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PSP Developers Thread


So, I know there is approx 3 programmers on this forums so far, so I thought I'd start a Development Thread.

So what are you working on?

Do you plan to release it?


Atm I'm going through the paf and updating all my nids. It's a time consuming job but the end result is worth it.
meh.... depending on my work ethic, mood, time of day, position of the sun, and spark of ideas, i will be working on one of the following:
a. nothing (80%)
b. some online game that im not sure if itll be one game or another, probly another since thats easier, but i cant work on it much since i can't make up my damn mind on how everything should be (4%)
c. clone of or extremely similar game to desktop tower defense (6%)
d. some rpg to show the "Hi I started lua a week ago and now I am making final fantasy for psp" people how to do it (7%)
c. a script to do some of my homework for me (3%)

i suppose i have grown a bit bored of general psp homebrew game development, i like to just ponder ideas and think more.... i have thought out all kinds of concepts and ideas but there is so much I don't know, so i try to learn it, but what i already do know can create so much i can never pick something to make.... i suppose im stuck until i gtfo of my lua pit and get serious with c++
I've got a small-ish game in the works for a release around Christmas. If I really worked at it, I could have it out in a matter of days, but I really can't be bothered too, to be honest. Odds are it won't get much of a response, considering the same sort of game has been done on PSP time and time again, so I'd say I'm making it for personal gain, to become a more experienced programmer.
Lately I've been messing with Adhoc/Gamesharing a lot, but I'm not planning on releasing anything.
I seriously think the SDK should be more documented, 'cause every time I need to use an un-popular function that's not used a lot I have to mess with it for hours. (sceAdhocPTP*)
But I guess that's just a part of the fun :)
Not everyone's good at reverse engineering Davee :P
SilverSpring posts all these random functions that no one knows about on his blog from time to time, some of them look useful.
I've went that way before, I used a function to restart the kernel (like M33 does when you launch a game these days). Dax used to have a list of all the known functions (to him) on his site, but now it's SilverSpring's job to find the unknown NIDs :P

SilverSpring's blog
His PRX Library documentation

Is there no usergroup for devs here? Not so that they have more privledges, just so that they're recognised. I mean, I'm a lua dev, and a bad one at that, so I wouldn't be too bothered, but I think it'd be nice for a few other developers here. Just a thought.
Freshmilk said:
Is there no usergroup for devs here? Not so that they have more privledges, just so that they're recognised. I mean, I'm a lua dev, and a bad one at that, so I wouldn't be too bothered, but I think it'd be nice for a few other developers here. Just a thought.
That's being put into consideration as we speak, it's one of the future plans.
We'll announce the news on the site (after it's finished being coded) if we add/remove anything.
eldiablov said:
One day I will force myself to experiment with the jello physics library ...

One day :/
I should probably finish up that blob volleyball game I was working on a couple of months ago... I haven't touched it since lol
eldiablov said:
One day I will force myself to experiment with the jello physics library ...

One day :/
One day I will force myself to make a custom firmware...

One day :/

I've done a little bit of work programing on the PSP in LUA, but I got distracted and that was like 2 years ago.

I've done a little with flash tho.
Freshmilk said:
I saw your system software unlimited charactors plug in. Off topic, but nice work, dude. :tup:

Thanks. It's not off topic anyway. Basically, this is a (PSP) dev chat thread. So its cool =D
Davee said:
Reverse vshctrl, nao.

I hate you xD

K, all you have to do is explain structs and pointers to me and i'll give it a try. I understand references to the sce2 struct or whatever like ->modname etc. But not actually accessing a struct that you dont even know exists ...