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PSP Custom Firmware 3.52 M33 Update #2


Staff member
Enforcer Team
Game Info Editor

Team M33 have released 3.52 M33-2, a feature update to their 3.52 custom firmware series. Noteworthy changes include compatibility with iR Shell's usbhost and nethost features for playing PSone games, a built-in option to format flash1, and full support for both Chinese and Korean languages.

Additionally, the release is bundled with a plugin that supports previous versions of POPS (aka the PSone emulator) on 3.52 M33-2.


- Document.dat of psx games were broken due to some important changes in popsman.prx and now is fixed.
Plus, now document.dat does not need the same gameid as game which is played.

- The compatibility issue with irshell loading psx games in usbhost/nethost has been solved.

- Changes in recovery:

1. Removed the advanced config option "use isofs on UMD inserted", as it is not useful now.
2. Added "Format flash1 and restore settings" in Advanced.
3. Added speeds 20 and 100.
4. When in usb mode inside recovery, it is impossible to turn PSP off.

- The chineses and korean languages did not work in XMB, because they crashed homebrew and recovery.
The issue has been fixed, but korean font is not there, so you need to take it with psardumper from official updater, and put it in flash0:/font/kr0.pgf.

- M33 driver: fixed SBK07, now it work.

With this release we also a plugin to load pops from 3.40, 3.51, and 3.52.
The plugin works in 3.51 M33 and 3.52 M33. In 3.51 M33 you won't see option "3.51", and in 3.52 M33
you won't see option "3.52" (use original from flash for same firmware).

Instructions: copy seplugins to the root of the memory stick. Extract the following prx of a firmware: /kd/popsman.prx, /kd/pops.prx, /vsh/modules/libpspvmc.prx and /vsh/modules/pafmini.prx and copy them to /seplugins/popsloader/ with names like popsman3XX, pops3XX.prx, libpspvmc3XX.prx, pafmini3XX.prx, where XX is 40, 51, or 52.

Activate the plugin in recovery and done! First time you run a game, it will let you choose pops version.
Next time will remember configuration for each game; press R to change it.

The plugin doesn't apply to psn games.

Team M33

Please note you must be running 3.52 M33 to apply this update!

Download 3.52 M33 Update #2 / Changelog / Donate to Team M33

PSP 3.52 M33-2 [Team M33]
update works perfectly. Just one question, what is pops?

PSone emulator. With the plugin included in this release you can load previous versions of pops (specifically 3.40, 3.51, and 3.52). Useful because some games have issues with the 3.52 pops, but worked fine on 3.40.
update works perfectly. Just one question, what is pops?

:ohmy: Pops is one of the best reasons TO USE CUSTOM FIRMWARE! IMO, at least.:p
Would it be okay to delete the seplugins folder after the update?

Yea its not even needed for the installation... just if you want to use the plugin you can copy that folder over at any time.
It'd be nice if M33 fixed it so I wouldn't have to turn my plugins off to run 3.51/3.52 homebrews. It's not too much of an issue, just annoying if I forget WHY my homebrew isn't working, and freak out. Is there any way to contact them about things like that? I'd leave a comment on a donation or something, but I need to wait till I pay my college tuition before I know how much I can afford to donate.
i knew about the ps1 emulator i was wondering what exactly did the plugin do?

It lets you pick which version from which firmware of the emulator you want to use, because some versions have some problems with some, others don't.
sorry guys but iam a bit lost.
Coppied files over to psp, than ran update.
Now i can go into the recovery screen e.t.c but my psp does not goto psp screen?
sorry guys but iam a bit lost.
Coppied files over to psp, than ran update.
Now i can go into the recovery screen e.t.c but my psp does not goto psp screen?

Sounds like a semi-brick to me. use the recovery system from recovery mode. by placing a copy of the 1,50 firmware on your memory stick in X:/PSP/game/RECOVERY/ and make sure it's called EBOOT.PBP. then from recovery mode run the file. I hope that helps
how do i get 1.5 firmware onto psp mem. card.

in recovery mode you have the option to toggle USB, do so and place THIS FILE in that location. remember to rename it to EBOOT.PBP first.
sorry guys but iam a bit lost.
Coppied files over to psp, than ran update.
Now i can go into the recovery screen e.t.c but my psp does not goto psp screen?

Sounds like a semi-brick to me. use the recovery system from recovery mode. by placing a copy of the 1,50 firmware on your memory stick in X:/PSP/game/RECOVERY/ and make sure it's called EBOOT.PBP. then from recovery mode run the file. I hope that helps

running the 3.52M33-2 update on a NON-3.52M33 can surely semi-brick your PSP.
you forgot something, TimTiger, you need some specific files included in the recovery folder as well to downgrade back to 1.5 on your PSP.

Follow THIS guide here, and be sure to format your ms card.