D Guess you guys are way cooler than that IRL..wish we had 'em here :closedeyes: Always wondered about one thing though..how are Prom Kings and Queens selected? Is it just the best looking pair or is there a contest of some kind? If its just looks, its kinda lame IMO..
Anyways GL again bud..have a blast. :)

P.S. Just to avoid messing up this really cool and evidently personal thread, I'll be accepting all flames as PM. So flame on..if you may :)


New Member
I was nervous from the start, had to mow the lawn like 2-3 hours before I got ready, so I did that, and the whole time I had this knot in my stomach cause I was nervouse.

I didn't even know what I looked like in my tux, nor if I looked good in it. I had only tried it on, and the guy at mens warehouse was like, it fits.

So ya, after I mowed, I got ready, picked her up, took pictures at her place, went to my place, took pictures, dad let me borrow his new Durango with a Hemi!!! FTW.

Anyways, after my place went to the Country Club in sweetwater in Sugar Land, if you know the area, its a really damn nice place to go. Took pictures there with friends.

I would share then with you guys, but I don't want to go around posting them.

After that we went to a Place called Carmello's, some italian restataraunt, and I got the Baby Shrimp Cheese Lasagna, and a few others did too.

So I ate, and I think I had eaten too much, stomach was like saying "too much". So I paid and left a tip, it was like 50$ almost with tip. It was a large table of like 7-8 couples, each was like 50$ total. Wow.

So anyways, left and took more pictures out side of restaurant, and then got in car, I wanted to take an anti-acid pill, but didn't feel that bad at the time.

Got to prom, and walked in, it was crazy, anyone could have really just have walked in, no ticket need to be shown, you did have to sign a paper, but nothing had to be proven, it was funny.

Anyways, got there, and she was like pulling me all around and stuff, you know.

When we walked in the dance room, it was great, blue lights all over, looks like a really nice club, it wasn't though, just a ball room with dj. Only rap was played, but oh well.

Got my dance on, while still having an upset stomach, anyone experience that? Dancing on a upset stomach, and she was dancing all dirty and stuff, and I just played a long lol.

Anyways, it was fun till she started talking to one of my friends (another girl) she was crying, something happened between her and her boyfriend, so ya, she started to ignore me and talk and dance with her more.

And then my stomach hurt and got really upset. Told her I need to go sit down, and she was like aww, I ended up going to the restroom, far before this point, I felt like I was going to puke over all my friends, and I was like, I gota get to the rest room, got there and puked right away in the sink, rinsed it out, and my mount, then went to a stall, and puked and puked.

Then went back, washed my mouth out again, and cleaned my self up.

Glad I didn't get anything on the tux.

My friend tony came in, hadn't really talked to him since like 7th or 8th grade, and he was like, is everything ok. And I was like ya, must have been something I ate at the restaurant.

So I go back, and grab a mouth full of these little mints and shove them in my mouth.

Go up to her and I was like I am feeling better.

So ya, that was bad, then it was time to go.

My friend Jake Burnside, omg, a very tallented guy, in which I see going into the music industry, and going very far in life, both him and his bro are very musically gifted, started playing the pianno at the hotel, it was cool. And we just hung out there for a while.

Then we were going to goto the beach for a party. But my date needed to tell her parents, and wanted to lie, and then her dads like, no be home at 3 not 4. So she got all pissed and is just like take me home...

There goes... lol anyways...

dropped her off. I was really thirsty, so I was looking all over for some place that was open on my way home. Theres a CVS at the front of my neighborhood, and I was like, they have to be open. So I run in, get a powerrade, thinking it will be nice on an upset stomach, and I get a red bull too, for the next day.

So I walk out, then I remember this other girl, that freshman that I have been talking about, So I run in, grab a rose, it was like 3$, and then walk out, and get into the car. Now I am looking for a pen and some paper, I can only find a piece of paper, my dad I guess does't keep a pen in there, but everything else, haha. SO I run back in for the third time, and I am like, can I borrow a pen, then I write on the paper "From: Ty" thats my nickname she has given me, Ty, comes from part of my name... so its like 1:20AM and I run by her house, and park, lay it on the front porch and walk away, and drove home.

Right now, she is kind of in trouble due to grades, and she has boy issues in the past, so her mom doesn't fully trust her, so its hard for her mom to let her do things.

I got home, and remembered, that shes not home this weekend, shes with her dad for the weekend, so I am hoping her mom here picks up the rose today, and keeps it for her.

I wish I wrote To: And her name on it, so she knows exactly who its for, but she should know.

So ya, got home, and since I got a new monitor, my bed was filled with all the stuff that was on my desk seeing as I threw it all off so I could put the massive thing on there.

So my bed had no room on it for me to sleep, so I slept downstairs on the couch, and eneded up waking up several times and throwing up, till all the green enchiladas were out of my system basically.

So ya, going to goto the mall here shortly, and return my tux, and pick up some boardshorts for the pool.

So ya, thats what happened.


Active Member
After most proms, people get laid by their dates and then it becomes an epic story. But it's a Sullivan prom, what more can you expect?

Craig Fairfax

illuminati Vereran
what? i did nothing with no one that night. :angry:

I think that's that problem.:laugh:

And not to sound like a total d-bag but your prom night sounded terrible.
You got sick, your date ignored you, and upon the realization that you aren't going to get any pussy, you decide to leave some cheap rose on a doorstep for some 14 or 15 year old slide that isn't even home hoping that maybe she'll give you pity head in a McDonalds restroom someday. And to end this epic night of prodigious disappointments you vomit some more and sleep on a sofa.


New Member
^^ WOW DUDE ^^

to start, shes not 14-15, shes 16. so there

I did leave a rose, stfu

I did go over to her real dads house yesterday, and brought flowers, and they had a party, everyone there loved me, and kept complimenting on how cute we were together the other night.

sealing the deal soon.

stop hating


I think that's that problem.:laugh:

And not to sound like a total d-bag but your prom night sounded terrible.
You got sick, your date ignored you, and upon the realization that you aren't going to get any pussy, you decide to leave some cheap rose on a doorstep for some 14 or 15 year old slide that isn't even home hoping that maybe she'll give you pity head in a McDonalds restroom someday. And to end this epic night of prodigious disappointments you vomit some more and sleep on a sofa.

I lol'd.

Also, for being a really expensive restaurant, it sounds like its food is shit. Even Taco Bell doesn't give me those problems, and its a dollar for a burrito.