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New Member
lol, I know that, but thats not really what I was asking.


New Member
Dude Prom is a bulls**t, I totally agree with your girl,.
Put the money into something else and spend the whole night together,
as for me I definitely gonna do that!
I mean who care about meeting other people with fancy dress but in the end you dont really have your unforgettable moment together just because you two occupied with the prom thingy.

I mean be creative, putting more than 300 bucks for a prom is a stupid thing to do.


Active Member
175$ is a lot of dough. You could take here 2 a five star restaurant or something for that much. Frankly its better to spend time alone with her than amongst a bunch 'o morons.

I'd never see a prom in my life though. The very idea of having a prom is unspeakably immoral here. You'd be shunned by society to even suggest such a thing. Two months ago the government sent goons to beat up women in bars all over the state.


Suck It
I'd never see a prom in my life though. The very idea of having a prom is unspeakably immoral here. You'd be shunned by society to even suggest such a thing. Two months ago the government sent goons to beat up women in bars all over the state.

And that's why I'm glad I don't live in India. Talk about corrupt and messed up.


Active Member
And that's why I'm glad I don't live in India. Talk about corrupt and messed up.

The government says that men and women socializing in public places unless you're married, is highly immoral. And the worst part is these guys aren't even in power. We're hoping they don't win the election.

First they sent police armed with batons to beat up couples in public parks. Then they sent goons to bars to beat up the women in bars because they say women should go to pubs/bars.

Now the goons are running around accompanied by an official magistrate, and if they see unmarried couples in public, they kidnap them and forcibly make them sign a registered marriage.


S For So Not Mature
The government says that men and women socializing in public places unless you're married, is highly immoral. And the worst part is these guys aren't even in power. We're hoping they don't win the election.

First they sent police armed with batons to beat up couples in public parks. Then they sent goons to bars to beat up the women in bars because they say women should go to pubs/bars.

Now the goons are running around accompanied by an official magistrate, and if they see unmarried couples in public, they kidnap them and forcibly make them sign a registered marriage.

Thats amazing i couldnt amagine them doing such a thing in ireland or UK.

They actually sent people to beat up women? wow thats low.

Why do they do such things for?

On topic:

Prom is like a dance right? where people so call lose there virginity in america?

Or is that what the movies make it out to be?


Active Member
Prom is like a dance right? where people so call lose there virginity in america?

Or is that what the movies make it out to be?

Maybe its simply about the party? A school arranged one where you see everyone from class, including people you wouldn't normally call if you threw a party.


S For So Not Mature
Maybe its simply about the party? A school arranged one where you see everyone from class, including people you wouldn't normally call if you threw a party.

Perhaps i as going what i saw in the movies which never tell the whole story.

Maybe someone who goes to proms can tell me?


New Member
Ya, I got a prom date! Not the one I wanted, but I got a fine girl...


New Member
With that attitude you're defo going to get laid!

Hey now...

There was two girls I was going to go with, or more like choose from...

Girl 1 and Girl 2. I've know girl 1 for 2 years, and girl 2 for a semester.
But Girl 2 I met through girl 1, lol. So she knows all about me and what a great guy I am. :p

So no matter what, I wanted to bring either one, but girl 1 was more of a want, by like 10%.

What should I get a white or black tux? Shes where a baby blue dress.

And yes, you guys will get photos.


Active Member
Hey now...

There was two girls I was going to go with, or more like choose from...

Girl 1 and Girl 2. I've know girl 1 for 2 years, and girl 2 for a semester.
But Girl 2 I met through girl 1, lol. So she knows all about me and what a great guy I am. :p [qimg]http://www.mysmiley.net/imgs/smile/adult/cooter.gif[/qimg]

So no matter what, I wanted to bring either one, but girl 1 was more of a want, by like 10%.

What should I get a white or black tux? Shes where a baby blue dress.

And yes, you guys will get photos.

Black tux.


New Member
IM thinking white, cause I look good in white.

And its getting to the point, where I might have to buy a tux instead of renting due to the fact that I am getting everything so late. I don't know. Have to see.

White tux with baby blue tie + baby blue dress = win+secks